February 15, 2024 Special Announcements No. 1449

The MEMRI Weekly: February 9-16, 2024

February 15, 2024
Special Announcements No. 1449

The following are links to reports from MEMRI's Special Dispatch Series and Inquiry and Analysis Series, as well as to transcripts from the MEMRI TV Project, released during the past week.


MEMRI Daily Brief No. 571 – The Military Merchant Who May Hold One Key To Post-Hamas Gaza, February 16, 2024

Inquiry and Analysis No. 1745 – The Hadith Of The Stones And The Trees – About The Muslims Killing The Jews Ahead Of The End of Days – In The Hamas Charter And In A Publication Of The Hamas-Affiliated Palestine Scholars Association, February 15, 2024

MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 11136 – Dearborn, Michigan Commemoration Of Iran's Islamic Revolution Anniversary: Greedy DC Politicians Betrayed The American People; If We Fear 'Genocide Joe' – We Will Get 'Genocide Joe'; MEMRI Are Imbeciles, February 15, 2024

MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 11135 – UCLA Law Professor Dr. Khaled Abou El Fadl On Backlash Following MEMRI TV Clips: I Was Accused Of Being A Jew Hater, As If The Jewish People Are Doing Nothing Wrong; They Are Livid Because I Touched Upon The Truth; The Israelis Are Indistinguishable From The Nazis, February 15, 2024

MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 11134 – IRGC Qods Force Commander On Iran's 'Harsh Vengeance' Against Its Enemies And The Enemies Of The Muslims: 'We Are Doing This Every Day – We Must Thank Our Heroes In Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, And All The Countries That Support The Oppressed Palestinian People', February 15, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11133 – Former Iranian Nuclear Chief Ali-Akbar Salehi: Iran Has Crossed All Scientific And Technological Thresholds Necessary For Producing A Nuclear Bomb, February 8, 2024

MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 11132 – Senior Russian Security Official And Former President Dmitry Medvedev: 'There Is A Non-Systemic Opposition In The West As Well... Our Task Is To Support Such Politicians And Their Parties In The West In Every Possible Way', February 14, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11131 – Online Daily 'Rai Al-Youm': Russia Has Pledged To Extend Political Support To Hamas, And To Place Its UNSC Veto Power At Hamas’ Disposal, February 14, 2024

Inquiry and Analysis No. 1742 – Parts I-VIII: The Face Of The 'Suffocating Occupation,' 'Humanitarian Disaster,' 'Concentration Camp,' And 'Prison Camp' Of Pre-War Gaza – In Pictures And Data (An Answer To António Guterres, Benjamin Netanyahu, Norman Finkelstein, David Cameron, Ron Paul, And Patrick Buchanan), February 13, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11130 – Saudi Writer: Peace With Israel And Trade Relations With It Will Turn Our Commercial Leverage Into A Weapon More Effective Than Further Rounds Of Fighting, February 13, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11129 – Increasing Tensions In The South China Sea: Chinese Vessels Block Philippines Ship, February 13, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11128 – French-Tunisian Imam Hassen Chalghoumi: 'We Will Stand Alongside Our Jewish Brethren To Show Brotherhood'; 'In Terms Of Consequences, October 7 Is Worse Than September 11', February 12, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11127 – Syrian Writer: Only 'Dead American Soldiers' Will Cause U.S. To Withdraw From Syria, February 12, 2024

MEMRI Daily Brief No. 570 – Qatar Is The Trojan Horse In Washington, D.C., February 12, 2024

MEMRI Daily Brief No. 569 – Putin's Call For Multipolarity: How Good Is It For The U.S.?, February 12, 2024



MEMRI TV Clip No. 10890 – Chinese Video Titled 'Why Do Jews Have To Die?': Hitler Tried Save Germany From Jewish Power Grab – It Would Be A Jewish Country Were It Not For Him; The Surviving Jews Became 'Hitlerized,' Ruthlessly Occupied Palestine

