March 21, 2025 MEMRI Daily Brief No. 685

The Qatar Monitor Project (QMP) – A New MEMRI Project In Defense Of The U.S. And Western World – UPDATED With Qatar Weekly Updates (QWU) Nos. 1-11

March 21, 2025 | By Yigal Carmon*
Qatar | MEMRI Daily Brief No. 685


Qatar is a big winner in the Syrian revolution, having supported the U.S.-designated terrorist organization Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) and its leader Abu Muhammad Al-Joulani (formerly ISIS and Al-Qaeda and now Muslim Brotherhood) who has a $10 million bounty on his head.[1] This is Qatar's classic game: support the Islamist terrorists and then present itself as a mediator, liaison, and even peacemaker – the arsonist playing firefighter. As in Afghanistan, as in Egypt in 2010, and as in every Muslim country.

In every Muslim country where there is a battle between the Islamists and the secularists, Qatar supports the Islamists, as in Gaza supporting Hamas for years, building its military might and enabling October 7. And now, guess what – they are back in the saddle as mediators.

Who brought them back to the negotiations after the secular pro-U.S. president of Egypt threw them away?[2] The U.S. – the country that has suffered more than any country from Qatar's duplicity and hidden subversive, anti-U.S. activities, including the 9/11 attacks.

While the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks were mainly Saudis, recruited to Al-Qaeda as individuals, the mastermind of the attacks, Khaled Sheik Mohammad (KSM), was a former Qatari government employee at the Ministry of Electricity and Water in the capital Doha, who frequently was allowed to embark on terrorist missions in the world (see below). And when, in 1996, the FBI came to arrest him and told only the Emir, KSM disappeared within hours.[3]

All of this has been substantiated in American intelligence and judicial documents, including KSM's confession.[4]

Advertisement in The Washington Post, November 5, 2023. A similar ad was published in The New York Times on September 10, 2019.

Indeed, President-elect Trump threatened those holding hostages in Gaza with "all hell to pay" if they are not released by January 20. But this threat was not directed to any specific address and therefore devoid of any practical result. Had he directed it to Qatar, the patron of Hamas and the enabler of October 7, it would have helped, because without Qatar, Hamas is doomed. And Hamas will listen to Qatar's demands.

But since he did not point to the culprit, Qatar, but on the contrary brought Qatar back to the negotiations as an honest broker who tells him, together with a choir of "pundits" – former and current lobbyists of Qatar – that the pressure should be directed against Israel – the hostages are doomed.

Moreover, instead of helping in the negotiations, Qatar is leaking false information about a deal cut, just to disrupt the Egyptian efforts, without the U.S. even understanding what Qatar is doing.[5]

This is the price of not having all the facts, and unfortunately, the hostages will pay it.

All that Trump needed to do in order to rescue the hostages, among them American and other nationals, is to hint that the U.S. may reconsider relocating the CENTCOM base in Qatar to a safer location – on the soil of America's true allies (Saudi Arabia, the UAE). This would have been enough to make the ruling family of Qatar tremble and act like an ally rather than a deceiving enemy. Why would a threat to Qatar have such an impact? Because without the presence of the American base in Qatar, the ruling family will be removed in no time by its adversarial neighbors.

Although Trump is a seasoned politician who knows the difference between friend and foe, in the case of Qatar, Trump does not know, and his team is not helping him (some of them themselves are former lobbyists for Qatar).

In 2017, Trump still knew who Qatar is, and seemed to have joined his allies – Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, and Egypt – to bring down the ruling Aal-Thani family in Qatar, which is the cornerstone of the country's Islamism and terrorism worldwide.[6] But then his assistants at the time, like those of today, dissuaded him from supporting the Gulf countries' move. Qatar would fail him again in his efforts to expand the Abraham Accords, which he began in his first term.

Every vegetable vendor and taxi driver in the Muslim world knows the truth about Qatar and its Islamist and anti-U.S. activities, except for the American, European, and Israeli governments and intelligence agencies (who possibly also know but act as if they don’t). This is because Qatar developed over the decades a Western image that totally contradicts its actual behavior. In order to understand the soul of Qatar and what motivates it in its Islamist terrorist activities in the West in subversive, deceptive ways devised for modern times,[7] it is enough to read the speech[8] of the Emir of Qatar at the time, the father of the present Emir, at the December 16, 2011 inauguration of the Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab mosque.

The Speech Of Then-Emir Of Qatar Inaugurating The Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab Mosque: Outlining Qatar's Mission And Goals Worldwide

In his speech (see Appendix C) the Emir made the following points:

  1. He associated the construction of the mosque in Doha with the construction of the Ka'ba mosque in Mecca, as recounted in the Quran and Hadith.[9] He gave it nearly the same importance as the Ka'ba, implying an almost equal importance of Qatar as a religious da'wa (propagation of Islam) powerhouse and beacon in confronting Saudia Arabia's central role in the Muslim world.

  2. The Emir ties his family's da'wa activities over generations to the revered figure of Muhammad ibn Abd Al-Wahhab (d. 1792), founder of the Wahhabi movement, which attempted a return to the principles of Islam as practiced by its early forebears (salaf). Thus, the Emir portrays Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab as the epitome of virtue and piety and as the proponent of a wide-ranging da'wa mission. It is notable that, in a 2010 conversation with then-Libyan ruler Muammar Qaddafi, the then-Emir claimed to be the 16th-generation heir of Muhammad ibn Abd Al-Wahhab.[10]

  3. The Emir draws a clear difference between a) a rejuvenator of Islam, a Mujaddid (and Muslih), a description he uses for Muhammad ibn Abd Al-Wahhab (a religious scholar who interprets the basic authentic principles of Islam in light of modern context and time), and b) a "reformer" who compromises the principles of Islam to fit modern social norms (committing bid'a, a completely forbidden practice which is regarded as a transgression).[11]

  4. He describes Wahhabism as the epitome of Islam, associating da'wa initiatives by the Qatari royal family with those of the Wahhabi movement, and by extension, those of the Prophet Muhammed. He enumerates the many virtues of Ibn Abd-al-Wahhab and his relentless da'wa mission, describing them as the peak of Islamic piety and virtue.

