On January 25, 2011, the Aljazeera.net website posted an article by Munir Shafiq, a political analyst on Al-Jazeera TV, titled "Obama – an Enemy of the Arabs and Muslims." The article noted that high hopes had been pinned on U.S. President Barack Obama, who, before and after his election, had promised a change in U.S. policy towards Palestinians and the Arabs and Muslims at large; however, after two years of Obama's presidency it can be said with certainty that he is one of the worst of all U.S. presidents in terms of his hatred for the Arabs and Muslims and his "Zionist position" vis-à-vis the Palestinian cause. Obama is even worse than Bush, Shafiq concluded.
The following are excerpts from the article:[1]
Some Never Had High Expectations because Considering Obama's Color, He Would Never have Become a Presidential Candidate Unless He Was an Integral and Loyal Part of the U.S. Administration
"[Many] welcomed the ascension of Obama to the presidency and saw it is a positive change, either in light of his promises to amend the U.S. policy vis-à-vis Palestine, the Arabs and the Muslims, or based on the assumption that his [identity] as the son of a Muslim named Hussein would surely influence his positions on Islam and the Muslims... Some believed Obama's promises, though close scrutiny revealed them to be vague...
"Most of those who welcomed [Obama] believed perhaps that this [welcome] would encourage him to make real changes to U.S. policy. Others, who are opposed to America, may have done so as a gesture of goodwill and to show a positive [attitude], so as not to be accused of absolute negativity [in their attitude] towards [the U.S.].
"As for the minority who never had any positive expectations, but assessed [from the start] that Obama would be one of the worst U.S. presidents – [that minority] based [its assumptions] upon a very fundamental fact, namely that Obama is part of the U.S. administration and one of its most loyal [supporters] – otherwise he would never have become a presidential candidate, considering his color and his father's [ethnicity]..."
"Obama is Zionist to the Bone … [Even Worse than] George W. Bush"
"Promises of presidential candidates are usually not to be trusted, and one must only read [the transcript] of Obama's speech to AIPAC, which is the backbone of the so-called Jewish lobby in America, to realize that [Obama] is 'Zionist to the bone'... After witnessing two years of U.S. policy under Obama, one can say with certainty that he is one of the worst U.S. presidents ever, in terms of his hatred for the Arabs and Muslims and his Zionist position on Palestine – [even worse than] George W. Bush.
"Since starting [his term in office, Obama] has expanded the aggressive war against Afghanistan, extending it into Pakistan even more than his predecessor [Bush] had done. In [the Obama] era, Pakistan is facing a grave danger of partition, civil war, and the killing of civilians.
"In Iraq, [Obama] followed in the footsteps of his predecessor in terms of perpetuating the division [of the country] and trying to control its government, [and in terms of] military action and crimes perpetrated in the prisons of the occupation forces. As for Palestine, he has declared that historical Palestine is the historical homeland of the Jewish people, and his vice president, Joseph Biden, called Israel 'a tale of remarkable accomplishment on [a perilous patch of]
desert.' This makes Obama the first American president to deny the historical right of the Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims in Palestine. His vice president underscored the claim that Palestine had been a desert empty of people until the Jewish settlers arrived there as the spearhead of British colonialism and established a state, a society and a nation [in the empty land]. Furthermore, it was in the Obama era that the phrase 'Israel as a Jewish state' – meaning a state for Jews only – came to be an official and permanent policy of the U.S. administration."
Those Who Welcomed Obama's Election Must Now Condemn Him and His Administration in the Harshest Possible Terms
"In practice, the most dangerous fact is that Obama's administration went farther [than any previous U.S. administration] in consolidating the security agreement between Israel and the U.S. aimed at controlling the West Bank, suppressing the resistance, and oppressing the people there. He completed this [task] by signing a security agreement with a company from the Blackwater Group in order to tighten the military control over the West Bank. The [employees of this company] are a group of mercenaries skilled at killing and at perpetrating every kind of forbidden act that [even] the occupation army does not dare to commit. This makes the Obama administration complicit, albeit indirectly, in the occupation of the West Bank. Anyone examining the policy of the Obama administration in the last weeks of [2010] and the first weeks of 2011 finds that Obama poses a danger to the Arabs and Muslims.
"In Sudan, Obama godfathered the split between the South and the North. Immediately [after he came to office], he sent a special envoy to Darfur to initiate a strategy of splitting North Sudan into several states, intending to progress from there toward Egypt with [similar] plans for division and civil war. The criminal attack on the Al-Qadisin church in Alexandria [provided] Obama and his administration [with an opportunity]... to spark war between Christians and Muslims in Egypt, just as they did in response to the crimes committed against Christians in Iraq...
"In the same week, American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Yemen in order to pressure [its president] to adopt a policy that would cause [Yemen] to blow up from within, until it became [a second] Somalia. [Also] in the same week, Clinton pressured Saudi Arabia's King 'Abdallah to withdraw from the Saudi-Syrian initiative aimed at preventing civil war in Lebanon over the STL indictment, which is an American scheme. In this way, Obama sought to draw Lebanon into political crisis, civil war and serious unrest, in the service of Zionist policy, after the latter failed utterly in [its] July 2006 campaign [i.e., the Second Lebanon War], and following the establishment of a national unity government in Lebanon.
"In conclusion, what can be said about Obama?...
"[Has the time not come for] those who welcomed his election as president to reevaluate their position, now that [Obama's] Zionist [tendencies] regarding the Palestinian [issue] have been exposed, as well as his hostility toward the Arabs and Muslims in Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq and every other Arab and Islamic country? This reevaluation can only [result in] a condemnation of Obama and his administration in the harshest possible terms."
[1] Aljazeera.net, January 25, 2011.