January 15, 2014 Special Dispatch No. 5603

Kuwaiti Professor Abdallah Nafisi: Gulf States Need Military Nuclear Option; Bin Laden Kidnapped, Not Killed

January 15, 2014
Kuwait | Special Dispatch No. 5603

Following are excerpts from an interview with Kuwaiti professor and prominent Islamist Abdallah Nafisi, which aired on Rotana Khalijiya TV on January 3, 2014. In 2009, Nafisi delivered a speech in which he suggested a method for carrying out an anthrax attack in the U.S., lavishly praised Mullah Omar, and expressed the hope that "white militias" would succeed in their alleged plans to bomb a nuclear facility in the U.S. (see ).

Click here to view this clip on MEMRI TV

Interviewer: "Israel is a nuclear military power, and Iran is working towards becoming one. Is it necessary for the Gulf states to obtain nuclear weapons? I am talking about nuclear weapons, not nuclear energy."

Abdallah Nafisi: "I think that it is in our interest to start thinking about this issue, and to start hinting at a nuclear option. We do not have to declare this publicly, but we have to establish special relations with Pakistan. Pakistan is a Sunni Muslim country, with experience in the nuclear field, and it even frightens India with its nuclear option."

Interviewer: "According to intelligence reports, published by the British Times newspaper, Saudi Arabia intends to resort to the Pakistani nuclear weapons, if Iran develops nuclear weapons."

Abdallah Nafisi: "It is very important for Saudi Arabia to continue on this path. It is important for the media in the GCC states to talk about this. It is very important that Iran – as well as its satellites among the GCC states – should know that the nuclear option is possible. [...]
"[In 1992, I was part of a delegation] that met with Rafsanjani, then the president of Iran, as well as with Nateq-Nouri, the parliamentary speaker at the time, who arranged a welcome banquet for us. Members of the Iranian parliament attended, including Rohani."

Interviewer: "The current president..."

Abdallah Nafisi: "Yes. Back then, he chaired the parliamentary committee for foreign policy. I was the rapporteur for the Kuwaiti parliamentary foreign affairs committee. I don't know if it was coincidental, but I was seated next to him. Perhaps it was planned this way so we could talk about foreign affairs. He told me explicitly, and I told my colleagues..."

Interviewer: "What did he tell you?"

Abdallah Nafisi: "He said that the entire Gulf coast, from Kuwait to the Sultanate of Oman, used to belong to Persia and would be restored to it."

Interviewer: "He said that it would be restored to Iran?"

Abdallah Nafisi: "Yes. As for Bahrain, he said it should be restored to them right away.

"There is no longer a central unified entity called "Al-Qaeda." I doubt that Sheikh Osama bin Laden was killed. I think that he was kidnapped."

Interviewer: "You doubt that he was killed?"

Abdallah Nafisi: "That's right."

Interviewer: "Why do you think that he was kidnapped?"

Abdallah Nafisi: "I believe that he was kidnapped and they are holding him."

Interviewer: "You are saying that bin Laden is alive?"

Abdallah Nafisi: "He was kidnapped. It's inconceivable that a country the size of the U.S. would hunt for one person for 11 years, and when it finds him in a small room... rat-tat-tat... would kill him. That would be amateurish. It is not professional to hunt a person for 20 years, and when he is finally found – to kill him, instead of arresting him. What's the point of the pursuit, which cost billions of dollars? No, I believe that he was kidnapped, and then they pretended to throw him into the sea. I believe that Sheikh Osama is in their hands and that they are [interrogating] him." [...]

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