August 26, 2022 Special Dispatch No. 10160

Iranian Journalist Mohammad Gharavi: Khamenei's Fatwa Banning Nuclear Weapons Is Open For Interpretation, Nothing Is Constant

August 26, 2022
Special Dispatch No. 10160

In an August 20, 2022 show on NBN TV (Lebanon), Iranian journalist Mohammad Gharavi spoke about pursuing nuclear weapons, and he said that some regime officials have begun advocating for the development of a nuclear bomb. When asked by the show's host about an alleged fatwa by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei banning nuclear weapons, Gharavi answered that the fatwa is open to interpretation by Islamic scholars, and that the fatwa is subject to change depending on the circumstances. He also said that Khamenei's alleged fatwa should only be relied upon if the U.S. is acting honestly. For more about the subject and about Khamenei's fatwa, which does not actually exist, see MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 1648.

To view the video of Iranian journalist Mohammad Gharavi click here or below:

"People In The Corridors Of The Iranian Regime [Are Saying:] 'Let's Just Go For A Nuclear Bomb And Be Done With This Story Altogether'"

Mohammad Gharavi: "The nuclear agreement was a win-win deal for Iran and America. Now it has become a winning agreement only for Iran. If there is an agreement, fine. If there isn't an agreement, also fine — we will [enrich uranium] to 60% and more. Furthermore, we have begun hearing people in Iran speaking loudly — I am talking about people in the corridors of the Iranian regime... They say: Let's just go for a nuclear bomb and be over with this story altogether..."

Interviewer: "Really? But you have a religious prohibition in this regard..."

Gharavi: "This prohibition is subject to interpretation..."

Interviewer: "Really?"

Gharavi: "It is subject to ijtihad [a jurisprudent's interpretation] and can be reexamined. This prohibition is subject to temporal circumstances and customs."

Interviewer: "I see. So nothing is constant in this regard."

Gharavi: "Nothing is, of course."

Interviewer: "This message may resonate loudly..."

Gharavi: "We Shi'ites are known for our ijtihad..."

Interviewer: "The gates of ijtihad are wide open with you people..."

Khamenei's Fatwa Prohibiting A Nuclear Bomb Cannot — And Should Not — Be Relied Upon

Gharavi: "Our leader [Khamenei], may Allah grant him a long life, has had this ijtihad that a [nuclear] bomb is prohibited, but maybe in 120 years — may Allah grant him a long life — it will become permissible, when another [Leader] will take over and he will have a different ijtihad."

Interviewer: "So this is subject to timing and circumstances?"

Gharavi: "Of course."

Interviewer: "So everything is open, like you say..."

Gharavi: "Of course."

Interviewer: "My conclusion is that you cannot rely on such [a fatwa]..."

Gharavi: "It's not that you can't. You shouldn't. You can rely on it, if the Americans act with honesty."

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