  5. The paramount importance of da'wa: The emir repeatedly emphasizes the significance of da'wa. He underscored that da'wa must be carried out in the exact same manner as in the early days of Islam, and as practiced later by Wahhabis. He placed emphasis on the global aspect of da'wa efforts in modern times, which transcend the Arabian peninsula and extend to the entire world. (For full text of the speech, see Appendix C.)

This explains that wherever Qatar is allowed to be involved with its money, such as financing the Lebanese army, rebuilding Gaza, or investing in the West, it does so under the lofty goal of promoting radical Wahhabi Islam in the world. In the case of Gaza and Lebanon, and possibly Syria, it will only build a new cycle of Islamism and terrorism.

This document will answer to the vital need to inform governments and legislatures in the U.S. and the West about the threat that Qatar constitutes to their security and interests as well as to Western civilization in general.

It will put forward a plan of action to answer to this need by:

  1. Creating a comprehensive research data base about Qatar and its activities, which will serve a worldwide political network, the Anti-Qatar Coalition, that will counter Qatar's subversive activities in various ways;

  2. Explaining who is Qatar and what it does (see Appendix A);

  3. Explaining the silence about Qatar in the U.S. and the western World (see Appendix B);

  4. Presenting the speech at the inauguration of the Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab mosque (see Appendix C).

The Qatar Monitor – A New MEMRI Project

MEMRI will, in January 2025, launch a special project dedicated to documenting Qatar's ideological Islamist drive and the scope of its subversive as well as open operations and enabling terrorist organizations both in the West and in the Muslim world. The Qatar Monitor Project (QMP) will serve primarily to lay the basis for the establishment of an anti-Qatar coalition – a high-level international political network.

The project will also expose Qatar's efforts to deceive the West about its true nature. It will serve as a repository of open-source information. In addition to translations, research, and analysis from all types of media (print, video, and online, including social media), it will also include material provided to the project by former officials from various governments worldwide who have come across Qatar's support of terrorism and other anti-U.S. activity that has not been reported before. Access to this latter information online will be restricted.

This repository, as well as the project's ongoing research, will also provide a basis for legal measures to be taken against Qatar by victims of Qatar's activities and of organizations owned by or affiliated with it, such as public organizations, both cultural and social, operating in the West that are headed by Sheikha Moza, the mother of the present Emir and the wife of the former Emir.

The QMP database will also provide countries that have been severely harmed by Qatar's pro-terrorism activities – for example, the U.S. by 9/11 and Israel by 10/7 – with a basis to demand reparations from this gas-rich emirate.[12] This will be similar to the reparations paid by Germany to Holocaust victims. It will also serve to support personal claims such as those already being litigated against Qatar in the U.S. and U.K.

QMP Categories of Research

  1. 25 years of MEMRI reports on Qatar.

  2. Links to all relevant reports published by other think tanks, Western and non-Western governments, universities, and independent researchers, as well as reports from Western media.

  3. Ongoing monitoring of social media concerning Qatar from all possible sources and in all languages.

  4. Exposure of the Qatari education system's support for jihad and opposition to Christians and Jews.[13]

  5. Content provided by whistleblowers to enhance QMP research on Qatar's anti-West, pro-Islamist, and terrorist activities – as noted, access to this content will be restricted.

  6. Exposure of lobbyists for Qatar that are registered in accordance with the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), which is public information, as well as exposure of unregistered lobbyists such as the Qatar-owned Al-Jazeera (see below), which has not complied with a Department of Justice order to register as a foreign agent.[14]

  7. Exposure of Qatar's establishment, hosting, and sponsorship of the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), an ideological promoter of Islamism, jihadism, and antisemitism.

  8. Exposure of Al-Jazeera, the Qatar-owned media arm promoting Islamism, jihadism, terrorism, and anti-U.S., antisemitic, and anti-West incitement, as well as all other Qatari state-owned, state-funded or state-affiliated media outlets.

  9. Exposure of Qatari political and financial infiltration of the Muslim world and the U.S. and West in general.

  10. Exposure of Qatar's antisemitic activities.

  11. Exposure of Qatar's deceptive operations regarding its pro-Islamist and terrorist nature, as well as illegal anti-American activities

  12. Exposure of Qatar's homophobia, labor rights violations, human rights violations, and failure to comply with carbon emission standards.

More information and more categories will be added.

Appendix A: Who Is Qatar? A General Review

The population of the emirate of Qatar comprises 200,000-300,000 Qataris and over 2 million foreigners. For decades, Qatar has been the foremost global sponsor of Islamist terrorist organizations and movements, both Sunni and Shia, across the Muslim world. These organizations and movements seek to topple non-Islamist regimes and replace them with Islamist ones – and have succeeded in places like Egypt and Afghanistan.

Qatar and Iran were the two enemies of the U.S. that rose after the fall of the Soviet Union and the formation of the U.S.-led unipolar world, with the aim of challenging the U.S. leadership and the Western world order. At the same time, the other leading Arab countries – Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and many others – focused on Westernization and development.

It was Qatar and Iran (and to some extent Algeria), that launched a battle against the U.S.; Iran did so openly, while Qatar did so deceptively.[15]

Qatar adheres to and promotes the Muslim Brotherhood movement and ideology. At the same time, it promotes Wahhabism-  the most extremist movement in Islam. The Qatari ruling family presents itself as an heir to the Muhammad ibn Abd Al-Wahhab, the 18th-century founder of Wahhabism.[16]

Thus, while the UAE established the Abrahamic Family House compound – in which a church, a mosque, and a synagogue are situated side by side to symbolize religious understanding (and to which it invited the Pope to visit), the Qatari capital Doha features one large mosque named for Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab.

At the inauguration of the mosque, then-Emir Hamad bin Khalif Aal Thani expressed the Aal-Thani affiliation with Al-Wahhab and his religious message, swore to promote it, and committed to do so worldwide.[17]

Qatar sponsored the mastermind of 9/11 – Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) – who was brought to Qatar from Bosnia. KSM worked for the Qatari Ministry of Electricity and Water and travelled freely to terrorist missions across the world. When the FBI came to arrest him in Doha, and confidentially alerted only the Qatari Emir, KSM disappeared within hours.[18] KSM then fled to Pakistan, and a few years later, in 2001, he surfaced as the man behind 9/11. He has acknowledged responsibility for the 1993 World Trade Center attacks in 1993 and 2001, and for another 27 terrorist attacks and plots.[19]

On November 28, 2024, the Guardian reported that the lawyer for a group of Syrians, including a former intelligence official, who had sued Doha bank for transferring funds to the anti-regime terrorist organization Al-Nusra Front, alleged that witnesses in the case had been threatened with kidnapping and bribed by agents working for Qatar, and that tracking devices were used against them, in an attempt to thwart the case.[20]

As a close ally of Iran, Qatar regularly coordinates with the Iranian regime. A new plan for an undersea tunnel between Iran and Qatar will, if implemented, enable Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to move into Qatar if and when needed, and to confront the CENTCOM base, if it remains there.[21]

In 2017, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, and Egypt launched a full boycott against Qatar, with the aim of bringing down its ruling family because of its alliance with Iran and support for terrorism. Qatar turned to Iran (and Turkey) to help it survive the boycott.

