May 15, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11330

Michigan Imam Hassan Qazwini – An Active Supporter Of Michigan Democratic Politicians – Has Claimed That ISIS Is Arm Of Zionism, Praised Houthis, And Endorsed Bernie Sanders 'Even Though He Is A Jew'; He Says: 'If There Were Justice In This Country,' Members Of Congress Who Voted For House Antisemitism Awareness Bill 'Would Be Indicted And Convicted of Treason' – They Do Not Represent The American People And Are Israel's Stooges

May 15, 2024
United States | Special Dispatch No. 11330

In his May 3, 2024 Friday sermon at the Islamic Institute of America in Dearborn Heights, MI, Iraqi-born Imam Hassan Qazwini responded to the new Antisemitism Awareness Bill, which was recently passed by Congress. He said that members of Congress who passed the bill do not represent the people of America, rather they are "stooges" for Israel. Qazwini added that if there were justice, they would be put on trial for treason. The sermon was streamed live on the YouTube channel of the Islamic Institute of America. In 2022, the annual fundraiser for the Institute, lead by Qazwini, featured guest speakers Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib.

To view the latest clip of Michigan Imam Hassan Qazwini, click here or below:

Imam Hassan Qazwini with Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer at the 2022 fundraiser for the Islamic Institute of America in Dearborn Heights, Michigan.[1]

In 2020, Qazwini endorsed Bernie Sanders as a presidential candidate, speaking a rally in Dearborn, Michigan, on March 7.[2] The Sanders campaign later denounced Qazwini's numerous prior statements, saying they are the "toxic and offensive."[3] These included a 2016 statement in which he said of Bernie Sanders: "[He] is an honorable man – I truly consider him an honorable man, even though he is a Jew" (see MEMRI TV Clip 5710). In 2015, Qazwini said in a speech in Detroit, Michigan, that the Islamic State (ISIS) is the arm of the Zionists in the Muslim world that serves to kill Muslims, defame Islam, and alienate people from Islam. He said that the Zionists and the Zionist regime benefit more than anybody else from the atrocities perpetrated by ISIS (see MEMRI TV Clip 7192). In 2019, Qazwini praised the Yemeni-Houthis for their attack on Saudi oil fields (see MEMRI TV Clip 7508).  For more about Hassan Qazwini, see  also MEMRI TV clips 11034, 9388, 7241, and 5644.

For more MEMRI reports and videos about Dearborn, Michigan, click here. For more clips of sermons by imams in the West, click here.

Qazwini at March 7, 2020 rally for Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders

Tweet by Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud, showing him with Bernie Sanders and Qazwini, March 7, 2020.[4]

Qazwini with Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib in March 2020.[5]

The New Antisemitism Awareness Bill Goes Against The U.S. Constitution; You Can Attack Anyone In This Country And Get Away With It, But You Can't Attack Israel

Imam Hassan Qazwini: "Yet two days ago, on Wednesday, the Congress, led by its Republican majority, they adopted a new resolution that is soon to be introduced to the Senate.


"And I believe this resolution is one of the most controversial resolutions ever [that] the Congress would pass. And the resolution is this. That it makes antisemitism illegal in the United States.


"Ninety-nine percent of people in this country are not antisemitic, including Muslims. Muslims are not anti-Jew. We're not anti-Jew. There are many, many, many good Jewish people.


"This law goes exactly against the U.S. Constitution. And it is funny, my dear brothers and sisters, because in this country you can attack the president. You can attack the Congress and get away with it. You can attack the judiciary and get away with it. You can attack God and you can get away with it. You can attack Jesus and you can get away with it. You can attack anyone in this country, and you can get away with it, but you can't attack Israel. What does this tell you, my dear brothers and sisters? What does this tell you?

"The Congressmembers Who Voted For This [Antisemitism] Resolution Are Nothing But Stooges Of Israel... Serve The Interest Of A Foreign County; If There Was Justice In This Country, They Would Be Convicted Of Treason"

"This tells you that those congressmen and women who voted for this resolution, they do not represent U.S. people, American people. They use, they represent Netanyahu and his Likud party. Not even all Israelis, trust me. They represent the Israeli government. Those congressmen and women are nothing but stooges, stooges of Israel. And they do not work for the interest of the United States. Rather, for the interest of a foreign country. If there was justice in this country, those congressmen and women would be indicted and convicted of treason, my dear brothers and sisters."


[1], March 18, 2022.

[3], March 10, 2020.

[4], March 7, 2020.

[5], March 6, 2020.

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