October 15, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11617

The Iran-Israel War: Tehran Threatens Israel, The Gulf States, And The U.S. – But Asks The U.S. To Protect It

October 15, 2024
Iran | Special Dispatch No. 11617

Following Iran's second missile attack on Israel, on October 1, 2024, the Iranian regime is trying to deter Israel, via pressure on the U.S., from retaliating, using two main approaches. The first approach is various threats, including threats to destroy Israeli cities, to harm the economies of Iran's Arab neighbors, and to harm Western interests by striking oil facilities and causing a spike in oil prices, as well as to expand the conflict to Jordan and Bahrain, launch a regional war, change its nuclear policy from civilian to military, and take steps towards a nuclear weapons state so as establish a nuclear balance of power against Israel. The second approach involves employing diplomatic channels with the U.S. and reaching understandings with it so that it will defend Iran, alongside other diplomatic efforts with its ally Qatar and its Arab neighbors Saudi Arabia, and Egypt.

According to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), in the October 1 missile attack, which was the second direct Iranian attack on Israel, "90% of the missile successfully struck their targets," which included Israel Air Force bases and air defense systems. The attack was also supposedly meant to even the score following the July 2024 assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, as well as the September 2024 airstrikes in Beirut that killed Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah and the IRGC Qods Force commander in Syria and Lebanon, Abbas Nilforushan.

It should be noted that despite Iran's attempts vis-à-vis the U.S. administration to prevent Israel from attacking it or its proxies in the "resistance axis," particularly by attempting to force a ceasefire upon Israel, Iranian regime officials have continued to express hostility towards Israel and to openly call for its destruction. Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has underlined Iran's commitment to continuing the struggle against Israel until it is destroyed, and he has expressed support for resistance operations throughout the Middle East. Prominent Iranian Islamic scholar Ahmad Alamolhoda, who delivers Friday sermons in the Shi'ite holy city of Mashhad, has also said that the missile attack had not been an act of vengeance, but rather "a declaration of war" against "the arrogance" – the Iranian regime's term for the West, led by the U.S. In addition, regime mouthpieces have described the missile attack as the beginning of a "new order" in the region, led by Supreme Leader Khamenei.

Iranian regime officials have threatened a harsh response to any Israeli retaliation for the attack. Islamic Republic of Iran Army Commander-in-Chief Abdolrahim Mousavi has warned that if Israel retaliates, "the next target will be Israel's infrastructure," and Haifa and Tel Aviv "will be erased in a matter of seconds." Former IRGC Qods Force Commander Gen. Ahmad Vahidi has said that Iran will not hesitate to strike civilian targets in Israel, and warned that any country that assists Israel will also become a legitimate target. Additionally, Mahmoud Nabavian, deputy chairman of the Majlis National Security Committee, warned that if Israel were to attack Iran, Iran would target Israel's ammonia storage tanks.

The Nour News media outlet, which is affiliated with the Iranian regime's Supreme National Security Council, which alongside Khamenei is the regime's top decisionmaking body, published an article on the day after the attack threatening the U.S. It stated that America will be particularly vulnerable in a war into which Israel drags it.

In addition, there have been calls to change Iran's strategic nuclear policy and for Iran to possess nuclear weapons. For example, 39 Majlis members sent a letter to the Supreme National Security Council calling for reforming Iran's defense doctrine; Mashhad province representative Hassan Ali Akhlaki Amiri has called for Iran to reassess its defense doctrine and produce nuclear weapon; a political deputy in Khamenei's office, Rasoul Sanairad, confirmed that an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities would impact the balance of power during and after the war, as would an attack against Iran's energy sector; and the IRGC-affiliated Javan daily also published an article on the day after the attack that made similar statements.[1]

This report will provide an overview of reactions in the Iranian regime to Iran's October 1, 2024 ballistic missile attack against Israel.

Threats To Destroy Israel

Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei At Friday Prayers: Every Blow To The Zionist Regime Serves Humanity; Our Armed Forces' Operation Was The Smallest Punishment For The Usurping Zionist Entity Against The Terrible Crimes Of That Bloodthirsty Regime, America's Mad Dog, In The Region"

On October 4, 2024, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei led Friday prayers in Tehran, partly in Arabic. In his statements, he justified Iran's missile attack on Israel, stressing Iran's commitment to continuing the struggle against it until it is destroyed, and expressed his supporter for the resistance operations across the Middle East. He said that every strike against the Zionist regime was considered as serving humanity. He added that Iran's enemies – i.e. Israel and the West – were the enemies of the Arab states in the region; by this, he was aiming to recruit them to defend Shi'ite Iran and to consolidate an Islamic front under Iran's leadership.

The following are the main points of his statements:

"... Every blow to the Zionist regime serves humanity. According to the Islamic rules of defense, the constitution, and international law, the brilliant work of the armed forces [Iran's October 1 missile attack] to punish the bloodthirsty Zionist regime was completely legal and legitimate. Iran will fulfill any duty it feels it has in this area without delay or haste, with strength, firmness, and determination...

"The influence of the standard-bearer of the resistance and the defender of the oppressed [Hizbullah secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah] will increase following his martyrdom, and the nations and the resistance fighters will be able to follow in the path of the message brought by his martyrdom – that is, more faith, strong unity, and struggle until the defeat and destruction of the Zionist enemy.

"The Islamic ummah has suffered greatly from the policy of the arrogance [the U.S.] of [fomenting] divisions and maintaining dominance. But today is the day of the Muslims' awakening, and this evil policy must not be allowed to recur. The enemy of the Iranian nation is the enemy of the nations of Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and the other Islamic countries, and all the aggressive orders and the creation of disputes come from the same [Western] command room...

"The Al-Aqsa Flood operation [Hamas's October 7 attack] last year was a correct and logical move, carried out in accordance with international law and the rights of the Palestinian nation... Our armed forces' operation was the smallest punishment for the usurping Zionist regime against the terrible crimes of that bloodthirsty regime, America's mad dog in the region. Any mission Iran will have in this area will be carried out with strength, aggression, and determination. We do not delay or fail in fulfilling this obligation, nor do we act hastily, and whatever is reasonable, logical, and correct is done according to the opinion of the military and political decisionmakers when the time is right. We will do the same in the future if necessary."[2]

Khamenei On X On October 1: "Victory From God, Salvation Is Nigh..."