Qatar has no friends in the Arab world except for the Algerian regime. It buys support from Arab regimes on and off, by injecting billions of dollars into them here and there.

Qatar is also an ally of Turkey, ruled by an Islamist authoritarian president who has deployed Turkish troops to Doha to defend the ruling family.[22] Turkey itself promotes anti-U.S. incitement, and hosts the U.S.-designated terror organization Hamas, which on October 7, 2023, as noted, murdered and took hostage dozens of American citizens. Turkey has also helped Islamist terrorists join ISIS via its territory.

Qatar has sustained the Taliban terrorist organization for years, hosted their leadership in Doha, and enabled them to take over Afghanistan's democratically elected secular government of Ashraf Ghani in 2021, during which 13 American soldiers were killed.[23]

Qatar has been exposed in various cases of bribery of political figures in the West.[24] It also, according to documents obtained by MEMRI, hired a former CIA officer to spy on U.S. members of Congress who oppose the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. In order to understand how Qatar has operated in the U.S., details can be seen in the court case between Elliott Broidy, a long-time critic of Qatar, and a former CIA official hired by Qatar. Another name mentioned in the court case is Ahmad Nimeh, the son-in-law of former U.S. Ambassador to Qatar Patrick Theros, known today as someone who writes positively about Qatar in the media.[25] He should have known better about KSM's activities in Qatar and how his arrest by FBI was thwarted.[26]

Qatar sent at least $3 billion to Hamas-ruled Gaza over a 10-year period, enabling its military buildup. This was done with the full consent and facilitation of the Israeli government and, according to reports, with U.S. approval.[27]

Appendix B: Why Is The Truth Of Qatar Not Known In The West?

So why aren't the facts about Qatar's pro-Islamist, pro-jihad, anti-U.S., and antisemitic activities known in the West? And why aren't they being countered by the West?

Ad in The Washington Post, November 2, 2023

It is because these facts are being sidelined by the governments and intelligence agencies of the U.S., Israel, and European countries, in what amounts to a coverup. This incredible phenomenon has been going on for years, even though the truth about Qatar is well known to every vegetable vendor and taxi driver in the Muslim world.

In the case of Europe, it is clear to political commentators, researchers, and journalists that Qatar purchases its status, both with money and with huge investments in economic enterprises and in payments to members of parliament. In the case of Israel, it is because Israel's governments have collaborated with Qatar for at least a decade, and facilitated the transfer of billions of dollars in Qatari funds to Hamas-ruled Gaza, which enabled the build-up of Hamas' military might (see below).

Therefore, the Israeli government is afraid to expose the buildup of Hamas' military power – 500 kilometers of tunnels, a 30,000 strong military, and tens of thousands of missiles and munitions – and the enabling of the October 7 attack, because it was in full collaboration with it. Exposing Qatar means at the same time exposing itself. Since October 7, Israel's prime minister, who blamed Iran for October 7, has never said a word about the billions of Qatari dollars that enabled October 7.[28]

In the rare cases that the Qatari regime has been meekly criticized by Israel, Qatar's ruling family assiduously stresses the fact that it was all done in collaboration with the government of Israel, and publishes documents showing this.[29] For example, see a leak by Qatar, a letter from the former head of Mossad, Yossi Cohen, to the Qatari government thanking it for (among other things) having contributed to "security and stability."[30]

As for the U.S., there could be many explanations for this phenomenon – and some appear to indicate motivations that have no strategic or political logic. For example, why ally with a state sponsor of terrorism like Qatar while betraying the interests of traditional U.S. allies in the Arab and Muslim world, such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and many others?

Commentators usually point to the presence of the CENTCOM base in Qatar as the explanation, maintaining that the U.S. needs Qatar and is in its debt because it allowed the use of its territory for the base. Furthermore, in recent weeks, the argument that the U.S. is indebted to Qatar gained more traction, with reports that the U.S. has deployed nuclear bombers at CENTCOM base in order to deter Iran from attacking U.S. bases in the Middle East. (In exchange, Qatar extracted from the U.S. a middle-of-the-night agreement to extend the presence of the CENTCOM base another 10 years.)[31]

First of all, deploying the nuclear bombers to CENTCOM is a matter of the last few weeks and it cannot hold as explanation for the cover up of Qatar's enemy-type activities against America. Second, the years long truth is the total opposite.

It is Qatar that is indebted to the U.S.; it is Qatar that needs to maintain America's base on its soil, because the base protects Qatar's very existence, and without the base, the Qatari ruling family would be toppled within days by its adversarial neighbors. But Qatar has never returned the favor in any way – not even by pressuring Hamas to release the handful of American hostages that remain alive in Gaza,[32] after it murdered 46 of them on October 7.[33] Qatar has also officially stated, on more than one occasion, that it will not allow the U.S. to use CENTCOM for an attack on Iran.[34]

In 2022, the Biden administration named Qatar a major non-NATO ally (MNNA), and in 2024 the CIA even awarded the George Tenet Medal to Qatar's intelligence chief – despite Qatar's pro-terror and anti-U.S. activities.

In addition to the sidelining of the truth about Qatar in the West, Qatar itself has worked hard to conceal its true nature and its subversive pro-Islamist and anti-U.S. activities, by all possible means. These means include media, particularly the state-owned Al-Jazeera network; sports; lobbying agencies; academia; Western politicians who became collaborators with Qatar; and massive financial investment. It has done this to deceptively present itself as firefighter, mediator, honest broker, problem solver, and the like – while in reality it is the arsonist.

