August 14, 2021 Special Announcements No. 1089

Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM) Weekly: August 7 – 14, 2021

August 14, 2021
Special Announcements No. 1089

The following are some of this week's reports from the MEMRI Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM) Project, which translates and analyzes content from sources monitored around the clock, among them the most important jihadi websites and blogs. (To view these reports in full, you must be a paying member of the JTTM; for membership information, send an email to with "Membership" in the subject line.)

Note to media and government: For a full copy of these reports, send an email with the title of the report in the subject line to Please include your name, title, and organization in your email.


EXCLUSIVE: Exploiting U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan, Islamic State-Taliban Fight To Establish Islamic Caliphate To Intensify

By: Romany Shaker

As the withdrawal of U.S. and coalition troops from Afghanistan is already in its final stages as per the February 29, 2020 agreement between the United States and the Afghan Taliban, the Islamic State (ISIS) has begun to carry out increasingly diverse attacks via its Afghan affiliate, the Islamic State Khurasan Province (ISKP), in an attempt to expand its influence in the country.


EXCLUSIVE: Editors Of Pro-Al-Qaeda Magazine 'Wolves Of Manhattan' Urge Muslim Youth To Infiltrate Protests Against COVID-19 Mandates In Western Countries, Launch Lone Wolf Attacks On Police

On August 10, 2021, the pro-Al-Qaeda media group Jaysh Al-Malahim Al-Electroni released an "urgent" statement signed by the editors of its "Wolves of Manhattan" magazine, urging Muslims living in Western countries to carry out lone wolf attacks and exploit the ongoing protests against COVID-19 restrictions.


EXCLUSIVE: Pro-Al-Qaeda Media Group To Lone Wolves: Do Not Consult With Anyone When Killing Americans

On August 6, 2021, the newly-founded pro-Al-Qaeda Al-Fursan Media Foundation released a poster titled "America Burns," encouraging lone-wolf attack against U.S. nationals.


EXCLUSIVE: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Murder Of Translator For U.S. Forces -Turned Government Clerk In Afghanistan

An article that appears in Issue 298 of the official Islamic State (ISIS) Al-Naba' weekly magazine, published on August 5, 2021, which focuses on the organization's activities in Afghanistan, reports that during the previous week ISIS operatives in Afghanistan assassinated six "apostates," among them a senior figure in Afghani intelligence, and a man who previously worked as a translator for the American forces in the country and at the time of his death was a senior clerk in the Afghani government.


The Islamic State (ISIS) Claims Control Over Two Villages In Ituri State In The Eastern Democratic Republic Of The Congo

On August 9, 2021, the Islamic State (ISIS) official A'maq media outlet released a report which states that according to "military sources," in the morning hours of August 8, 2021, the organization's fighters seized control of the villages of Mabiba and Malibongo in Ituri State, Eastern Congo, following several days of "fierce battles" against the soldiers of the Armed Forces of the DRC, during which 18 Congolese soldiers were killed.


ISIS Editorial: Regional Coalition In Central Africa Cannot Defeat ISIS In The Region: 'Old Feuds Between Participating Countries Will Be Reignited'

On August 6, 2021, the Islamic State (ISIS) released Issue 298 of its weekly newspaper Al-Naba', which included an editorial titled "But the Hour Is Their Appointment."


ISIS Supporters Spin Islamic State Central Africa Province (ISCAP) Withdrawal From Mozambique Stronghold As Tactical Decision, Threaten To Punish Rwanda For Initiating War Against ISIS

On August 8, 2021, the Rwanda Defence Force reported in a tweet that "the port city of Mocímboa da Praia, a major stronghold of the insurgency for more than two years, has been captured by Rwandan and Mozambican security forces."


ISIS Supporter: 'We Will Take Action' Against Indian Authorities Following Reported Arrest Of Key Operative In 'Voice Of Hind' Magazine

On August 8, 2021, chatter on Rocket.Chat between supporters of the Islamic States (ISIS) suggested that Abu Hajir Al-Badri, who was allegedly in charge of producing ISIS's "The Voice of Hind" magazine, was arrested by Indian authorities. Users threatened that the Indian authorities will have to face consequences if they refuse to release him.


Pro-ISIS Writer Lashes Out At Hamas, Calls On 'Monotheists' In Gaza, West Bank And 'Every Inch In Palestine' To Fight Against The Jews With 'Sincere Intention'

On August 4, 2021, a pro-Islamic State (ISIS) Telegram channel posted an article arguing that attacks made against Gaza received more support from Arab media and governments, because Gaza is controlled by Hamas, which the writer accused of being a "secular" and "democratic" organization that implements "man-made" laws instead of shari'a.


Pro-ISIS Telegram Channel Launches Online 'Raid Brigades,' Urges ISIS Supporters To Take Part In Media Jihad

On August 5, 2021, a pro-Islamic State (ISIS) Telegram channel shared an archival clip from a video series originally released by Al-Hayat media in October 2018, highlighting the online operations of ISIS supporters and urging them to continue waging media jihad.


Jihadi Social Media – Account Review (JSM-AR): Washington, D.C., Man, Claiming To Be From Istanbul, Posts Pro-ISIS Content, Writes He Has Visited White House, Calls For Establishment Of Caliphate And Jihad Against The Jews On Facebook, Promotes Jihadi Clerics

The Facebook user posts Islamic State (ISIS) news articles on updates from ISIS-controlled territories and the mujahideen, adding messages of support for the group. He also writes messages hoping for the Islamic community to be united under the caliphate.


