January 17, 2024 Special Announcements No. 1437

MEMRI NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT TODAY – Consider Making Your First Donation Now

January 17, 2024
Special Announcements No. 1437

We at MEMRI would like to express our appreciation for you, a loyal reader of MEMRI research. As such, you are aware of the work we do and of its critical importance.

You are receiving this appeal as a subscriber to our emails who, according to our records, has not yet donated to support our work. Please consider beginning 2024 with your first donation to MEMRI. Help support us and our groundbreaking projects and initiatives. Help make it possible for us to continue to bridge the language gap between the Arab and Muslim world, Russia, China, and the West, and to publish our exclusive research on antisemitism across the Middle East, jihadi terrorism, the threat of Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism, and much more.

We realize that you or a family member may have donated to MEMRI under another name or email account. If so, we would like to sincerely thank you for your support. Donations can take several weeks to process.

MEMRI research, with its significant intelligence value, is filling a major void, and is being used by governments and militaries – including in these difficult days. Throughout this year, and every year since our founding, we have shown that we are on the cutting edge in this field. We have been exposing extremism, antisemitism, and jihadi threats for over 25 years. Nobody else is doing the work that we do.

As one of the world's most productive nonprofit think tanks focusing on the Middle East and South Asia and on threats to the U.S. and the West, MEMRI's extensive research output equals or surpasses that of similar organizations many times our size with many times our budget.

But producing all this content is costly, and our research and translation teams are stretched to the limit. There is so much more of this primary source material that we need to monitor, translate, and distribute. The work we are doing is exacting and exhausting, our sophisticated technical equipment requires upgrading, and we need more staff to keep up with the flood of content.

There is much to do – and it is only with your help that we can continue our vital work of supporting counterterrorism efforts in the U.S. and across the West.

We are appealing to you, our loyal readers and subscribers who have not yet donated. Please consider helping us today to continue and expand our monitoring and translating of more primary source content and our distribution of it – free of charge – to governments, legislatures, media, and readers like you.

With employer matching gift programs, you can double or even triple the impact of your donation to MEMRI. We have partnered with Double the Donation to make this matching gift process easier than ever. Visit our matching gift page here to see if your employer will match your donation."


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