Appendix C: Text Of The Emir's Speech

Peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

The occasion that brings us together today is unparalleled and unmatched. What greater honour could there be than to be shaded [under the roof of the house] today by the mercy of Allah as we have raised the foundations of one of His houses and completed its construction? Is there a nobler and greater act of devotion than performing the Dhikr[35] under the roof of a new house among the houses of Allah? We have named this mosque, which we are honored to inaugurate today, after Sheikh Imam Muhammad ibn Abd Al-Wahhab, the great scholar, this capable re-establisher,[36] and pioneering rejuvenator.[37]

We ask Allah that he be among those whom the Prophet, peace be upon him, spoke of (in the Hadith), saying: "Indeed, Allah will send to this Umma (nation) at the beginning of every hundred years someone who will rejuvenate his religion."[38]

I am certain that this mosque, which sprouts from the soil of Qatar as if it were an eternal part of it, will be a pulpit for rejuvenation and the faithful call to Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, away from innovation and whims, benefiting people in this world in a manner that aligns with the spirit of the age, and saving them in their Hereafter, in a way that pleases Allah and His Messenger, as Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abd Al-Wahhab and his call did.

The light that Sheikh Imam Muhammad ibn Abd Al-Wahhab, may Allah have mercy on him, spread among the people throughout the Arabian Peninsula and brought them back to the right path and guided them to the sound way, according to the Quran and the pure Sunna. It removed the distortions that had become mixed in the minds [of people] and the deviations that had entered their souls. Indeed, Imam Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab was an exemplary figure due to the qualities that characterized his personality as a caller to Islam – asceticism, God-fearing piety, steadfastness, foresight, and understanding of reality. These are qualities of which callers to Islam today are in dire need.

Our founding father, Sheikh Jassim ibn Muhammad bin Thani, may Allah have mercy on him, who was both a scholar of religion and a ruler, was one of those who embraced the call of Sheikh ibn Abd Al-Wahhab, adopted it, and spread it within our lands and across the Muslim world. He, may Allah have mercy on him, took it upon himself to shoulder the responsibility of publishing the books of the Wahhabi call and other books, having them printed in India in order to teach the religion of Allah and the message of His Prophet. To this day, we continue to follow in the footsteps of those great forebears, guided by the Qur'an and the Sunna of His Messenger, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him. We will spare no effort in carrying forward this mission and spreading the compassionate teachings of Islam throughout the world.

Indeed, we see that the Umma [the Muslim community worldwide] today stands in need of rejuvenation and drawing inspiration from the determination and experience of the Wahhabi call, in a manner that aligns with the current age and its developments.

As we gather today to inaugurate this mosque and bestow upon it the name of Imam Muhammad ibn Abd Al-Wahhab, we honor the scholars who continue to carry his thought and his call in service of Islam and Muslims.

It is with great honor that I, together with you, conclude by inaugurating this mosque. I beseech Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, to grant us success, both now and in the future, so that this mosque remains a beacon of light and a torch of guidance.

Peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

The Qatar Weekly Update (QWU) – Part Of The Qatar Monitor Project (QMP) – December 30, 2024

In preparation for the launch of the Qatar Monitor Project (QMP), MEMRI is beginning with the Qatar Weekly Update (QWU), which will present items relating to the comprehensive data base of the QMP.

These weekly updates will later be included in the database itself.

The following is QWU No. 1.

QWU No. 1: December 30, 2024

  1. Former Portuguese ambassador to Qatar António Tânger Corrêa and current member of the European parliament said that Qatar seeks to establish an Islamic caliphate, and described the atrocious labor conditions of workers in Qatar.

    1. See video at


  2. International military experts John Spencer and Andrew Fox on Qatar:

    1. John Spencer, who is Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at the Modern War Institute at West Point, wrote: "Not good. Qatar has done nothing but use its money to fuel global hate IMO. Harboring terrorists, especially Hamas, No surprise they want to get their hooks deeper into Syria.

    2. Andrew Fox, a British military expert, wrote: "Iran's 'Shia Crescent' is shortly to be a thing of the past. Nature abhors a vacuum. The Muslim Brotherhood are poised to fill it: look at Turkey’s involvement in Syria right now. Qatari money funds the Muslim Brotherhood—and with it, 90% of Sunni terrorism."

  3. Current U.S. lawmakers on Qatar:

    1. Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) called Qatar "a state sponsor of terrorism."

    2. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) wrote: "Qatar's open embrace of Hamas is bizarre and troubling."

    3. Additionally, a bipartisan group of lawmakers, sent a letter to President Biden regarding Qatar; the letter was also signed by Mike Walz, President-elect Trump's incoming National Security Adviser and former congressman. The letter stated: "Please make clear to Qatar that it will be held accountable for every hostage not brought home. Qatar's failure to deliver on its commitments will harm bilateral relations."

  4. Vivek Ramaswamy, President-elect Trump's pick to co-head the incoming administration's Department of Government Efficiency, in October 2023:  "Israel Should Be Free To Destroy Hamas And Its Leaders Wherever It Wishes To Do So, from 'Doha To Dresden"

  5. Former U.S. National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster, in his book At War with Ourselves: My Tour of Duty in the Trump White House: In his recounting of his time in the White House, McMaster makes clear that Trump understood clearly the role of Qatar, describing the internal the White House discussions about the boycott of Qatar by UAE, KSM, Bahrain and Egypt. McMaster wrote that Trump spoke with Tamim, the Qatari emir; Trump was angry and told him: "Stop funding and harboring terrorists."[39] (See Appendix, below.)

Appendix: At War with Ourselves: My Tour of Duty in the Trump White House, pp 175-7


The Qatar Weekly Update (QWU) – Part Of The Qatar Monitor Project (QMP) – January 7, 2025

In preparation for the launch of the Qatar Monitor Project (QMP), MEMRI is beginning with the Qatar Weekly Update (QWU), which will present items relating to the comprehensive data base of the QMP.

These weekly updates will later be included in the database itself.

The following is QWU No. 2.

Qatar Weekly Update (QWU) No. 2: January 7, 2025

  1. Qatari energy minister: "I will stop sending gas to Europe" if Qatar is penalized by EU member states for failing to meet criteria on carbon emissions and human and labor rights. See also MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 11768: Editor Of Qatari Daily: E.U. Due Diligence Legislation Is Aimed At 'Stealing The Resources Of The Peoples'

  2. According to media reports, Qatar hired former CIA operative Kevin Chalker to spy on U.S. lawmakers who oppose Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. See MEMRI Daily Brief No. 577, Will There Be A U.S.-Qatar Strategic Dialogue?

