Today, MEMRI's JTTM Weekly Digest subscribers received their second issue. It included a summary of the week's most important news items and relevant material from jihadist websites, including exclusive analyses and translations.
For MEMRI subscribers who have not yet paid for the JTTM Weekly Digest, it is now available for the annual fee of $125.
Subscriptions include the following perks, in addition to the weekly email:
Quarterly online discussions with Jihad & Terrorism Threat Monitor staff
A downloadable video compilation of clips of the Al-Qaeda leadership, including Osama bin Laden; his lieutenant Ayman Al-Zawahiri; senior Al-Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn; senior Al-Qaeda commander Abu Yahya Al-Libi; Abu Mansour "The American," a commander in the Al-Qaeda-linked Somali group Shabab Al-Mujahideen; Mustafa Abu Al-Yazid, an Al-Qaeda leader in Afghanistan; and many others.
Access to purchase articles from the JTTM project archives, including selected Special Dispatches and Inquiry and Analysis reports.
And more details coming soon.
To subscribe to the Weekly Digest, visit our secure payment page at, or send an email to with "Subscription Information" in the subject line.
- Behind the Scenes of Virtual Jihad III: Al-Ekhlaas19 — A Jihadi Forum or a Counterfeit Site?
- Abu Yahya Al-Libi's 'Eid Al-Fitr Sermon: 'Is It Possible For a Human To Please Obama And To Please Allah[?]...When This Black Raven... Gave His Speech in Egypt, People Applauded'
- Remarks of Mullah Brader Akhund Made to Media About President Obama's New Strategy
- Taliban Statement on UN's 64th Anniversary: "Rulers of the World Should Show Enough Determination and Toughness to Restore to This World Body Its Lost Status; They should Try to Release the UNO From the Claws of a Few Usurpers Who Have Their Hold on the United Nations"
- Former Lebanese Minister and Main Syrian Activist In Lebanon: Al-Qaeda Planning To Strike UNIFIL
- Taliban Cover Article Envisions Taliban-Russia-China Alliance Against U.S., Ignores Chechens, Uyghurs; Warns that Australia May Have to Be Conquered as 'Lebensraum' for Asian Settlement
- Somali Jihad Group Al-Shabab Al-Mujahideen Threatens to Start 'Holy War' to Liberate Al-Aqsa
- Al-Safir: Senior Fath Al-Islam Operative Arrested by Lebanese Military
- Major Islamist Forum Posts Eulogies For American Jihadist Killed in Detroit Shootout with FBI; One Calls For Jihad On U.S. Soil
- Kurdish Jihad Group Ansar Al-Islam Eulogizes Baitullah Mehsud
- 'Abdallah 'Azzam Brigades Claim Responsibility for Katyusha Fire on Northern Israel
- Indian Government Reaches Out To Clerics In Anti-Terror Campaign
- Imprisoned Moroccan Islamist Muhammad Al-Fizzazi Expresses Opposition to Attacks on Germany
- Pakistani Cleric: "Suicide Attacks Are Against Spirit Of Islam"
- A Mujahid from the Caucasus Writes to His Mother