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10889 – Former Palestinian Ambassador To India Osama Al-Ali: Hamas Must Release All Israeli Hostages To Save What's Left Of Gaza; Hamas Leaders Had Better Not Return To Gaza, Because The People Will Slaughter Them, Al-Arabiya Network (Dubai/Saudi Arabia)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10888 – Prominent Chinese Journalist Hu Xijin: China's PLA Can Overwhelm Taiwan, Would Not Be Deterred By American Or Japanese Forces, Online Platforms

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10887 – Hizbullah MP Hassan Ezzeldine: America Is Behind Every War In The World; Hizbullah Members Are Lebanese Citizens And Can Live Wherever They Want – No One Can Tell Them To Move North Of The Litani River, NBN TV (Lebanon)  

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10886 – Friday Sermon By Australian Imam Abdul Salam Zoud: Jihad Is The Only Solution When It Comes To The Infidels, The Only Way To Restore Palestine; We Are Not Looking To Kill People And Take Their Land, Only To Spread Islam, Which Was Created To Reign Supreme Over All Other Religions, Online Platforms

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10885 – Former Iranian Nuclear Chief Ali-Akbar Salehi: Iran Has Crossed All Scientific And Technological Thresholds Necessary For Producing A Nuclear Bomb, Nasim TV (Iran)         

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10884 – Children At Yemeni-Houthi Rally To Support Gaza: Abdul-Malik Badreddine Al-Houthi, We Are Your Soldiers, Use Us To Strike The Necks Of The Infidels! Jihad – Victory Or Martyrdom!, Al-Masirah TV (Yemen)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10883 – Houthis Use Corporal Punishment Against Yemenis For Committing 'Immoral Acts'; Dozens Flogged And Stoned; 13 University Students Sentenced To Death; Children's Heads Shaved For Having 'Western Hairstyles', Sky News Arabia (UAE)           

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10882 – Former Iraqi Nuclear Agency Official Dr. Alaa Al-Tamimi: The Military Nuclear Program Only Brought Disasters Upon Iraq; Secret Program Continued After Israeli 1981 Bombing, And Was Not Targeted In 1991 Gulf War Due To Lack Of Intelligence, France 24 Arabic TV (France)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10881 - AQAP Releases Second Video in Revived 'Inspire' Magazine, Calls for Lone Wolf Attacks in the West: Make Your Lone Operations an Extension of the Blessed Operation Al-Aqsa Flood

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10880 – IRGC Simulates Ballistic Missile Attack Against Israel's Palmachim Airbase: This Is An Illustration Of What The IRGC Can Do If Iranian Territory Is Attacked, Channel 1 (Iran)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10879 – Dearborn Heights, Michigan Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi Mocks President Biden In Friday Sermon, Adds: Netanyahu Is Hitler Of The 21st Century, Committing A Holocaust Against The Palestinians, Online Platforms

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10878 – Fatah Official Abbas Zaki: South Africa Will File A Case Against The U.S. In The ICJ, Because It Is An Accomplice In Israel's Crimes, Mayadeen TV (Lebanon)    

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10877 – Iraqi PM Mohammed Shia' Al-Sudani: We Want To End International Presence In Iraq, Including Foreign Advisors – Who Needs Them? ISIS Is Finished But May Return Worldwide Because Of The Crimes In Gaza War, Al-Arabiya Network (Dubai/Saudi Arabia)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10876 - Dearborn, Michigan Commemoration Of Iran's Islamic Revolution Anniversary: Greedy DC Politicians Betrayed The American People; If We Fear 'Genocide Joe' – We Will Get 'Genocide Joe'; MEMRI Are Imbeciles, Online Platforms

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10875 - Hamas Founder Ahmed Yassin In 1999 Al-Jazeera TV Interview: Based On The Quran, There Will Be No Israel By 2027, Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)     

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10874 – Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah: Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations In The West Are Highly Important; They Apply Pressure On Western Governments; Now Their Leaders Are Calling For Complete Ceasefire, Online Platforms

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10873 – British Historian Dr. Osman Latiff In Podcast Episode Titled 'Don't Let Israelis Hijack The Holocaust': The Jews Today Claim They Are Victims Of Oppression, Like The Nazis Did Dring The Holocaust; Israeli Scientific Progress Is A Fake Veneer Of Civility, Online Platforms


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