Shortly after Iran launched missiles at Israel, on October 1, 2024, Khamenei posted on his X account: "Victory from God, salvation is nigh..." The post included an image depicting Iran situated on a huge underground arsenal of missiles, indicating its missile stockpiles.[3], October 1, 2024

In Clip, IRGC Warns Of Another Attack On Israel – True Promise III

In a video posted on the IRGC Telegram channel on October 10, 2024, the IRGC threatened another attack against Israel, Operation True Promise III, following previous attacks in early October and April. The video names potential targets such as the Orot Rabin power plant, the Karish gas field, Ben Gurion Airport, desalination plants, and Refael Defense Systems (which it referred to as "Refael Combat Systems"). The video concluded with the warning: "This time, a more horrific nightmare awaits you."

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, click here or below:

Mashhad City Imam Gholam Al-Hoda: Operation True Promise II Was Not Revenge – It Was A Declaration Of War On The West And The U.S.; "We Have God, The Enemy Is Godless"; "Our Enemy Fears The Color Of Blood But We Love And Welcome Martyrdom"

On October 4, 2024, Ahmad Gholem Al-Hoda, the imam of the city of Mashhad, said during Friday prayers in the city that Iran's missile attack on Israel a few days previously was not revenge but a declaration of war against the "arrogance" – the West, led by the U.S. He stressed that the struggle against the arrogance would continue until the emergence of the Mahdi, the Shi'ite messiah.

The following are his statements:

"Operation True Promise II [Iran's October 1 missile attack] was not revenge, but a declaration of war on the arrogance [the West, led by the U.S.], and this struggle will continue until the appearance of the Imam Mahdi [the Shi'ite messiah]. The frontline of this war is Israel. All the wars waged by Israel are carried out with the help of subterfuge and the support of America, which supplies it with bunker-busting bombs [that were used to assassinate Hizbullah leader Nasrallah].

"These days are days of mourning for the loss of the brave Hizbullah leader and of group of oppressed Muslims in Lebanon, and the Supreme Leader [Khamenei] has the authority to declare days of mourning. According to his instructions, this mourning is the kind in which we continue in the path of the Leader and in the path of resistance until attaining martyrdom. Today we continue with this line.

"Such martyrdom is nothing but beauty. The victory in the 33-day war [Israel's 2006 Lebanon war], the victory in Gaza in the 11-day war [May 2021 Israel-Gaza conflict], and the 30 years of victory under Hassan Nasrallah – all these lead ultimately to martyrdom.

"The difference between us and the enemy is that we have God, [while] the enemy is godless. Because we have God, we consider both martyrdom and victory to be victory. Our enemy fears the color of blood, but we love and welcome martyrdom. Attaining martyrdom is a victory, just as today we see the tremendous presence of the masses in the Grand Mosque of Tehran who welcome martyrdom."[4]

Mashhad imam Gholam Al-Hoda (source:, October 4, 2024)

Article In Regime Mouthpiece Kayhan: "The Next Phase Of The Operation Will End Only With The Destruction Of The Zionist Regime, And All The Interests Of Israel's Supporters Are In Our Sights"

On October 7, 2024, the regime mouthpiece Kayhan daily wrote that the firing of 200 missiles in Operation True Promise II was a great success because the missiles had evaded Israel's air defense systems and struck central targets. The daily stressed that the next phase of the operation would end only with the destruction of Israel, with all the interests of Israel's supporters in Iran's sights. It added that if Israel tried to attack Iran, Iran would respond quickly, within less than 10 minutes, by destroying Tel Aviv and Haifa.

The following are the main points of the Kayhan article:

"...The importance and beauty of Operation True Promise II was not only in the missiles' overcoming the Iron Dome [air defense system] and all the Zionist regime's layers of defense. It was first and foremost in their routine flight and in the continuous strikes on specific targets.

"Second, more important than the firing of the 200 missiles was the threat, after they were launched, is that the next phase of the operation will end only with the destruction of the Zionist regime, with all the interests of Israel's supporters across the region [targeted and] in our sights, without limitations!  

"Therefore, they [the Israeli elements] must wait for Tel Aviv and Haifa to be destroyed overnight. With regard to Israel's threats, it must be said: First, before the Israeli planes fly more than two or three hours [in the flight] from Tel Aviv to Tehran and reach Iranian airspace, Iran's missiles will flatten Tel Aviv and Haifa in less than 10 minutes..."[5]

Kayhan Front Page, October 2, 2024: "The IRGC Has Buried The Body Of The Raging Zionist Dog"

On October 2, the day after the October 1 Iranian missile attack on Israel, the regime mouthpiece Kayhan's front-page article was titled "The IRGC Has Buried Israel's Body." Below are the main points of the article:

"The barrage of rockets began last night, against the heart of Tel Aviv, and history has changed. The IRGC has buried the body of the raging Zionist dog, with Operation True Promise II, with the code of the Messenger of God [Prophet Muhammad], and the Islamic nation and freedom seekers around the world rejoiced and were filled with hope, and the terrorist American administration, that watched the burial of Israel, was struck with fear and astonishment."

