Following are excerpts from an Al-Manar TV report on "The Lebanese Brigades," which aired on February 20, 2011.
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Commander: "The brigades of the fifth region: Renew your pledge of allegiance."
Footage shows the brigade members saluting the tomb of Imad Mughniya
Reporter: "They renewed their pledge to continue on the path of resistance, in the footsteps of the commander of the two victories, the martyr and commander Hajj Imad Mughniya. After the words about all the accomplishments, the brigades of the fifth region in the north made their pledge, before the tomb of the martyr and commander, in the Mausoleum of the Two Martyrs, on the anniversary of his death."
Spokesman for the Lebanese Brigades: "In the name of jihad and the mujahideen, the brigades of the fifth region hereby renew their pledge of allegiance to you, oh leader of the resistance.
You have asked the mujahideen to be fully prepared to take over the Galilee at your behest. We are telling you, that from here – from the tomb of the leader of the victories, of Jihad, and of the resistance – we are prepared to take over Tel Aviv, if you so command." [...]