  3. The Palestinian Authority has banned the Qatari state-owned Al-Jazeera network for pro-Hamas incitement. See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 11761, Palestinian Authority Suspends Operations Of Al-Jazeera In Its Territory, Accusing It Of Spreading Incitement And Disinformation[40]

  4. In November 2024, the Qatari Emir canceled parliamentary elections. See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 11649, On U.S. Election Day, Qatari Emir Cancels Parliamentary Elections.

  1. Theater of the Absurd: Qatari emir distributes anti-corruption and anti-terrorism awards, under UN auspices. See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 11703, Qatar's Theater Of The Absurd Under The Auspices Of The UN: A Corrupt Sponsor Of Terror Pretends To Fight Corruption And Terrorism.

  1. Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, and Egypt blockade Qatar, as Jared Kushner, senior advisor to President Trump from 2017 to 2021, wrote in his book Breaking History: A White House Memoir, pp. 447-451 (see below).


The Qatar Weekly Update (QWU) – Part Of The Qatar Monitor Project (QMP) – January 21, 2025

In preparation for the launch of the Qatar Monitor Project (QMP), MEMRI is beginning with the Qatar Weekly Update (QWU), which will present items relating to the comprehensive data base of the QMP.

These weekly updates will later be included in the database itself.

The following is QWU No. 3.

Qatar Weekly Update (QWU) No. 3: January 21, 2025

A person speaking into a microphone

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1. Things Steve Witkoff, President Trump's special envoy to the Middle East, needs to know about Gaza:

According to a January 18 NBC report, a Trump transition official said: "If we don't help the Gazans, if we don't make their life better, if we don't give them a sense of hope, there's going to be a rebellion" – see

Witkoff is planning to visit the Gaza Strip. What he will see is ruins – but what he needs to know is that before October 7, 2023, Gaza was thriving economically. Proof of this was broadcast by Al-Jazeera, BBC, and TRT, and shown in videos posted by Gazans on social media (see below).

Hamas was willing to sacrifice all of this in pursuit of its goal, in accordance with its charter and its Islamist religious belief, of annihilating Israel and the Jews.

Abd Al-Salam Haniyeh, son of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, testified to the beauty of Gaza before the war, telling SamaQuds in an interview that aired August 15, 2024: "The kind of beauty that was there could not be found in many Arab countries." He added that his father Ismail had said that "[Jared] Kushner [told] a mediator that he wanted to come over, and reach an agreement about the Deal of the Century, and the establishment of a [Palestinian] state in Gaza, and billions would be spent on Gaza, and they would hand over the weapons of the resistance, and so on..." but that Ismail had said "May our hands be paralyzed if we sign an agreement that will separate Gaza from Palestine" – see

Hamas senior official Ali Baraka stressed how Hamas had worked to give the impression "that it wanted to focus on the 2.5 million Palestinians [in Gaza]," in an interview on Russia Today (RT) TV on October 8, 2023 – see

MEMRI's report on Gaza prior to October 7, 2023, Parts I-VIII, presents videos, photos and data on life in Gaza – all of them from Palestinian, Arab, UN and other non-Israeli media sources – and provides a general picture of the Gaza Strip: its residential areas and tower blocks, its universities and other higher education institutions, its health facilities and hospitals, its banks and financial institutions, its malls and markets, its refugee camps, and its recreation facilities such as the water park, music center, and zoo. It also presented data on standards of living, income, and infrastructure such as a water desalination plant in Gaza – see

2. Qatari media on Trump the Nazi and its gloating over the Los Angeles wildfires – see MEMRI reports Vitriol In Qatari Press Against Donald Trump During His First Term In Office: He Is 'Vulgar,' 'Insufferable,' A 'Nightmare' For The World, A More Horrifying Version Of Nazism and Article In Qatari Daily: LA Fires Are A 'Divine Punishment' For America's Support For Israel; Journalist In Qatar Wishes Death On All 'Infidels'

Additionally, MEMRI is preparing a compilation of Qatari state-owned media attacks on President Trump.

3. A January 3, 2025 report in Politico covered Qatari funding of Washington, D.C. think tanks, stating: "The Atlantic Council and the Brookings Institution topped the list of foreign-government beneficiaries, taking in nearly $21 million and over $17 million, respectively. All in all, 54 different governments contributed to the industry, a list largely made up of pro-Western democracies but also including fantastically wealthy authoritarian regimes like Saudi Arabia and Qatar" – see

4. Qatar has imprisoned senior Baha'i dignitary Remy Rowhani – see, December 30, 2024.

5. Former Nusra Front hostage Theo Padnos: Qatar's ransom payouts were tactic to fund terror. Report in Al-Arabiya, May 15, 2018 – see

6. Israeli Expert Yigal Carmon Sounds Alarm Over Qatar's Double-Game | The Caroline Glick Show, January 19, 2025 – see


The Qatar Weekly Update (QWU) – Part Of The Qatar Monitor Project (QMP) – No. 4, January 28, 2025

  1. Qatari Shura Council Member Essa Al-Nassr: October 7 Was An Introduction To The Annihilation Of The Zionist State; There Can Be No Peace With Them; They Are The Slayers Of The Prophets – see

  2. Mrs. Muslim Brotherhood Wears Prada: The Comprehensive Islamist Activity Of Sheikha Moza, Mother Of The Qatari Emir, And Her Support For Islamic Terrorism, Antisemitism, The Muslim Brotherhood And Hamas – see

Sheikha Moza bint Nasser (, June 1, 2023)

  1. "In October, the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) raised concerns regarding reports of discrimination of religious minorities in the country, including the Baha'i Faith community, some of whom are citizens. According to CESCR, Baha'is were subjected to administrative deportation and blacklisting, resulting in loss of employment and familial separation." – 2023 US International Religious Freedom Report,

  2. Op-ed: "End America's unwise alliance with Qatar," by Michael Pregent, a former U.S. intelligence officer who also served as a Defense Department advisor on the Iraqi security forces from 2006 to 2011 – see