Likewise, the IRGC's public relations division published an announcement stating that "90% of the missiles successfully struck several [Israeli] air force bases and radar [installations], [as well as] centers of conspiracy and plotting assassinations of the leaders of the resistance, especially the martyrs Ismail Haniyeh, Hizbullah secretary-general Nasrallah, and IRGC commanders." The statement added: "The above operation was carried out within the framework of the legitimate right of defense and based on international law, and was a warning that any stupidity on the part of the enemy would be answered destructively and regrettably..."[6]

Kayhan's front page, October 2, 2024: "The IRGC Buried Israel's Body"

IRGC Telegram Channel: Zulfaqar – The Sword Of Ali – With Text In Hebrew And English: "The Sword Of The Imam Ali Will Come Again To Conquer Khaybar"

On October 4, 2024, the IRGC posted on its Telegram channel an illustration of Zulfaqar, the legendary invincible split-bladed sword of the Imam Ali, and the text "The sword of Ali will come again to conquer Khaybar." Khaybar is the oasis where the Prophet Muhammad slaughtered the Jews of the Arabian Peninsula in the 628 CE Battle of Khaybar.[7]

The illustration, published after Iran's missile attack on Israel, carries a clear message against Israel and the Jews. The split-bladed sword of Ali ibn Abi Taleb, son-in-law and cousin of the Prophet Muhammad – and, according to tradition, the first sword in Islam – was, according to Shi'ite tradition, given by the angel Gabriel to Muhammad and later by Muhammad to Ali, the first imam of the Shi'a. Ali is said to have brutally slaughtered 700 members of the Jewish Bani Qurayza tribe with his own hands in one night on the orders of Muhammad. Khaybar is considered an Islamic victory over the Jews.

The use of the iconic Zulfaqar just after the missile attack on Israel emphasizes its symbolism today with regard to Israel. The IRGC used it to demonstrate its desire for revenge and its intention to continue its military and ideological struggle against Israel, while drawing a clear historic link between the seventh-century Jews of Khaybar and the Jews of today. Thus, Iran is cast as the successor of Ali, who fought the Jewish enemies, and Israel is the same enemy throughout history and must be defeated.

IRGC post on Telegram., October 4, 2024.

IRGC-Affiliated Tasnim News Agency Magazine, Following The Missile Attack On Israel: The Israelis Wanted To Create A New Order In The Middle East, But It Is Not Clear To Them Who The Real Architect Of The New Order Is

The day after the attack, on October 2, the IRGC-affiliated Tasnim News Agency published an illustration depicting the hand of Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei holding a rifle, alongside text reading: "The Staff of Moses: With the cowardly assassination of resistance commanders, including Hassan Nasrallah and Ismail Haniyeh, the Israelis wanted to create a new order in the Middle East to suit their will. But now, after Operation True Promise II, it is clear to them who the real architect of the new order is."[8]

Tasnim magazine, October 2, 2024.

Majlis National Security Committee Deputy Chairman Mahmoud Nabavian: If Israel Attacks Our Nuclear Facilities, We Will Attack Theirs – And Their Ammonia Storage Tanks; We May Leave The NPT

Mahmoud Nabavian, deputy chairman of the Majlis National Security Committee, warned that if Israel were to attack Iran, Iran's response would be harsh and destructive. He said: "It appears that the Zionist regime does not have the courage to attack our nuclear centers. But if they do something this stupid, they must know that we will attack their nuclear centers and their ammonia storage tanks. Iran may decide to leave the NPT [Non-Proliferation Treaty]; they will understand what leaving the NPT means..."

"The Zionist regime is absolute evil... The axis of evil in the world comprises those who provide rockets to the Zionist regime. America, Germany, England, and France comprise the axis of evil in the world. The Zionist regime and all of these [countries] must know that the Iranian nation has many options, and that if the Zionist regime acts foolishly, our answer will be stronger."[9]

Majlis National Security Committee Deputy Chairman Mahmoud Nabavia (Source: Entekhab, Iran, October 13, 2024)

Iranian Army Chief Abed Al-Rahim Mousavi: "Iran's Upcoming Responses Will Be Powerful And Manifold"

Abd Al-Rahim Mousavi, the Iranian Armed Forces commander, congratulated the Iranian people and the resistance front on October 1 for the missile attack, emphasizing that Iran "does not initiate wars" but will respond with great force to any hostile action. He also warned that Israeli infrastructure will be the next target if "the crimes continue," warning that Iran will respond more severely. The following is a translation of his statement:

Iranian Army Chief Abd Al-Rahim Mousavi (source: Tasnim, October 2, 2024)

"Iran's upcoming responses to any hostile action will be powerful and manifold. I congratulate the great Iranian people and the resistance front, and express my hope that this operation will bring comfort to the grieving families [of those killed by Israel]. The illegal actions of the Zionist regime and the assassination of the martyr Ismail Haniyeh and several Iranian commanders were carried out with the support of criminal America, which dismissed our sovereignty. We carried the weight of restraint for some time, but arrived at the conclusion that they [the Israelis] are not responding to any path of logic, and therefore had to be given a firm response [by us]. Iran does not initiate wars, but will protect its rights with force. If the crimes continue, Israel's infrastructure may become targets. Well done to all the dear ones who helped this operation succeed. Iran's next responses to any hostile action will be powerful and manifold."[10]

Iranian Defense Minister Aziz Nasirzadeh: "If Israel Persists In Its Actions... Our Response Will Be Harsher"

On October 1, 2024, Iranian Defense Minister Aziz Nasirzadeh warned that if Israel continues its activity against Iran and the resistance axis, the next response will be harsher and will utilize the most advanced technologies in Iran's possession. Nasirzadeh mentioned the pressure from within Iran to respond to the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh on Iranian soil, and said that the missile attack impacted Israeli military targets associated with the assassination while upholding international law. He also emphasized that Iran's military response so far consisted of only a small part of Iran's missile capabilities, and that if Israel continues it attacks, Iran will use more powerful means." The following is a translation of his statement:

"If the crimes of the Zionist regime continue and the regime acts with aggression, there is no doubt that our response to the next time will be much harsher, and we will use an array of the most advanced weapons we posses. The [Iranian] people have been demanding for some time that we carry out this operation, and in the [August] vote of confidence in the Majlis members, the people even demanded that our forces respond to the impudence of the Zionist regime in its martyring of Ismail Haniyeh inside Iran.

"This operation was carried out with complex, intelligent planning, using a wide variety of missiles, so that it was suited to the selected targets and Israel's aerial defense systems, and was very successful in hitting military targets, especially those involved in the assassination of Haniyeh.

