February 22, 2024 Special Announcements No. 1452

The MEMRI Weekly: February 16-23, 2024

February 22, 2024
Special Announcements No. 1452

The following are links to reports from MEMRI's Special Dispatch Series and Inquiry and Analysis Series, as well as to transcripts from the MEMRI TV Project, released during the past week.


MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 11165 – Al-Ahram Editor-In-Chief Ashraf Abu Al-Houl: The Results Of October 7 Have Been Catastrophic For Gaza; If Hamas Did Not Manage To Protect The People Of Gaza And Their Homes That Means It Was Defeated, March 1, 2023

Inquiry and Analysis No. 1752 – Looking Ahead In 2024 – The Taliban Factor In The Afghanistan-Pakistan Region, March 1, 2024

MEMRI Daily Brief No. 576 – Noxious Narratives: Algerian Anti-Moroccan Propaganda, February 28, 2024

MEMRI Daily Brief No. 575 – When Foreign War Policy Becomes Domestic Electoral Policy, February 28, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11163 – Anti-Liberal Russian Philosopher Dugin At Multipolarity Forum: 'The Era Of The West's Sole Hegemony Has Ended', March 1, 2023

Special Dispatch No. 11162 – CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad In Dearborn, Michigan: No Party Should Take Muslim-American Voters For Granted; We Invite President Biden To Negotiate With Us On Changing His Policies On Palestine, Yemen, Kashmir, March 1, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11161 – Ramadan – The Month Of Jihad And Martyrdom, March 1, 2023

MEMRI Daily Brief No. 572 – The PLO Covenant Was Never Abolished, February 21, 2024

Inquiry and Analysis No. 1751 – Al-Jazeera Arabic: The Qatari-Owned TV Channel That Promotes Islamist Terrorism Worldwide, February 29, 2024

Inquiry and Analysis No. 1750 – Iran Election 2024 – Part II: The Disqualification Of Former Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's Candidacy For The Assembly Of Experts, February 29, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11160 – Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh Meets With Chinese Ambassador To Qatar, February 29, 2024

Inquiry and Analysis No. 1749 – Iran Elections 2024 – Part I: Reformist 'National Front Of Iran' Calls For Boycott – 'We Do Not Participate In Fraudulent Elections', February 28, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11159 – Al-Qaeda Essay By Sayf Al-'Adl Praises Gazan Mujahideen As Examples Of Morality, Calls To Open 'Series Of Fronts' Against Jews, Declaring Them Worse Than Nazis, Justifying The Holocaust, February 29, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11158 – Anti-Liberal Russian Philosopher Dugin: The West's 'Most Dangerous Opponents' To Its 'Dominance' Are 'Russia, China, And The Islamic World', February 29, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11157 – Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov's Remarks At The International Russophile Movement Congress: 'The Destructive Course Adopted By The Western Elites To Isolate Russia... Has Failed Miserably', February 29, 2024

Inquiry and Analysis No. 1748 – Jordan Increasingly Concerned About Iran Amid Activity Of Iran-Backed Militias On Its Northern Border, February 20, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11156 – Kuwaiti Salafi Scholar Othman Al-Khamis Labels Shi'ites Unbelievers, Sharply Dividing Sunnis And Shi'ites On Social Media, February 28, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11155 – Renowned Russian Academic Karaganov: China Is The Main External Resource For Our Internal Development, An Ally And Partner For The Foreseeable Future, February 28, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11154 – Incitement Against Israel In Qatari Press Continues: Only More Attacks Like October 7 Will Restrain It; The Conflict Will End Only With Disappearance Of Israel, February 28, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11153 – Pashtu-Language Article On Pro-Afghan Taliban Website Slams Iran: 'Afghanistan Will No Longer Be The Center Of Proxy Wars'; Has Iran 'Sent Any Martyrdom-Seeking Battalions Yet In Support Of Palestine?', February 27, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11152 – Official Afghan Taliban Website, In Article Titled 'Satanic Triangle Of ISIS, Israel, And NRF [National Resistance Front]': 'Engaging In Jihad And Combatting This Satanic Triangle While Neutralizing Their Deceitful Plots Is An Obligatory... Duty', February 27, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11151 – In Dari-Language Article, Pro-Afghan Taliban Website Slams Iran For Killing Sunni Muslims In The Middle East: 'You Can Be Sure That Iran Has No Problem With Israel In The Middle East; Both Iran And Israel Are Trying To Destroy The Sunni Arabs Living There', February 29, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11150 – Russian-Language Article Describes Political, Military, And Cultural Life In Russia Immediately After The Death Of Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny', February 27, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11149 – British Islamic Scholar And Jurist Haitham Al-Haddad On Muslims In The West: When You Look Outside You Would Think You Are In A Second Afghanistan, But You Are In 'Londonistan'; You Are Not A Subjugated Minority – You Are The Leaders Of Humanity, February 26, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11148 – Senior Hamas Official Mousa Abu Marzouk: Nobody Could Have Anticipated The Consequences Of October 7; We Did Not Expect A Barbaric World War against Us, In Violation Of International Law, February 26, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11147 – Chinese Foreign Ministry Legal Advisor Ma Xinmin At The International Court Of Justice (ICJ): Palestinians Have The 'Inalienable Right' To Use Force To Resist Israeli Oppression; Armed Struggle Is Distinguished From Acts Of Terrorism In This Context, February 26, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11146 – Renowned Academic Karaganov: 'A New Eastward Siberian Turn In Russia'; 'We Must Build New Meridional Routes Connecting Southern Siberia With The Northern Sea Route, Leading To China And Through It To Southeast Asia', February 26, 2024