  3. The Continued Arbitrary Detention of Sheikh Talal Al-Thani in Qatar. "The deprivation of liberty of Sheikh Talal bin Abdulaziz bin Ahmed bin Ali Aal Thani, being in contravention of articles 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and articles 2 (1), 9, 10 (1), 11, 14, 16 and 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, is arbitrary and falls within categories I, III and V."- see  See also Fox News: "Fear grows for jailed Qatari royal amid health decline as wife pleads at UN for release – his wife is waging David vs. Goliath struggle against the wealthy Qatari monarchy" – see


The Qatar Weekly Update (QWU) – Part Of The Qatar Monitor Project (QMP) – No. 5, February 7, 2025

1. U.S. Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) and Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) have demanded a report on the operational value of the Al-Udeid Air Base southwest of Doha, Qatar: "Qatar has been housing Hamas and Taliban leadership for years, all while the United States continues to allow Qatar the privilege of hosting our nation's largest airbase (Al-Udeid) in the Middle East," said Ogles, adding: "Thousands of our brave Servicemembers serve at Al-Udeid, and we have an obligation to ensure our nation's military installations are in the hands of trustworthy allies - not bankrollers of terrorist organizations."  

2. Al-Jazeera:[41]

3. The Federalist Exclusive: "Qatar's Influence Network In American Public Schools Has Unwitting Teachers Advancing Its Propaganda" – January 30, 2025

Source: Qatar Foundation International,

4. "CNN Expands Middle East Footprint With New Hub in Qatar" – February 2, 2025

5. ​"U.S. Space Forces – Central Command To Open Campus At Qatari Air Base" – January 28, 2025 Note: A forthcoming MEMRI Daily Brief will focus on the U.S. Air Force doubling down on cooperation with Qatar vis-à-vis Al-Udeid air base despite U.S. lawmakers' demand for transparency.

6. "Watchdog Groups Sue U.S. Government Over Qatar's Billions In University Funding" – February 3, 2025


The Qatar Weekly Update (QWU) – Part Of The Qatar Monitor Project (QMP) – No. 6, February 14, 2025

1. MEMRI Special Dispatch: Reactions In Qatar To Trump's Vision For Gaza: It Is A 'Cursed' Plan And 'A Heinous Crime, February 6, 2025.

Cartoon in Qatari daily: Trump and Netanyahu hold Auschwitz-style gate stating "Trump's plan for Gaza"

2. Congressional Briefing Renews Concerns Over Security Holes In Visa Waiver Program: "Criticisms of allowing Qatar into the VWP primarily center around concerns about potential security risks due to the nation’s complex geopolitical situation, including its ties to certain groups considered terrorist organizations, and the possibility that the ESTA system may not adequately screen all potential travelers from Qatar, potentially allowing individuals with concerning backgrounds to enter the US without further scrutiny" – Biometric Update, October 29, 2024.

3. MEMRI Special Dispatch: With New Jordan-Gaza Air Bridge, Qatar Provides Unconditional Aid To Hamas-Ruled Gaza Yet Again, February 11, 2025.

4. "Doing Everything They Can": Trump Voices Appreciation Of Qatar's Mediation Role, Times of Israel, February 5, 2025, Times of Israel, February 5, 2025.

5. "Qatar is Hamas, and Hamas is Qatar" – Gatestone Institute, February 11, 2025.

6. Report: PMO Leaks Suspect Eli Feldstein Did PR Work For Qatar While Working For Netanyahu's Office, Times of Israel, February 10, 2025.


The Qatar Weekly Update (QWU) – Part Of The Qatar Monitor Project (QMP) – No. 7, February 21, 2025

1. In 2017, Avenue Strategies, a Qatari lobbying group in the U.S., approached former Brig.-Gen. Shimon Shapira, former Military Secretary to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (and, until December 2016, Israeli Foreign Ministry chief of staff under Netanyahu's previous tenure as prime minister and foreign minister), at a time when U.S. legislation to sanction Qatar for sponsoring terrorism was in the works. According to a February 19, 2025 report in The Marker as well as documents submitted by the group in the U.S., Shapira wrote that "Qatar has not delivered weapons to Hamas." As a result of his letter, the legislation effort did not continue. The Prime Minister's Office has not commented on this report. This is another addition to the information surfacing in recent weeks regarding Netanyahu advisors' involvement in lobbying operations for Qatar.

2. A MEMRI report focused on a similar case in the U.S.: Qatar hired a former CIA official to spy on anti-Hamas and anti-Muslim Brotherhood lawmakers Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Tom Cotton, and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, as well as former Rep. Ed Royce – see MEMRI Daily Brief No. 565, Qatari Ambassador To U.S. Was Allegedly Involved In Bribing A French Minister, Spying On U.S. Lawmakers, January 22, 2024.  

3. See MEMRI Daily Brief No. 720, Qatar Seeks To Sweep Away Trump's Gaza Plan With So-Called Peace Plan, by Yigal Carmon, February 19, 2025.

4. See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 11844, Another Qatari Regime Scandal In France: Qatari Official Investigated By French Authorities; Earlier, In 2016, Qatari Ambassador Had Allegedly Bribed A French Minister, February 18, 2025.

5. See MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis No. 1810, The National Conference For Palestine – A Qatari Initiative For Integrating The Hamas Terror Organization Into The PLO, by S. Schneidmann, L. Alon, and H. Varulkar, February 13, 2025.

6. On February 16, 2025, Rabbi Pini Dunner of the Beverly Hills Synagogue in California led Jewish activists in a protest outside the Bel Air home of former Qatari prime minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani (HBJ), a member of the Qatari royal family, over his close ties to Hamas. For a video of the protests, see Rabbi Dunner's X post.[42]


The Qatar Weekly Update (QWU) – Part Of The Qatar Monitor Project (QMP) – No. 8, February 28, 2025

  1. The U.S. Designation Of Qatar Into The Visa Waiver Program By The Biden Administration In Its Last Months Does Not Meet 'Stringent Security Requirements' As Claimed By Department Of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas And Secretary Of State Blinken

  2. Qatar-U.S. Law Enforcement Cooperation Agreement, Signed In Biden Administration's Final Months Ostensibly To Enhance The Fight Against Terrorism, Compromises Americans' Rights And Freedoms – While Qatar Still Hosts Terror Headquarters

  3. Rising Israeli Voices Against Qatar And Its Sponsorship Of Islamist Terrorism – Four Challenges For The Trump Administration

Qatari Documents:

  1. Qatar government think tank (Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies) document: Israel's Campaign against Qatar over Its Support for Gaza and a Ceasefire. Former Israel MK Dr. Azmi Bishara, who served as advisor to former President Bashar Assad, is now an adviser to the ruling family of Qatar. He is the General Director of the Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies. The article, which defends Qatar's supports Hamas, was prompted by rising criticism of Qatar in Israel (Endnote. It is noteworthy that Azmi Bishara was closely supportive of Hezbollah activities.)