"This operation was completely legitimate, in accordance with international law. If the Zionist regime responds wrongly again, the likelihood of another response from us is very high. It should be noted that today's operation entailed only a small portion of our missile capabilities, and we have not yet used our many high technological and higher impact capabilities. Those who won't stop the regime's attacks and enable war in the region should know that in the next waves we will act with greater force."[11]

Iranian Defense Minister Aziz Nasirzadeh (source: Tasni, October 1, 2024)

"This activity was completely legitimate and consistent with international law. If the Zionist regime again responds mistakenly, the likelihood of another response on our part is very high. It should be noted that today's operation was only a small part of our missile capability, and many capabilities with high technology and greater impact power have not yet been used. Those who do not stop the Zionist regime's attacks and who enable war in the region should know that in the coming waves, we will act with greater force."[12]

Second IRGC Announcement After Iranian Missile Attack On Israel: "90% Of The Missiles Successfully Struck Their Targets"; Any Reaction On Israel's Part Will Be Met With "A Destructive And Painful Response"

In a second statement after the missile attack, on October 1, 2024, the IRGC said: "90% of the missiles fired at Israel successfully struck their targets, despite the region's dense and advanced defense [systems]." The targets, it said, included "air force bases, radar systems, and centers for terrorist planning against the resistance axis, including the operations against Hamas political bureau head Ismail Haniyeh and Hizbullah secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah." Stressing that the missile attack was carried out thanks to the assistance of the Iranian armed forces and within the framework of the right to self-defense under international law, the statement added that any response by Israel would be met with a "destructive and painful reaction."[13]

Iranian Intelligence Ministry Publishes Chart Of Israeli Leaders For Assassination, With Text In Hebrew: "We Will Reach Every One Of You Soon"

In a response to Israel for the assassination of top Iranian and resistance officials, on October 2, 2024 the Iranian Intelligence Ministry published a chart showing senior Israeli officials with the text in Hebrew, "We Will Reach Every One Of You Soon," and in English, "List of executions of Israeli terrorists."

The Israeli officials in the chart include: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Galant, IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, Air Force Commander Tomer Bar, Navy Commander Saar Salameh, Ground Forces Commander Tamir Yadi, Deputy Chief of Staff Amir Baram, former Military Intelligence director Aharon Haliwa, Northern Command Commander Uri Gordin, former Central Command Commander Yehuda Fuchs, and Southern Command Commander Eliezer Toledano.[14]

Iranian Intelligence Ministry chart (Source: IRGC Telegram Channel, October 2, 2024)

Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi: Iran Is Ready For Any Scenario; The Diplomatic Channels With America Are Open; There Is A General Agreement With Regard To The Need For A Diplomatic Solution To The Crisis

On the political level, Iran is pressuring the U.S., and acting vis-à-vis the Gulf and Arab states in the region with the mediation of Qatar and others, to deter Israel from attacking Iran and to force a ceasefire upon it. In an interview with Al-Jazeera, Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi explained these political moves vis-à-vis the Americans and others, including with his visits to the capitals in the region:

"...Although we are not looking for war or an escalation of tensions, we are prepared for any scenario. Israelis can test our determination and will. We will see how the attack will take place, and on this basis we will determine our response, which will be examined very carefully.

"In response to the assassination of the martyr Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamas' political bureau, and the violation of its [Iran's] sovereignty by the Zionist regime, as well as the Zionist regime's crimes of assassinating the martyr Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of Hizbullah in Lebanon, and Abbas Nilforushan, deputy head of IRGC operations, Iran attacked the army and intelligence bases of the Zionist regime's army in the occupied territories [Israel] with missile fire. The Zionists threatened to attack after Iran's response, but Iranian officials warned that any action by Tel Aviv would be met with a more aggressive response from Iran.

"Israel aspires to lead a widescale war and to drag other countries into this conflict. Not only is Iran not interested in a widescale war, but everyone is aware of [such a war's] catastrophic consequences.

Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi (Source: Asr-e Iran, October 10, 2024)

"The resistance is capable of responding to the Zionist regime. Netanyahu has not accomplished his goal in the war in Gaza – that is, eliminating Hamas – and he will encounter the same problem [regarding Hizbullah] in Lebanon. Our support for the resistance will never be limited to political and diplomatic support, and we will do whatever they need for them. We never, for a single day, stopped supporting the resistance, and I declared from Beirut that Iran would never abandon the resistance.

"My meetings in Beirut were serious and good, and no problems arose. We will support the decisions of the Lebanese government and the resistance. Consultations have been held on ways to secure a ceasefire and stop the slaughter, murders, and destruction. The major countries in the region can play a significant role in preventing the current escalation. Saudi Arabia plays an important role in the region, and Qatar also exerts significant influence. We are consulting with them to stop the war.

"The diplomatic channels with America are open via several countries, and we exchange views indirectly. The world is paying attention to what is happening in Lebanon and Gaza, and this is the most important outcome of these talks. There is general agreement on the need for a diplomatic solution to this crisis."[15]

Threats Against Countries Of The Region

Former IRGC Qods Force Commander And Former Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi, Who Is Wanted By Interpol For The 1994 AMIA Bombing In Buenos Aires: Anybody Who Assists Our Enemy – We Will Strike Him Together With The Enemy; Israel Will Bear The Responsibility For The Destruction Of Tel Aviv

Ahmad Vahidi, who has previously served as the commander of the IRGC's Qods Force and as Iran's Interior Minister, and who is wanted by Interpol for his involvement in the 1994 AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires, declared that even though it has the military capability to do so, Iran is avoiding targeting civilian targets due to moral considerations (Note: Civilian targets were struck in the October 1 missile attack). He elaborated that if additional military action is necessary against Israel, or if Israel retaliates for the attack, Iran will not hesitate to destroy Tel Aviv and Haifa. Vahidi underlined Iran's obligation to defend Hamas and Hizbullah against Israel, and he warned that any country that assists Israel will be considered an enemy and will bear harsh consequences. The following is a translation of his remarks:

"Our message to all the countries of the region, and particularly the Islamic countries, is that they must be vigilant, for we are in a sensitive situation. We defend and will continue to defend the region, the Sunni [organization] Hamas, and the Shiite [organization] Hizbullah from the Zionist regime, and we expect all the countries of Islam to act correctly and responsibly. We aim for peace and stability in the region, but we have no intention of being lazy when it comes to our national security. Anybody who assists our enemy – we will strike him together with the enemy.

