July 5, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11433

French Rap Song NO PASARAN Calls To Vote For 'New Popular Front': 'Give A Blow With Stick To Bitches In Heat' Far-Right Marine Le Pen And Marion Marechal; Singer Says 'I Am Loading My Kalashnikov,' Adds: 'Palestine From The [French River] Seine To The Jordan River'

July 5, 2024
Special Dispatch No. 11433

A few days after the first round of the French parliamentary elections the YouTube channel "NO PASARAN" shared a violent video attacking the far-right National Rally (NR), which scored close to 34%, and encouraging listeners to vote for the left-wing New Popular Front (NPF), which scored close to 28%.[1]

The phrase "¡No pasarán! (They shall not pass!)" was first used in World War I, and became the slogan associated with the Defense of Madrid. In this rap video, "they" refers to the National Rally.

The song was composed and performed by a group of 20 French rappers, including Sofiane, Zola, Kerchak, RK, Soso Maness, Zed, UZI, ASHE 22, Nahir, ISK, Mac Tyer, Alkpote, Cokein, Akhenaton, Pit Baccardi, Seth Gueko, Demi Portion, Decimo, Relo, and Costa.

While claiming to be only "artistically violent," the song's lyrics include insults and threats directed at specific individuals. Among other insults, it calls NR president Jordan Bardella a dead man, and calls to f*** his mother. The singer also threatens to "come out with a big caliber" if the "fascists" [i.e. the NR] win the second round of elections. The song attacks Freemasons, accusing: "You feed on the blood you consume ."

The video attacks other figures as well, including the French-Tunisian Imam of Drancy Hassen Chalghoumi, who has long promoted interfaith dialogue and understanding. The video says: "F*** Imam Chalghoumi and those who will follow the Sheytan [Satan] at any price." It further castigates "Parliament members" who "want to insert a sim in our blood," accompanied by a photo of Bill Gates in the background, possibly referring to the Covid vaccine. Prominent NR members Marine le Pen and Marion Marechal are called "whores," and the video suggests beating "these bitches in heat" with a stick.

In another violent outburst, the lyrics encourage: "Come on, let's take our bayonets."

The final part of the video focuses on Palestine: "My heart is in Palestine"…"Palestine from the [French river] Seine to the Jordan River."

A line at the beginning of the video states that all the proceeds from the song will go to the French charity Fondation de l'Abbe Pierre. As of July 4, NO PASARAN has amassed 99,000 likes and 1.8 million views.

Following are excerpts from the video's lyrics and a few still images from the video.

The Lyrics

"Because we have no choice anymore, NO PASARAN […] F*** the [National] Rally […] We are voting against the pigs. [French NR president] Jordan [Bardella], you're dead. […] Get up and vote. Don't remain seated because France is us. […] We are not voting for Marine [Le Pen], and f*** Bardella's mother. If the fascists win, I will come out with a big caliber [gun] […] They [Government people] are all Freemasons. […] I have three citizenships. I can't choose between the three. […] It's Bardella over here, Bardella over there. Let him get out of here, or not. […]

"I am loading my Kalashnikov […] Fuck Imam Chalghoumi and those who follow Satan at any price. […] Marine [Le Pen] and Marion [Marechal], these whores, a blow with a stick on these bitches in heat […] F*** all the Parliament members who manipulate the statistics [presumably of election results]. We do [only] artistic violence. They harm our kids. They want to inject sims into our blood [presumably through vaccines] […] You Freemason, you feed on the blood you consume. In their embassies, they are passionate about Satan. F*** [far-right French Jewish political figure] Eric Zemmour […]

"France is becoming America, to fall after the [World Trade Center] two towers […] And my heart is in Palestine. We remain proud. These are our principles. And my heart is in Palestine. […] I am everywhere at home. I am a foreigner according to foreigners who come from where I live. […] This must continue, the march before the purge […] You need to keep the NPF up with all the ballots. Long live Palestine from the [French river] Seine to the Jordan River. F*** Jordan [Bardella]. He is a puppet. Let's take out our bayonets […]"

Still Images From The Video

"Jordan, you're dead."

"If the fascists win, I'll come out with a big caliber."

"I am reloading my Kalashnikov."

"F*** Imam Chalghoumi and those who follow Satan."

"Marine and Marion the whores"

"A blow with a stick on these bitches in heat"

"You Freemason, you feed on the blood you consume."

"Yeah, France is us."

"Long live Palestine from the [French river] Seine to the Jordan River"


[1] YouTube, July 1, 2024.


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