June 4, 2009 Special Dispatch No. 2378

'Omar Al-Baghdadi: Reports of My Arrest Are 'A Stupid Joke'; 'The War of the Crusader Camp is Currently Being Led By [Obama,] A Black Slave [And] An Apostate from Islam'

June 4, 2009
Iraq | Special Dispatch No. 2378

In a new audio recording, Islamic State of Iraq commander 'Omar Al-Baghdadi continues to deny reports of his arrest, and addresses a number of other topics, including the visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the Middle East and Israel's alleged plot "to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock" in Jerusalem, and denies claims regarding ties between Al-Qaeda and the Iraqi B'ath party and Islamic Party. He also calls on the soldiers of the Pakistani army not to fight their Muslim brothers in the Swat province and in Waziristan. ...

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