"The time has come for the countries of Islam to decide whether they are on the side of justice or on the side of the U.S. and the Zionist regime. We support and will continue to support Gaza and Lebanon. The Zionist regime is not obligated by any principles, it has killed over 40,000 people in Gaza and hundreds in Lebanon. Tonight, we could have acted like them and eliminated their leaders such that they would not have been able to find shelter, but we avoided attacking innocent civilians. The [Israeli] regime, on the other hand, attacked several residential buildings in order to assassinate the martyr Nasrallah, causing the deaths of hundreds.

"We have not used the surprising part of our military capability, but if the Zionist regime makes any mistake, we will use all our capabilities, including missiles with a large destructive capacity and highly advanced UAVs. In this situation, we may form new operational demands.

"All the military targets were chosen, and we launched [the missiles] with precise planning. We could have in fact turned Tel Aviv and Haifa into dust in one night, but we avoided doing so, out of moral and human considerations. However, if the [Israeli] regime makes any mistake, we may change our decisions and prove that we can destroy Tel Aviv in one night. The Zionist regime doesn't have the privilege of making any mistakes in its considerations. If it makes a mistake, it will bear responsibility for the destruction of Tel Aviv."[16]

Former IRGC Qods Force Commander and former Iranian Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi, wanted by Interpol for his involvement in the 1994 AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires. Source: Tasnim News Agency (Iran), October 2, 2024.

Political Analyst Ali Samadzadeh: Jordan And Bahrain Must Be Included In The Conflict; Britain, Israel Must Pay The Price In The Caucasus For Their Operations Against The Houthis In Yemen

Iranian regime-affiliated political analyst and defense and international affairs expert Ali Samadzadeh said in an October 9, 2024 interview on the TamamRokh ("Full Face") TV show that in response to Israel's actions in Lebanon, the scope of the conflict should be expanded to include Jordan and Bahrain, in order to deal a strategic blow. He said that action should also be taken against Israel and Britain in the Caucasus in order to punish them for their operations against the Houthis, Iran's proxy in Yemen. He said: "A big war is being waged for big causes, and all the regional players are involved in it." The following is a translation of his remarks:

"If we want to respond to the war in Lebanon inside Lebanon, then we will lose the game, because the other side [i.e. Israel] has already made all the considerations for that arena.

"Our advice is to involve new gray zones in the scope of the conflict… The primary recommendations are Jordan and Bahrain. Even if one of the sides of the resistance is involved in these areas, the balance there will be thrown off. The fact that an [American] base was one time targeted [by the resistance] and in response America sent bombers from its territory to attack resistance positions demonstrates that it cannot handle Jordan becoming a conflict zone. These are the areas where a tactical strike can become a strategic equation. If we do not use the capabilities that have not been taken into account in this war, then the other side's framework of considerations will win.

"We must help [ensure that the response to] the blow inflicted to Sanaa [i.e. the Houthis] by America and England will take place in the Caucasus, because the British considered the risk of all the blows that the Houthis can deliver to them from the Red Sea area to the Persian Gulf, and only after did they enter the war. They must suffer a blow somewhere they haven't thought of. The main operational partner in producing and shipping oil from Azerbaijan to Israel is British Petroleum…

"Regarding the fact that people say the war must not be expanded, we must answer that the existence of people who have small and narrow ideas does not require the outside world to be the same thing. A big war is being waged for big causes, and all the regional players are involved in it.

"Why must we in Tehran lie to ourselves when we take into consideration the fact, for example, that Bahrain and Saudi Arabia don't mess with us? [Because] they have declared that they are neutral? Sanaa cannot be bombed without it being coordinated with Riyadh.

"I'm not saying that we need to launch missiles. I'm saying that we cannot switch the places of the allies and the enemies in our official narrative. When we talk about Qatar, Turkey, and so forth, there are people who take it to the extreme and ask whether we should launch missiles towards Ankara, and whether we should cut off relations with Qatar and the UAE and fight against everyone. No. Your president may shake their hand, but your intelligence services may wage fierce battle against theirs."[17]

IRGC Warns Arab Countries That IDF Uniforms Carry Maps Of "Greater Israel" That Include Their Territory

On October 9, 2024, Iran's IRGC shared a post on its Telegram channel reading: "This message is a warning to all the Arab countries, that there is a map that appears on the uniforms of Israeli soldiers that includes the territory of the countries of Palestine, Jordan, Kuwait, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt."[18]

The map of "Greater Israel," which the IRGC asserts is displayed on the uniforms of Israeli soldiers. Source: IRGC on Telegram, October 9, 2024.

IRGC Navy Commander Admiral Ali Reza Tangsiri: We Are Ready For Any Scenario, In The Persian Gulf Or Beyond

On October 5, 2024, IRGC Navy Commander Admiral Ali Reza Tangsiri delivered an interview to the Al-Alam news agency in honor of the anniversary of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood (the October 7, 2023 attacks in southern Israel). Admiral Tangsiri said that Iran is ready for any scenario, and that its armed forces and prepared to confront all sorts of threats. He said that Iran will defend its Muslim allies in the region should they be attacked, although this remark is in fact a veiled warning to Arab countries against assisting Israel against Iran, and he said that Iranian forces are training and preparing for any scenario, whether in the Persian Gulf or beyond. The following is a translation of his remarks:

"We are ready for any situation. Over the recent years, Iran's armed forces have prepared to confront any kind of threat. The Strait of Hormuz is an important and strategic place in southern Iran, it belongs to us and to the neighboring countries. You saw the parade during Holy Defense week [which commemorates the Iran-Iraq War], it involved 583 vessels, including missile destroyers, aid vessels, fighter planes, helicopters, and cargo planes…

"We are witnessing the crimes being carried out by the Zionists in Gaza and in Lebanon, which have been condemned globally. The parade that took place on Sunday sent two messages. The first message is to our allies, that despite the economic sanctions Iran has not succumbed to America's bullying. We have built these capabilities during the sanctions, and we have shown that we can independently produce everything we need.

