March 7, 2013 Special Announcements No. 225

For International Women's Day – MEMRI Reports On Women's Rights In The Middle East

March 7, 2013
Special Announcements No. 225

Over the past 15 years, MEMRI has published hundreds of Special Dispatch and Inquiry & Analysis reports, and MEMRI TV clips, on the situation of women in the Middle East and South Asia.

Today we are publishing 5 new reports on this topic, for International Women's Day, March 8; the reports focus, among other issues, on the U.N. theme for International Women's Day 2013 – "Time for Action to End Violence Against Women."

Special Dispatch No. 5222

Female Saudi Columnist: Status Of Women In Arab World Is Improving Due To Political Decisions, Not Popular Will

In her January 15, 2013 column in the London-based Saudi daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, Saudi academic Amal 'Abd Al-'Aziz Al-Hazzani addressed the erosion of the status of women in the Arab world over the past year, saying that many had suffered verbal or physical attacks. However, she said, the negative and abusive treatment of women is historic and does not originate in the Arab Spring.

Also in her column, Al-Hazzani criticized women themselves, noting that some do not implement their rights and fail to take opportunities for bettering their lives, for fear of censure. She stressed that women must deal with change and difficulty if they want to improve her situation.

The following are excerpts from the column:

"During the past year, many women in the Arab world, in various professions, suffered verbal or physical attacks. Doctors, media personalities, and academics faced invective that reached the level of slander and accusations of unbelief and corruption. [This was] especially [apparent] on the internet, which allows [users] to curse freely; [Arab] societies are new to free speech and have yet to learn how to use this gift responsibly.

Female Saudi Columnist: Status Of Women In Arab World Is Improving Due To Political Decisions, Not Popular Will


Inquiry & Analysis No. 945

Women And Gender In Saudi Arabia Through The Cartoons Of 'Abd Al-Rahman Al-Al-Zahrani

The topic of gender and women's status in Saudi Arabia is complex and fascinating, and poses a difficult task for researchers. Saudi society, being a traditional, conservative and closed society, does not enable easy access to those seeking to reveal its secrets. In order to research this topic from an unconventional angle, I decided to examine the cartoons of Saudi cartoonist 'Abd Al-Rahman Al-Zahrani, who publishes his work in the Saudi daily Al-Watan – one of Saudi Arabia's leading and most popular daily newspapers.

To a great extent, Al-Watan is the result of gradual liberalization processes in the Saudi press, which began in the mid-1990s. Since its establishment in 2000, the paper has taken an independent line and an open and liberal position, by Saudi standards. It does not hesitate to deal with charged topics, and provides a platform for widespread popular dialogue on issues relating to women.

Every day, Al-Watan publishes five to six cartoons in various sections: International news, local general affairs, local social affairs, culture, economics, and sports. Al-Zahrani's cartoons portray a middle class Saudi husband and wife, and their lives as a couple and as part of Saudi society. Al-Zahrani calls his cartoon series 'Him and Her,' but it is generally known as 'The Man With Three Hairs And The Woman With The Yellow Dress,' due to the prominent visual features of the husband and wife, whose names are never mentioned.

This study focuses on 'Abd Al-Rahman Al-Zahrani and the "Him and Her" cartoon series for three main reasons: First, because cartoons dealing with the relationship between couples also address, directly and indirectly, the issue of women and gender in Saudi Arabia. Second, because Al-Zahrani's cartoons have been published on a daily basis for a long time, and therefore constitute a consistent and ongoing source; and third, because Al-Zahrani's cartoons are immensely popular. Despite 'competing' with five to six other cartoons in the newspaper every day, they receive the highest number of 'hits' and comments. But before dealing with Al-Zahrani's cartoons, let us briefly address the issue of gender in Saudi Arabia in the past and present.

Women And Gender In Saudi Arabia Through The Cartoons Of 'Abd Al-Rahman Al-Al-Zahrani


Special Dispatch No. 5223

Syrian Cleric Karim Rajeh Issues Fatwa Forbidding The Killing Of Girls Raped By The Shabiha

Following are excerpts from an address by Syrian Sunni cleric Karim Rajeh, which aired on Al-Hiwar TV on January 27, 2013.

Click here to view this clip on MEMRI TV.

Karim Rajeh: "It has come to my attention that some of those who claim to manifest manhood and honor, upon learning that one of their daughters has been raped by criminals and shabiha during this revolution, permit the killing of that daughter. They consider such killings to be a matter of honor, and they believe that if they allow these daughters to remain alive, they themselves will be left without honor.

Syrian Cleric Karim Rajeh Issues Fatwa Forbidding The Killing Of Girls Raped By The Shabiha


Special Dispatch No. 5224

Egyptian Cleric Abu Islam: Christian Women Who Go To Tahrir Square To Get Raped Are Not Taboo

Following are excerpts from a religious program featuring Egyptian cleric Abu Islam, which aired on Al-Omma TV on February 7, 2013:

Click here to view this clip on MEMRI TV.

Abu Islam: "They say that [harming] women is taboo. The naked, unveiled women who go [to Tahrir Square] in order to get raped – all of a sudden, they are considered taboo... Then they call for Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood to resign. By the way, 90% of them are Crusader women, and the other 10% are Freemasons and widows who are fearless and out of control. These women talk like ghouls.

Egyptian Cleric Abu Islam: Christian Women Who Go To Tahrir Square To Get Raped Are Not Taboo


MEMRI TV Clip No. 3722

Egyptian Cleric Rasmi 'Ajlan: Sex with Pregnant Wife Enhances Future Child's Intelligence

Following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian cleric Rasmi ‘Ajlan, which aired on Al-Omma TV on January 8, 2013:

Rasmi ‘Ajlan: The Prophet Muhammad said: "Do not copulate with a slavegirl before she menstruates again."

Interviewer: Allah Akbar! Allah! Allah!

Rasmi ‘Ajlan: And also: “Do not irrigate the seed of another man with your own water.”

Interviewer: With your permission, Sheik Rasmi, I’d like to point out to the viewers the beautiful, civilized, and sublime prophetic language. “Irrigating the seed” means copulating with a woman. This is a sublime prophetic phrasing, which means that a man should not copulate with a slavegirl before she menstruates again.

Click here to view this clip on MEMRI TV.

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