Media Reports:

  1. Israeli victims sue Al-Jazeera for 'serving as Hamas agents'

  1. Former UN envoy Gilad Erdan urges Trump to press Qatar to take Gazans

  1. Israel's ex-U.S. Ambassador Slams Netanyahu for Damaging U.S.-Israel Ties, Publicly Airing Disputes

U.S. Government Documents Against Qatar:

  1. Arkansas State legislative bill to restrict Qatar's influence in higher education.


The Qatar Weekly Update (QWU) – Part Of The Qatar Monitor Project (QMP) – No. 9, March 7, 2025

  1. MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 11862, Senior Qatari Journalist Ahmad Ali On U.S. President Trump's Plan For Gaza: In The Upcoming Month Of Ramadan, Which Is The Month Of Islamic Victories, The Arab Nation Must Unite Against The 'American Imperialism', March 3, 2025.

  2. MEMRI Daily Brief No. 735, Qatar For Beginners: The Evil Regime Behind Al-Jazeera, by John Mirisch, March 5, 2025.

  3. As Israel, U.S. align on new hostage proposal, Qatar urges sticking to existing framework: Interview with Qatari Foreign Ministry Spokesman Majed Al-Ansari – Times of Israel, March 3, 2025. See also MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 11170, Qatari Foreign Ministry Spokesman Majed Al-Ansari In 2021 Article: Praise For Firing Of Thousands Of Rockets Into Israel; Gaza Is 'The First Palestinian Territory Liberated From The Occupier'; Israel Is 'The Entity,' 'The Zionist Enemy,’ March 5, 2025.

  4. In a closed-door speech to the Jewish Agency Board of Trustees, Israel's Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer said that he is optimistic regarding the possibility of arriving at a future settlement with the Palestinians. "If Hamas is defeated, there is a good chance that we will meet on the White House lawn to sign a peace agreement," he said. He added in the speech that he had always had reservations about Qatar, and that he had not changed his mind about that, and revealed that when the Qatari funds had begun to flow into the Gaza strip, they had wanted him, as Israel's then-ambassador to the U.S., to tweet support for the move. "This was part of the deal," he said, noting that he had feared that this would anger the UAE and Saudi Arabia – Ynet, March 3, 2025. See also MEMRI Daily Brief No. 727,  Rising Israeli Voices Against Qatar And Its Sponsorship Of Islamist Terrorism – Four Challenges For The Trump Administration, by Yigal Carmon, February 26, 2025.

  5. Harvard Received $151 Million From Foreign Governments Since January 2020 – Harvard Crimson, February 28, 202 See also Rabbi David Wolpe on X: "When I asked the former President of Harvard about this, she insisted Harvard only takes money from families. I explained that the ruling family of, say, Qatar, isn't a family. It is an hereditary monarchy," March 2, 2025, and MEMRI Inquiry and Analysis No. 1801, Mrs. Muslim Brotherhood Wears Prada: The Comprehensive Islamist Activity Of Sheikha Moza, Mother Of The Qatari Emir, And Her Support For Islamic Terrorism, Antisemitism, The Muslim Brotherhood And Hamas, by N. Mozes, January 16, 202

  6. 'I was really shocked': Body placed next to passenger on Qatar Airways flight – CNN, February 26, 2025.


The Qatar Weekly Update (QWU) – Part Of The Qatar Monitor Project (QMP) – No. 10, March 14, 2025

1. MEMRI Daily Brief Tucker Carlson Whitewashes America's Enemies – Part I: Qatar, By Yigal Carmon, March 13, 2024.

2. New ISGAP Report Exposes Anti-Israel Bias Fueled by Secretive Qatari Influence in U.S. K-12 Classrooms, ISGAP, March 13, 2025.  

3. Analysis: Al-Jazeera Platforms Hamas's "Resistance" At Annual Conference, Long War Journal, February 27, 2025.

4. Israeli PM Netanyahu To Sue Ex-Defense Minister Ya'alon For Suggesting He Received Millions From Qatar, Times of Israel, March 12, 2025. See also MEMRI report on Project Raven documents and Netanyahu, MEMRI Inquiry and Analysis No. 1734, 'Project Raven' – The Origin Of The Qatari Government Letters Leak, by Yigal Carmon, December 22, 2024.

5. How a Billionaire Netanyahu Associate Sought to Buy Quiet in Gaza, With Qatari Money, Haaretz, March 14, 2025.

6. MEMRI advertisements against Qatar, published in The Washington Post, November 5, 2023, and The New York Times, September 10, 2019:

The Washington Post, November 5, 2023

The New York Times, September 10, 2019.


The Qatar Weekly Update (QWU) – Part Of The Qatar Monitor Project (QMP) – No. 11, March 21, 2025

1. Blood Money: How Qatar Bought off the D.C. Media Establishment, YouTube, March 25, 2019

2. Qatari Cash May Be Coming Soon to a Town Near You: It's time for Washington to drop the rose-tinted glasses and make clear that America is not up for sale, Courage Media, March 10, 2025

3. Israel's Ambassador to Azerbaijan George Deek: "On Oct 7, Hamas slaughtered Israelis in their homes. Qatar's response? Blaming Israel. Today, as Hamas still holds over 50 hostages, Qatar condemns Israel for resuming the fight – but not a word about Hamas violating the ceasefire. Qatar isn’t a mediator. It’s an enabler." X, March 18, 2025

4. Tweet by Marsal Qatar news outlet: "Qatar's Gaza Reconstruction Committee distributes clothing aid to the displaced families in the Gaza Strip, within Qatar's ongoing relief to Palestinians in Gaza," March 15, 2025. See also: MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 11829, With New Jordan-Gaza Air Bridge, Qatar Provides Unconditional Aid To Hamas-Ruled Gaza Yet Again, February 11, 2025 and No. 11820, Reactions In Qatar To Trump's Vision For Gaza: It Is A 'Cursed' Plan And 'A Heinous Crime', February 6, 2025. See also Washington Post, March 20, 2025, reporting that freed Israeli hostage Eli Sharabi said he saw Hamas militants eating stolen food from dozens of boxes marked with the UN emblem.