"The second message is to our enemies. We can stand on our feet, and we will stand up to anybody who attempts to threaten us. Islam does not allow us to attack other countries unless they attack us, but our enemies must create enemies so that they can sell weapons and strengthen their illegal presence in the region.

"If there is no attack against our national and Islamic interests, we will not respond. But if they attack a Muslim country, or if neighboring countries are faced with bullying by America or anybody else, we will stand alongside them. You saw this in the case of Qatar [when in 2017 Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries besieged it], when we were ready to help this Muslim country in any way. During the siege suffered by Qatar, Iran opened its airspace and its maritime territory for Qatar to use. If anybody attempts to attack such countries, we will not stand idly by. Rather, we will come to their defense.

"The message of 'We can' is a message to our friends in the region. We say to them that we will confront the enemies, and we will not succumb to pressure. We will choose death rather than surrender to bullying and injustice.

"With regard to our military capabilities, over the past year we have held many military drills in the region and beyond, and we are training in accordance with these scenarios. We are prepared for any situation, and the supreme commander Ali Khamenei always underlines the necessity of fully preparing for any unusual situation in the region, including Netanyahu playing with fire. We have trained ourselves for any possible scenario.

IRGC Navy Commander Admiral Ali Reza Tangsiri. Source: Entekhab (Iran), October 5, 2024.

"Forty-four years have passed since the [Islamic] Revolution, and we are preparing for any situation, including scenarios of future conflicts with the enemies. The Supreme Leader sees a bright future. Twenty years ago, he spoke about the need for advanced technologies like artificial intelligence. Today, we produce missiles with varying ranges as part of our future vision that we adhere to.

"Today we are producing missiles and drones with varying ranges that are equipped with artificial intelligence systems. The military assets that you see today are the product of our developments here in Iran. In the past, we would import them, but today we build them ourselves, with a vision based on the directives of the Supreme Leader. We are equipped to contend with all the modern threats, using advanced missiles and drones, and this capability is part of our constant preparation.

"The detonation of the pagers in Lebanon by the Zionist regime is a crime that we do not accept. Innocent civilians used these devices, and this operation aimed to harm innocent people. Even when the West responds to these crimes, their response is always nothing more than empty words. Despite the condemnations of certain elements, the West continues to defend the Zionists, even when they carry out severe crimes against civilians.

"The West will always defend the Zionists, even when they carry out horrific crimes against all people, not just against one group. This includes merchants, women, and children who were harmed by devices that exploded, and many of them were killed or injured in these incidents."[19]

Threats Against The U.S.

Supreme Security Council-Affiliated Outlet Nour News On X: "America Will Be Especially Vulnerable" In The War Israel Is Dragging It Into

On October 2, 2024, the Nour News website, which is affiliated with Iran's Supreme National Security Council, posted a threat against the U.S. on X. It wrote:

"The Israeli regime is trying to use the U.S.'s active involvement and support for its recent actions in order to draw Washington into a war in which America will be especially vulnerable. Iran has shown that it will always respond to hostile activity, whether direct or indirect, at the appropriate time and place."[20]

Nour News on X, October 2, 2024.

Expediency Council Member Ali Larjiani: America Is The Captain Of Evil Acts In The Region, Yet American Soldiers Are Not The Ones Being Killed, Only Zionist Regime Soldiers Are

In an interview on Iranian TV on October 5, 2024, Expediency Council member Ali Larjiani asserted that the U.S. must be made to pay a price, because although Israel is spearheading the fight against Iran, it is the U.S. that commands acts of evil and leads Israel. He said that in this way, only Israeli soldiers, not Americans, are being killed, and the U.S. suffers no losses while fighting Iran. The following is a translation of his main points:

"A madman can bring disaster upon himself, and also inflict damage on others. This is why, in my opinion, the Supreme Leader said in his Friday sermon, that everyone should gird their loins, because we are in a crucial moment. From every angle, this situation is important. If we have indeed reached a decisive point, we must determine who we are dealing with. Is it the Zionist regime? It does not appear to be the case. Mr. Biden said: 'We are in contact with Israel 12 hours a day', and their Secretary of State said: 'We are deciding together what to do.'

"It is obvious that when something happens, the Pentagon immediately sends additional forces. Now, with the political game they are playing, it appears that the U.S. is the captain, while the Zionist regime is the forward. The Zionist regime manifests the evil acts, but the command of these acts is in the hands of the Americans.

Expediency Council Member Ali Larjiani. Source: Tabnak (Iran), October 5, 2024

"The Supreme Leader said that there is one command center – command is not in the hands of the Zionist regime, it is just the forward. We must be precise in our actions, because the situation in the region is not simple and cannot be easily solved. This is because the Americans appointed the Zionist regime as their forward, while they do not have to pay any price. They supply arms and financial support, but the crisis was created by Israel, and while American soldiers are not being killed, the soldiers of the Zionist regime are.

"This creates no problem for them, especially when the elections are near. The second point is that they have started behaving foolishly, giving ridiculous advice. On the one hand, they are creating chaos and crisis in the region, and on the other, they advise us to keep the peace and not exacerbate the situation. They themselves create the crisis.

"The Supreme Leader said that if they don't reach this region, things will improve, and that is completely true. Since the beginning of the Revolution, they have been creating crises. They are the ones who supported Saddam. Some of the books are being published now about the fate of the eight-year [Iran-Iraq] War and some of the recollections of Iraqi officials show that the Americans sent people to encourage Saddam."[21]

London-Based Iranian Political Analyst Ali Alizadeh: If Iran Is Attacked, It Should Shed All Restraints – Downing American Planes, U.S. Soldiers Returning "Horizontally," The Houthis Striking Chinese Oil Tankers, and Targeting Aramco Again

London-based Iranian political analyst Ali Alizadeh, who is often viewed as a mouthpiece for the Iranian regime, suggested in an October 10, 2024 video that Iran should abandon all restraint if Israel or the U.S. were to strike within its borders. Alizadeh argued that Iran ought to adopt a "half-crazy player" approach in response to American and regional targets, and claimed that Iran could down an American plane, sending U.S. servicemen back "horizontally" – a reference to assassinated Hizbullah secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah[22] – which he suggested could sway the upcoming presidential elections. He further indicated that the Houthis might target Chinese oil tankers transporting Saudi oil and strike Aramco. Additionally, he warned that if Qatar facilitates a strike on Iran, Doha would "go up in flames."