MEMRI TV Clip No. 10916 – Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Al-Sadiq Ali Denies That Sudan Received Military Aid From Iran Following Their Renewed Relations, Adds: Sudan Has The Right To Acquire Weapons To Defend Itself; The UAE Chose To Become Our Enemy, BBC Arabic (The UK)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10915 – CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad In Dearborn, Michigan: No Party Should Take Muslim-American Voters For Granted; We Invite President Biden To Negotiate With Us On Changing His Policies On Palestine, Yemen, Kashmir, Online Platforms

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10914 – Former Lebanese MP Fadi Al-Awar: 'The Jews Are Fleeing Israel And Going Back To Where They Came From'; 'The Jews Were Killing Children In Europe – Like They Are In Gaza – Before They Were Banished From There'

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10913 – Fatah Official Yasser Abu Sido: I Am No Fan Of Hitler But He Perpetrated The Holocaust For Obvious Reasons; The Jews Planned To Control Germany, Started To Bring Down Its Economy And Moral Values, Sada Al-Balad (Egypt)     

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10912 – Al-Ahram Editor-In-Chief Ashraf Abu Al-Houl: The Results Of October 7 Have Been Catastrophic For Gaza; If Hamas Did Not Manage To Protect The People Of Gaza And Their Homes That Means It Was Defeated, Al-Kahera Wal-Nas TV (Egypt)      

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10911 – President Of The U.S. Palestinian Council Prof. John Dabeet: American Palestinian And Arab Communities Have Decided Not To Vote For Biden In The November Elections, Falestinona TV (Fatah-Lebanon)           

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10910 – Former Lebanese Environment Minister Wiam Wahhab: The Israelis Know That Hizbullah Will Destroy Them If They Enter A Ground War With Lebanon; Hizbullah Purchased Javelin Missiles On The Ukrainian Black Market; I Also Bought Some, Al-Jadeed TV (Lebanon)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10909 – Iranian Islamic Scholar Mohammad-Taghi Akbarnejad: Many Iranians Despise The Regime's Support For Palestine; Khamenei Must Stop Supplying Palestine With Military Support; If Iran Continues On This Path – The Regime Will Fall, Online Platforms 

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10908 – Head Of The Association Of Palestinian Islamic Scholars Abroad Dr. Nawaf Takruri: I Call On Jordanian Youth To Wage Jihad And Fight Israel, Open New Fronts Against It; The Jordanian Army Can Mobilize In Defense Of Palestine

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10907 - Chinese Foreign Ministry Legal Advisor Ma Xinmin At The International Court Of Justice (ICJ): Palestinians Have The 'Inalienable Right' To Use Force To Resist Israeli Oppression; Armed Struggle Is Distinguished From Acts Of Terrorism In This Context, Online Platforms

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10906 – Senior Hamas Official Mousa Abu Marzouk: Nobody Could Have Anticipated The Consequences Of October 7; We Did Not Expect A Barbaric World War against Us, In Violation Of International Law, Alghad TV (Egypt)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10905 – British Islamic Scholar And Jurist Haitham Al-Haddad On Muslims In The West: When You Look Outside You Would Think You Are In A Second Afghanistan, But You Are In 'Londonistan'; You Are Not A Subjugated Minority – You Are The Leaders Of Humanity, Online Platforms

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