Illinois-Based Jihadi And Gun Enthusiast Active On Gab, Instagram, Ruqqus, BitChute Shares Videos By Pro-ISIS Jamaican Sheikh Al-Faisal, Condemns French Anti-Muslim Sentiment, Celebrates In Video Samuel Paty's Murder By Jihadi; 'I Pray And Hope For An Atrocity, Punishment And Justice For Islamophobic Policy'

An Illinois-based jihadi and convert to Islam who is active on social media platforms such as Instagram, Gab, Ruqqus, and the video-sharing platform BitChute lends support to jihadi figures.


Al-Qaeda In The Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) Congratulates Its Syrian Affiliate Hurras Al-Din For Damascus Bombing: You Revived Jihad

On August 6, 2021, the media arm of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) released a statement congratulating its Syrian affiliate, Hurras Al-Din, for carrying out a "qualitative operation" targeting a bus carrying Syrian soldiers in Damascus.


Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) Leader Welcomes Idea Of Factions Merging, Offers Military And Security Assistance To Areas Controlled By Other Factions

On August 5, 2021, Amjad, a Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) media foundation, released a video documenting a meeting between HTS leader Abu Muhammad Al-Joulani and representatives of the Aleppo area, in which he highlighted HTS fighting priorities, welcomed the idea of merging with other factions, and offered his assistance with military and security issue in areas controlled by other factions.


Commanders Of Syria-Based Jihadi Groups Junud Al-Sham, Al-Qaeda-Aligned Tansiqiyat Al-Jihad Deny Claims Of Plots To Attack HTS Commanders, Headquarters In Idlib

Over the past few days, Telegram channels that support the Syrian jihadi group Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) have alleged that Muslim Al-Shishani, Chechen-born commander of the Syria-based Caucasian Junud Al-Sham ("Soldiers Of Syria") jihadi faction; Abu Al-'Abd Ashida', commander of the Syrian Al-Qaeda-aligned Tansiqiyat Al-Jihad faction; and members of the Syrian Al-Qaeda affiliate Hurras Al-Din are plotting to carry out an attack on HTS commanders and headquarters.


In New Release, Group For Support Of Islam And Muslims (GSIM) Leader Describes France's Withdrawal From Mali As A Failure, Congratulates The Taliban On U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan, Calls On Muslims 'To Rise Up To Wage Jihad Against France, Jews, Crusaders, And Apostates'

On August 10, 2021, the media arm of Al-Qaeda's affiliate in Mali, the Group for Support of Islam and Muslims (GSIM), released a video clip featuring an audio recording of the group's leader discussing French military operations in Mali and other regional and global events, including the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and the impact of COVID-19.


Essay By Prominent Al-Qaeda Supporter Urges Young Muslims To Wage Jihad Rather Than Pursue Entertainment And Imitate The West

In a six-page essay titled "A Call to the Muslim Youth [regarding] the Life of the Ummah and the Source of its Strength," published August 4, 2021, an Al-Qaeda supporter lashes out at young Muslims who devote their time to entertainment and pleasures instead of waging jihad.


Article In Pro-Al-Qaeda Weekly: U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan Bursts Its Bubble As The World's Strongest Superpower

An article published on August 7, 2021, in Issue 28 of the Thabat weekly magazine published by the pro-Al-Qaeda Thabat News Agency, titled "America the Bubble of the Current Era" claims that the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan has put paid to the image that the U.S. had created for itself as the world's strongest superpower.


Counting Down The Hours To 20th Anniversary Of 9/11, Key Al-Qaeda Supporter Recalls The 1998 Attacks On U.S. Embassies In Kenya, Tanzania

On August 8, 2021, Al-Qaeda supporter Warith Al-Qassim published several posts on Telegram marking the anniversary of two significant attacks carried out by the group on U.S. interests.


Pro-Al-Qaeda Media Activity Surges With The Launch Of Five New Unofficial Media Groups

Since the last week of July 2021, at least five new unofficial pro-Al-Qaeda media groups have been established.


Pro-Al-Qaeda Essay Urges Supporters To Coordinate "Media Jihad" Efforts, Claims Taliban's "Victory" In Afghanistan Is Harbinger Of Ultimate Al-Qaeda Triumph

Al-Qaeda supporter Haydarah Al-Qandahari published a five-page essay addressed to the organization's supporters on the internet titled "Zero Hour Has Struck," urging them to engage in media jihad to spread Al-Qaeda's messages and ideology.


Pro-Al-Qaeda Media Groups, Supporters Celebrate Hurras Al-Din's Second Raid In Syria's Damascus

Yesterday and today, several pro-Al-Qaeda media groups and Al-Qaeda supporters shared posters celebrating the second raid carried out by the Al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria, Hurras Al-Din, in the Syrian capital, Damascus.


A Pro-Iranian Shi'ite Group Claims Responsibility For A Series Of Attacks Against American Convoys Across Iraq

The following report is now a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.

In late July-early August 2021, the Qassem Al-Jabareen Company, a pro-Iranian Shi'ite group in Iraq, claimed responsibility for more than ten attacks against American forces' convoys in four Iraqi governorates –Dhi Qar, Babil, Al-Qadisiyah and the Baghdad Governorate.


Calling For Ending 'Occupation,' Spokesman Of Iran-Backed Al-Nujaba' Urges Turkey To Learn From American Experience In Iraq

On August 10, 2021, Nasr Al-Shammari, deputy secretary general and the official spokesman of the Iranian-backed Iraqi Shi'ite group Al-Nujaba' Movement, tweeted a poster urging Turkey to learn from the experience of the Americans if they intend to occupy Iraq, and calling on the Iraqi people, parliament, and government to end all occupation of the country.

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