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, click here or below:

Calls For Changing Iran's Nuclear Doctrine And Creating A Balance Of Nuclear Deterrence

Political Deputy In The Office Of Supreme Leader Khamenei, Rassoul Sanairad: Targeting Nuclear Facilities Could Definitely Affect The Balance During And After The War

Rassoul Sanairan, a Political Deputy in the Office of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, spoke about the potential impact of targeting nuclear facilities in the war. According to him, an Israeli strike on nuclear or energy facilities will significantly affect the nuclear and power balance during and after the war.

Sanairad noted that "some politicians have raised the possibility of changing Iran's nuclear strategy policy," saying that doing so will be seen as crossing "red lines", both regionally and internationally. This means that such a change will have extensive regional and international repercussions, and the security situation in the region could be seriously exacerbated.

He warned that an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities will not only impact the balance of power in the war itself, but will also change the way Iran chooses to respond in the future. Such a strike would demand serious consideration by all parties involved, including regional and global players, who understand that such a response could destabilize the region and change the balances of power in the Middle East.[23]

Political Deputy in the Office of Supreme Leader Khamenei, Rassoul Snaa'irad

Majlis Culture Committee Member Hassan Ali Akhlaki Amiri: 39 Majlis Members Signed A Letter Calling On The Supreme National Council To Reform The Defense Doctrine

A member of the Majlis Culture Committee, Hassan Ali Akhlaki Amiri, emphasized the need to strengthen Iran's security deterrence, and he said that 39 Majlis members have sent a letter to the Supreme Security Council, requesting that it reform Iran's defense doctrine. He called for changing Supreme Leader Khamenei's fatwa forbidding the production of nuclear weapons,[24] as times have changed. He said: "Today, the resistance front is looking to Iran, and so considering the fact that the Supreme National Security Council is supervised by the Leader and reports to him, God willing, it will arrive at the useful and correct decision for the regime and the resistance front."[25]

Majlis Member Mohammad-Reza Tsabarian: Producing Nuclear Weapons Would Be An Easy Task For Us, Due To The Need For Nuclear Deterrence

Similarly, Majlis member Mohammad-Reza Tsabarian Wafiqi, in an interview with the Didban Iran website on October 9, 2024, called for changing Iran's nuclear policy and producing nuclear weapons to confront Israel:

"If the Zionist enemy and its supporters think that by attacking our country's peaceful nuclear facilities they can halt our progress in the nuclear field, that would be a wrong decision. Our request to [Iran's] officials is to change the Islamic Republic's nuclear doctrine. In order to defend ourselves and our national security, with the approval of the Supreme Leader, we must change our nuclear policy and turn to producing the same weapons they have. Producing nuclear weapons is an option for Iran, to create deterrence.

"A few months ago, I said that if their aggression persists, we will ask the Supreme Leader, and if he sees fit, reform the strategy and fatwa regarding the production of nuclear weapons. Producing nuclear weapons would be an easy task for us. In the current situation, in order to create deterrence and ensure national security, producing nuclear weapons should be permitted.

Majlis member Mohamad-Reza Tsabarian (Source: Didban Iran, October 9, 2024)

"Attacking economic targets and the like is an easy task for Iran. I believe that so long as the Zionist regime and the aggressive countries possess nuclear weapons, Iran must turn to producing nuclear weapons, to ensure our security balance. We must make clear to the enemy that the decision to produce or not produce nuclear weapons is our own, and that we do not need permission from any country to produce weapons or develop our [nuclear] and missile defense capabilities.

"The enemy is trying to weaken Iran and the resistance forces' power of deterrence through negotiations, assassinations, and military threats. We must not neglect bolstering our deterrence capabilities. The Supreme Leader's words and the actions of our armed forces have proven that the enemy's threats have no substance, and the brutal [threats] of Israel's supporters should not be believed."[26]

Majles Member Mohamad Manan Raisi: Reform The Nuclear Doctrine And Withdraw From The NPT; Iran Is Less Than Six Months Away From Obtaining Nuclear Weapons

Mohamad Manan Raisi, a Majles member representing the city of Qom, called for reforming Iran's nuclear doctrine and said that Iran is less than six months away from obtaining nuclear weapons. He argued that Iran must change its approach regarding nuclear weapons in order to reach maximum deterrence against Israel.

As part of his support for changing the doctrine, Raisi signed a letter sent to the Supreme National Security Council, which was already signed by 40 other Majles members, which called for planning the development of nuclear weapons. In addition, several Majles members appealed to Supreme Leader Khamenei, requesting that the fatwa forbidding the development of nuclear weapons be changed, arguing that the law must be adapted to Iran's new tense circumstances.

Raisi emphasized that obtaining nuclear weapons will be an important tool in deterring Israel, which he called a "rapacious enemy". He further noted that in accordance with the Quran's verses as well as logical considerations, Iran must exist the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), especially considering Israel's behavior and failure to uphold the terms of international agreements. According to him, Iran cannot continue to adhere to international agreements if Israel does not honor them. Therefore, leaving the NPT will allow Iran to develop its military capabilities in accordance with its needs.[27]

Article In IRGC-Affiliated Daily Javan: Reforming Iran's Nuclear Doctrine – A Response To Israeli Threats; The Only Thing That Prevents The Use Of Nuclear Weapons Is The Knowledge That Rival Countries Also Possess Nuclear Weapons

An article published on October 2, 2024 in the IRGC-affiliated daily Javan said that the most effective and immediate solution available to the Iranian regime in facing Israel's superior technological prowess, is to reform its (stated) nuclear doctrine – that is, to take steps to obtain nuclear weapons and reach a balance of nuclear deterrence – in order to stop Israel from achieving superiority in the Middle East. The article said that "today, Tehran is equipped with the capability, infrastructure, and the time needed to make an immediate change to its plan." The following is a translation of the article:

"The Israelis called the operation to assassinate Hassan Nasrallah, the martyred Secretary-General of Hizbullah in Lebanon, 'Operation New Order'. The new order Israel is talking about aims to use destructive force, combined with technology as a creative force, to influence hearts and minds. The objective goes beyond mere security. It aims to form a hegemony based on military technology in the Middle East. The daily photos disseminated by the Israeli army showing horrific explosions in Gaza and Lebanon are a burning snapshot and a preview of the new order, which is based in [the idea] that in any future conflict, not only is no one and nowhere safe, but that no object is safe anymore [as in the pager explosions].

