October 20, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11624

Prominent Baloch Leader Hyrbyair Marri: We Make No Distinction Between The Theocratic Iranian Regime And Its Proxies; When The Baloch Are An Independent Nation, We Will Never Allow Our Land And Waters To Be Used As A Conduit For Aggression Against Other Nations, Including Israel

October 20, 2024
Iran, Pakistan | Special Dispatch No. 11624

Prominent Baloch leader Hyrbyair Marri, the head of the Free Balochistan Movement and one of the most popular leaders among Baloch youth, is an influential critic of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Born in 1968 in Quetta, the capital of the Balochistan region under the rule of the Pakistani government, Marri currently resides in London. He is the son of the renowned Baloch nationalist leader Khair Bakhsh Marri, who was the chief of the Marri Baloch tribe and head of the National Awami Party (NAP).

Marri supports the independence of Balochistan from Iran and Pakistan. He envisions a free, secular and democratic Balochistan, in which men and women from all spheres of society will be equal and entitled to all the democratic rights, protections and freedoms.

Marri has repeatedly stated that both Pakistan and Iran are perpetrating a slow-motion genocide against the Baloch people. "Linguistic, cultural, and ethnic genocide is being perpetrated in Iran and Pakistan by Persians and Muslim Punjabis against other nations there, and against the people of occupied Balochistan,"Marri says.

It is also worth noting that Marri strongly opposes a nuclear deal with the Islamic republic of Iran, which he described as "a deal with the Devil." He explains that a nuclear deal with Tehran will give Iran access to "trillions of dollars," and that it will use them to wreak havoc in the region and oppress the people inside its own borders. Moreover, signing such a deal will have several implications, he says: First, "the fundamentalist Islamic regime of Iran will never discard its ambitions of becoming a nuclear power. Militarism is a vital component of its existence. The Islamic regime of Iran has no rules in its diplomacy. They say one thing and do exactly the opposite of what they have agreed... Secondly, as developed Western countries open their gates toward the Iranian regime and companies, Iran will have greater access to modern technology and knowledge about nuclear science. That will enable them to make their nuclear bomb sooner. Therefore, the agreement may have exactly the opposite effect than what it was intended for."

Furthermore, "a nuclear deal would signify giving the 'green light' to the repressive Iranian regime to further violate human rights. A deal would also embolden and give credibility to the Islamic republic, making the regime more aggressive toward its neighbors. Finally and most importantly, with this agreement the nations under the illegal occupation of the regime will suffer the most. The regime will use all its powers to crush the Baloch, Kurd, Arab, Azeri and Turkmen liberation movements. It will not just do that inside Iran but also outside the boundaries of Iran. [Tehran] knows that the international community would not raise its voice against the regime's atrocities." Overall, Marri stresses, an agreement would be "bad for world peace.": "It is bad for the people living in Iran. It is bad for Iran's neighbors. It is extremely alarming for the states that the regime regards as an enemy, such as Israel and some of the Gulf States, and it brings many dark days to the Baloch nation." According to Marri, the only winner would be the "extremist theocratic" state of Iran.

Hyrbyair Marri

Below are excerpts from an article written by Baloch leader Hyrbyair Marri, the head of the Free Balochistan Movement. The full article was published by MEMRI last week.[1]

The Baloch, Kurds, And Arabs Were Among The First Victims Of Iran; Once These Free Peoples Were Subdued, The Iranian Mullahs Turned Their Sights On Israel

"We make no distinction between the theocratic Iranian regime and its regional religious proxies – they are one and the same. These proxies are merely extensions of Iran's mullah regime, working to further its oppressive agenda. Just like the Iranian state, these proxies are vehemently opposed to Baloch nation's right to national liberation. Iran hypocritically supports these groups, labelling them as "freedom fighters," yet it remains the greatest threat to true freedom in the region. While it backs its proxies, it mercilessly kills and suppresses genuine freedom-seeking nations like the Kurds and the Baloch, branding us as "enemies of God" for daring to stand up for our dignity and national liberation.

"Iran has been using Balochistan's seaports to transport weapons to the Houthis in Yemen, furthering its influence and destabilizing the region. If the Baloch were an independent nation, we would never allow our land and waters to be used as a conduit for aggression against other nations, including Israel. An independent Balochistan would uphold principles of regional cooperation and peace, refusing to let fanatic jihadists or Iranian-backed militias operate within its borders.

"It is important to remember that Iran's oppression did not begin overnight – it started with its neighbors. The Baloch, Kurds, and Arabs were among the first victims of Iranian occupation and brutality. Once these free peoples were subdued, the Iranian mullahs turned their sights on Israel. There would have been no such crisis in the first place had independent nations like Balochistan and Kurdistan existed. These nations would have naturally resisted Iran's religiously fanatic and expansionist agenda, serving as a counterbalance to the tyranny we see today."

We Advocate For Secularism And Democracy

"We advocate for secularism and democracy not as a means to appease the West, but because we recognize that these principles are essential for the Baloch nation's survival and growth in today's world. The Baloch nation is not religiously homogeneous; we are a diverse people with various beliefs and ideas. A secular state is the only way to ensure the government remains neutral in religious matters, allowing all citizens to practice their faith freely without interference. Democracy, on the other hand, is the best framework to embrace and celebrate our diversity as a nation, giving every voice a place in shaping our collective future.

"We envision a democratic Balochistan, as outlined in our Balochistan Liberation Charter. This charter serves as our guiding document, detailing our plans to create a just and democratic society that prioritizes human rights, equality, and prosperity for all.

"An independent Balochistan would also be strategically positioned to benefit from its hundreds of kilometers of coastline along the Strait of Hormuz. This unique geopolitical location offers us a historic opportunity to leverage our strategic importance for the development of our nation and the broader region.

"Let me reiterate something I have said before: it is not the Israelis who come in the dead of night to break down doors and abduct Baloch people. When it comes to international relations, we seek to build partnerships based on mutual respect with all nations, including Israel and Western states.

For example, Balochistan's landscape is predominantly arid, with scarce water resources. Israel, with its expertise in precision agriculture and seawater desalination, has proven how advanced technology can transform even the most challenging environments. Imagine the possibilities for Balochistan if we could collaborate with countries like Israel – our region could undergo a transformation, providing sustainable growth for both our people and our neighbors. An independent Balochistan would not only ensure the well-being of its citizens but also contribute positively to regional stability and development."

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