The following are some of this week's reports from the MEMRI Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM) Project, which translates and analyzes content from sources monitored around the clock, among them the most important jihadi websites and blogs. (To view these reports in full, you must be a paying member of the JTTM; for membership information, send an email to with "Membership" in the subject line.)
Note to media and government: For a full copy of these reports, send an email with the title of the report in the subject line to Please include your name, title, and organization in your email.
EXCLUSIVE: Kashmir-Based Group Promotes Jihad On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
A Kashmir-based group called "Did You Know?" maintains accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The innocous-sounding group's byline reads: "Revealing the world of history and politics." However, a closer inspection of the group's accounts reveals that dozens of its Twitter followers are ISIS fighters and supporters, and its images are shared by media savvy jihadis on Facebook as well.
The group, which also goes by "Did U Know?" posts alleged historical facts relating to Islam and jihad, and also comments on current events such as the permissibility of homosexuality and the June 26, 2015 attack in Sousse, Tunisia, which claimed the lives of dozens of Western tourists.
It should be noted that there is some content overlap among the three social media accounts, but that each platform also contains unique memes that are not repeated elsewhere. Other groups such as Invite to Islam and Dawah Squad have similarly espoused radicalism on their social media accounts.
Israfil Yilmaz, a Dutch ISIS fighter in Syria, frequently fields questions on his Tumblr blog. The fighter was once hugely popular on Twitter and had a large fan base; however, he stopped using the platform following multiple suspensions. A former critic of ISIS, Yilmaz fought together with other groups before joining ISIS, which he did recently.
ISIS Video Touts Ramadan As 'Month Of Jihad'
On June 29, 2015, the information office for the Islamic State (ISIS) in Ninawa Province, Iraq, published a 7-minute video on YouTube titled "Life on the Frontlines during the Month of Jihad." The video, which was also posted on the Twitter account, documents ISIS fighters on the frontlines faithfully combining the Ramadan practices of fasting and prayers with jihad and combating the enemy.
The video opens by showing ISIS fighters moving through trenches, loading their weapons, pointing their rifles at enemy positions, and preparing for the next battle. In some scenes, fighters are seen holding weapons in observation posts while praying and reading the Koran. Later on, the video shows fighters being roused before dawn in order to eat their pre-fast meal and their prayers during the day. The narrator in the video says that fighters on the frontlines live happy lives, since they combine the two holy practices of jihad in the path of Allah and the Ramadan fast. He adds: "The fighter on the frontline spends his days remembering his almighty God, reading the Koran, and watching and following the movements of the enemies of Allah, who are in his gun sights. He also ceaselessly asks [Allah] for forgiveness, praises Allah, and makes sure to chant 'Allah akabr.' All this while the fighters storm the enemy and bombard its positions so that it does not enjoy peace and quiet."
ISIS Fighters Vow To Uproot Israel, Establish Sharia In Gaza
On June 30, 2015, the media office of the Islamic State's (ISIS's) Aleppo province released a video titled "A Message to Our People in Jerusalem," featuring ISIS fighters in Iraq and Syria who vowed to uproot the state of Israel, promised to establish sharia law in Gaza, and criticized Hamas for targeting the mujahideen in Gaza and accusing it of working for the U.S and Iran.
In the 16-minute video, which was posted on the pro-ISIS jihadi forum Shumoukh Al-Islam, one of the speakers, Abu Azam Al-Ghazawi, said that ISIS is approaching Palestine, promised to liberate it, and vowed to uproot the "Jewish State." Addressing the "tyrants" of Hamas, he said; "You are nothing in our calculations, you are a foregone conclusion in our calculations. With Allah's grace and Allah willing, we will uproot the State of the Jews, and you and Fatah and all the seculars are nothing.
ISIS In Iraq Executes More Homosexuals By Casting Them From A Rooftop (Warning: Graphic Images)
The following report is a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.
On July 1, 2015, the Islamic State (ISIS) media office in Iraq's Fallujah province published a series of photos showing the execution of four more men convicted of engaging in homosexual acts. This follows reports on similar executions in other parts of Iraq: in Mosul on June 3, 2015 and in the town of Al- Ba'aj in Al-Jazira province on May 3, 2015. It appears that ISIS is consistently imposing the same sharia punishment on homosexuals, namely dropping them head first from the roof of a tall building and then stoning them. The latest report, which includes seven photos, was published on the jihadi forum Shumoukh Al-Islam ( and distributed via social media.