"There was no need for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to say in his UN speech that Israel's long arm can reach anywhere in Iran. He even added that this is the case for everywhere in the Middle East. This is a picture where Israel is striving to establish a technology-based military hegemony across the Middle East, where the assassination of Hizbullah's Secretary-General is a turning point in establishing this new order.

"In Tehran, arguments are still focusing on the issue of 'Sayyed Hassan may be gone, but Nasrallah [lit. Allah's victory] endures', 'Hizbullah lives on', and the like. These claims are of course semantic structures regarding the strength and durability of these societal institutions. Nevertheless, the truth is that weakness and instability of the foundation of the de-facto power of these societal institutions (government, group, movement, and so forth) will lead, even in the best case scenario, to them weakening, thus affecting their semantic power as well.

"What is the solution? Should Iran and the resistance axis accept the new order that Tel Aviv is acting upon, thanks to the protection and active support of Washington? The answer to this question is no. The solutions vary. Starting with inaction and acceptance of the current situation, through multi-lateral diplomacy, to military action of limited or broad scope. Excluding the option of inaction, every one of these options can improve the situation a little, rehabilitate our deterrence, though obviously, the potential of some solutions is smaller, while others are much more promising, if also more risky. The past year's experience since October 7, 2023 demonstrates that diplomacy based in public pressure from the international community has not managed to curtail Israel's influence.

"The option of a limited military response, utilized in Operation True Promise 2, may be effective, but it will not necessarily lead to sufficient harmony. In this scenario, where the leaders of the Hebrew government are prepared to use destructive military technology to establish a new order, such action might cause escalation. While others may propose other creative solutions to managing the situation, one immediate solution that is at Iran's disposal is reforming its nuclear doctrine.

"In a situation where Iran's nuclear doctrine for the last 50 years focused on peaceful applications of nuclear power, today Iran has the capability, infrastructure, and the time to make an immediate change to its plan...

"In the world we live in, under conditions of serious war (existential threats), the only thing stopping the nine countries armed with nuclear weapons and nuclear Israel from using nuclear weapons is the knowledge that the countries opposing them also possess nuclear weapons. Why do the Russians talk about nuclear weapons so much? Because Ukraine, following the fall of the USSR, became mired in liberal ideas and disarmed itself from nuclear weapons.

"Imagine a scenario in which the events following the assassination of Hizbullah's Secretary-General through Operation True Promise 2 spread, creating further escalation, and the exchange of threats between powers reach existential threats against Israel. Can we rule out the possibility of Israel issuing an explicit or implied nuclear ultimatum?

"What about Iran? The Middle East is an unstable region, with signs suggesting it is headed toward further instability. The new order Israel is seeking to establish by using 83 tons of bunker buster bombs after eliminating Hizbullah's Secretary-General is not a liberal order based on economic power, or even a realistic order based on a balance of power. This is an order that requires destructive power and the creative force of technology – the likes of which we have only seen so far in Gaza and now Lebanon. In such an order, nothing and no one is safe.

"Yesterday, pagers and walkie-talkies exploded. The next day, as the New York Times rightly said, 'our cars, fridges, home thermostats, and other things around us become vulnerable.' As Netanyahu said to the UN, the long arm of Israel reaches not only Iran, but 'the entire Middle East.' This long arm used to be the Hebrew country's air force, but now it includes everything. Technology, especially artificial intelligence, can double the strategic gap that is based in Israeli leaders exclusively possessing the power of nuclear weapons. It is not only the nuclear doctrine that needs to be reformed, but also other pertinent doctrines."[28]


[1] For more information, see: MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 1784, In Advance Of Revival Of U.S.-Iran Nuclear Talks, Iranian Calls For Iran To Possess Nuclear Weapons Are Again Heard, September 5, 2024; MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 1761, Senior Iranian Regime Officials Warn Of Iran's Coming Nuclear Breakout, April 25, 2024.

[2], October 1, 2024.

[3], October 1, 2024.

[4], October 4, 2024.

[5] Kayhan (Iran), October 7, 2024.

[6], October 2, 2024.

[7], October 4, 2024.

[8] Tasnim (Iran), October 2, 2024.

[9] Entekhab (Iran), October 13, 2024.

[10] Tasnim News Agency (Iran), October 2, 2024.

[11] Tasnim News Agency (Iran), October 1, 2024.

[12] Tasnim News Agency (Iran), October 1, 2024.

[13] Tasnim News Agency (Iran), October 1, 2024.

[14], October 2, 2024.

[15] Aser-i Iran (Iran), October 10, 2024.

[16] Tasnim News Agency (Iran), October 2, 2024.

[17], October 9, 2024.

[18], October 9, 2024.

[19] Entekhab (Iran), October 5, 2024.

[20], October 2, 2024.

[21] Tabnak (Iran), October 5, 2024.

[23] Jamaran (Iran), October 10, 2024.

[24] It should be noted that such a fatwa does not in fact exist. See MEMRI Daily Brief No. 433, Khamenei's 'Nuclear Fatwa,' Once Again, November 22, 2022.

[25] ISNA (Iran), October 9, 2024.

[26] Didban Iran (Iran), October 9, 2024.

[27] Aser-i Iran (Iran), October 21, 2024.

[28] Javan (Iran), October 2, 2024.

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