Thanks to concerned individuals like you, MEMRI has become a vital resource for federal, state, and local authorities this year, as well as for governments across the West seeking to understand the Middle East, including on issues such as terrorism, anti-Semitism, and reform.
Every day, MEMRI receives requests from government, law enforcement, and intelligence and military bodies for up-to-the-minute research on terrorism and other critical issues. Tens of thousands of readers are sent MEMRI reports by email, and MEMRI TV clips have had millions of views online. It is only because of its donors that MEMRI’s work is possible.
MEMRI research, translations, and analysis have allowed media, academia, and the general public worldwide to better understand the Middle East and the implications of developments in the region.
Together, we’ve helped expose extremism and anti-Semitism around the world this past year, including:
Hate-filled sermons in California, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Texas, Illinois, Virginia, Michigan, Tennessee, and Washington, DC, as well as in Ontario, Canada, Denmark, and Germany.
In the last two weeks alone, MEMRI exposed such sermons in Florida and Massachusetts: At a Boston mosque, Imam Abdullah Faaruuq criticized "American leaders" who permit "everything that Allah told us is forbidden... homosexuality, gay marriage, marijuana" and added that without Islam "America will meet its demise." In a Pompano Beach, Florida mosque, Imam Hasan Sabri said that Palestine must be liberated "even if it leads to the martyrdom of tens of millions of Muslims."
In September, following MEMRI's translation and release of a sermon by a Toulouse, France imam calling for killing Jews, the French public prosecutor opened a case against him for incitement to hatred.
In July, following MEMRI's translation and release of a sermon by a Copenhagen, Denmark imam calling for killing Jews, the imam was indicted by authorities. News reports from across Europe credited MEMRI with exposing the imam.
So much more needs to be done to fight extremism, anti-Semitism, and homegrown terrorism.
Millions of Americans take the opportunity of GivingTuesday, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, to renew their tax-deductible support to important causes. If you’d prefer not to wait until November 27 to make a GivingTuesday donation, you can support MEMRI’s important work here. MEMRI will soon be launching a GivingTuesday campaign.
MEMRI’s research reports are available via email. If you have not yet subscribed, please consider doing so. Reports are available on the following topics: anti-Semitism, democracy and reform, Jihad and Terrorism Studies, Russian Media Studies, assorted Middle East topics, and our weekly newsletter. To subscribe, click here.
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