ISIS Destroys Smuggled Palmyra Statues, Flogs Smuggler
On July 2, 2015, the Islamic State's (ISIS's) Aleppo province released a photo report showing the confiscation and destruction of large pieces of statues from Palmyra, apparently intended to be smuggled outside of Syria.
According to the report, which was posted on Twitter, a man who intended to smuggle Palmyra statues was stopped at a check point and was transferred to the Islamic court in the city of Minbij. The court ruled that the statues be destroyed and that the smuggler be punished.
New ISIS Video Shows Beheading Of Jabhat Al-Nusra, Jaish Al-Islam Captives
An 11-minute video titled "Repent before We Overcome You," issued on June 25, 2015 by the Islamic State's (ISIS) information bureau in Damascus, shows the beheading of 12 men who were captured by ISIS in the Jabal Al-Dakwa area in the Eastern Ghouta suburb of Damascus. The 12 are members of Jabhat Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda's affiliate in Syria, and of Jaish Al-Islam, a coalition of Islamist and Salafist units active mainly in the Damascus area. The video includes a statement by ISIS spokesman Muhammad Al-'Adnani, from an audio published two days ago, in which he addresses members of the "Sahawat"(a name that ISIS applies to all Sunni forces fighting it) and urges them to repent before the Islamic State reaches them and overpowers them.
ISIS Releases Last Statement Of Kuwait Mosque Suicide Bomber
On June 29, 2015, the Islamic State (ISIS) in Saudi Arabia's Nejd province released a 4.5-minute audio titled "Last Statement of Caliphate Soldier Abu Suleiman Who Raided the Rafidite [i.e., Shi'ite] Place of Worship in the Kuwait Region." The audio, released on the Nejd province Twitter account, is a statement recorded by the bomber, Khalid Tamer Jaber Al-Shimri, aka Abu Suleiman, before he departed on his June 26, 2015 suicide mission at the Al-Sadiq Mosque in Kuwait City. In it, Abu-Suleiman threatens the Shi'ites in general and the Kuwaiti Shi'ites in particular, while praising his fellow mujahideen everywhere as well as the "Caliph of the Muslims," Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.
ISIS Claims Responsibility For Tunisia Attack
On June 27, 2015, the Islamic State (ISIS) released a statement claiming responsibility for the deadly attack in Sousse, Tunisia, the previous day. Almost 40 people, most of them Westerners, were killed when a gunman opened fire on tourists at a beach in the Tunisian resort town. The ISIS statement identified the assailant as "caliphate soldier" Abu Yahya Al-Qayrawani.
On June 28, 2015, Aqsa Mahmood, a British female Islamic State (ISIS) member from Glasgow, Scotland, posted a poem titled "Black Friday" on her Tumblr blog lauding the June 26, 2015 ISIS attacks in Tunisia, Kuwait, and France. In keeping with current events, she also condemned the recent legalization of gay marriage in the U.S.
Mahmood posts under the assumed name Umm Layth. It has been rumored that she held a prominent position in the Al-Khansaa female policing brigade in Raqqah, Syria.
The first two stanzas of the poem are dedicated to the June 26, 2015 U.S. Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage.
ISIS's Sinai Province Claims Attacks On Multiple Military Sites, Siege On Police Station
On July 1, 2015, the Islamic State's Sinai province released two statements claiming that it had targeted 15 military and security sites and besieged a police station in Sinai. According to the statement, the attacks, on the Officer's Club in Areesh and two military points in Al-Sidrah, and Abu Rufa'i were martyrdom (i.e. suicide) operations.
Saudi-Based Companies Ask Western Employees Visiting Bahrain To Avoid Mosques, Crowded Areas
According to the Saudi daily Al-Hayat, a number of companies operating in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia have warned their Western employees, especially Americans, who are intending to travel to Bahrain to avoid crowded areas, congregating near places of warship, or gathering in large groups.