5. Israeli businessman says he moved cash from Qatari lobbyist to Israeli PM's aide Feldstein – Israeli public broadcaster Kan shares audio in which Gil Birger, owner of Israeli holding company, reports transferring money from Qatar-employed U.S. lobbyist Jay Footlik, Times of Israel, March 19, 2025.

6. Revealed: Israeli officials ordered removal of anti-Qatar content from social media during war, Israel Hayom, March 20, 2025.

*Yigal Carmon is President and Founder of MEMRI.



[2] Egypt, due to its own rivalry with Qatar.

[5] It is typical that instead of being focused like a laser beam on the country that can rescue the hostages, namely Qatar, if it is massively pressured with all hell to pay, according to media reports, Israel is even addressing in total confusion an individual who is completely clueless about Qatar, i.e. Elon Musk, to help in the negotiations – all with the aim of not directing the pressure against Qatar. Why would Israel not do this? See Appendix C: Text Of The Emir's Speech., December 6, 2024.

[6], June 9, 2017.

[8], uploaded September 5, 2017.

[9] Quran 2:127: "And when Abraham, and Ishmael with him, raised up the foundations of the House: 'Our Allah, receive this from us; Thou art the All-hearing, the All-knowing') and in Quranic exegesis and ḥadith literature. He employs Quranic phrasing to describe Qatar's construction of the mosque: "as we have raised the foundations of one of His houses," evoking the verse that refers to the Ka'ba simply as "the House," which Muslims universally regard as Bayt Allah (the House of Allah)."

[11] A Mujaddid is a pious scholar sent every 100 years to spread true Islam through da'wa. His role and duty is to revive the authentic tradition of the Prophet and uproot malign, erroneous and prohibited trends, innovations, and corrosive influences that made way their into Islam.

[12] Newsweek calls Qatar the wealthiest country in the world., November 22, 2024.


[17], uploaded September 5, 2017.

[19] Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has been imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay for over two decades without being brought to justice, despite his confession and the ample proof the U.S. government has regarding his crimes. (The U.S. agreed to release prisoners from Guantanamo to Qatar in an effort to bring the Taliban to the negotiating table.

[20], November 28, 2024; see Paul Tweed,

[21], November 9, 2024.

[23] Qatar claims it was the U.S. that asked the rulers of Qatar to keep "lines of communication" with the Taliban and Hamas. However, this is not what Qatar did. They opened their capital to serve the leaderships of the Taliban and Hamas.)

[24] See, for example, the conviction of U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez and the arrest of Eva Kaili, the Greek member of the European Parliament, at whose home Belgian authorities found large bags of cash. MEMRI Daily Brief No. 563, Why Do The U.S. And Israel Tolerate Qatar's Blatant Anti-U.S. And Anti-Israel Policies? January 16, 2024.

[26] MEMRI Daily Brief No. 651, Qatar Is Responsible For Khalid Sheikh Mohammad's 2,977 Murders On 9/11 – At The World Trade Center And The Pentagon, And On Two Other Hijacked Flights – That Are Only Some Of 31 Attacks And Plots That He Outlined In His Own Confession – UPDATED, September 13, 2024. See also ISGAP report on The South African ANC Government's Dangerous Alliances with Iran, Qatar, and Hamas,

[27], November 24, 2024;, November 21, 2024.

[28] According to a report on Israel's Channel 12 news, Prime Minister Netanyahu sent Qatar, at its demand, a letter authorizing the transfer of the money to Hamas-ruled Gaza. The letter was needed because it was illegal to send money that ends up in Hamas' hands (Hamas being a designated terrorist organization.) Qatar demanded this Israeli authorization to deflect the responsibility of funding a terrorist organization. ( Hamas documents retrieved in Gaza and published in the media show that Iran's contribution to Hamas was miniscule compared to Qatar's. ( It was reported that two of Netanyahu's closest advisers used their public relations company to burnish the image of Qatar prior to the 2022 FIFA World Cup. (, November 21, 2024.)

[31] November 7, 2024.

[32], December 2, 2024.

[33], October 7, 2024.

[34] MEMRI TV Clip No. 11192, In 2012 Qatari Prime Minister And Foreign Minister Hamad Bin Jassim: The Americans Know We Will Not Accept Any Hostile Action Against Iran From Qatar – Archival, MEMRI TV Clip No. 11192, In 2012 Qatari Prime Minister And Foreign Minister Hamad Bin Jassim: The Americans Know We Will Not Accept Any Hostile Action Against Iran From Qatar – Archival, April 1, 2012. The question of the recklessness of strategically placing U.S. nuclear bombers an arm's length away from its enemy Iran that seeks to death to America is beyond the realm of this document.

[35] Dhikr is an Islamic religious practice of reciting the 99 names of Allah.

[36] Muslih (مصلح).

[37] Mujaddid (مجدّد).

[38] For the appearance of this hadith tradition in the early sources, see for example

[39] Evidently, the Qatari emir did not comply with Trump's demand; McMaster himself states in his book that Qatar is financing terrorism via charities.

[40] Qatar has ignored the U.S. Justice Department's order to register as a foreign agent, according to foreign laws. Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Jordan, Bahrain, Egypt, and Israel do not allow Al-Jazeera to air in their countries.

[41] It should be recalled that the U.S. Department of Justice order demanding that Al-Jazeera's platform AJ+, declared by the DOJ as register as "an agent of the Government of Qatar," has never been enforced. See also MEMRI Special Announcement No. 958, U.S. Department Of Justice Orders AJ+ To Register As Foreign Agent For Its 'Political Activities' On Behalf Of Qatar's Government; On August 12, MEMRI Released In-Depth Study By Amb. Alberto M. Fernandez, 'Al-Jazeera Unmasked: Political Islam As A Media Arm Of The Qatari State,' Based On Over 700 Al-Jazeera Clips On MEMRI TV, September 17, 2020.

[42] Press release for the event: BEL AIR, CA – FEBRUARY 18, 2025 – This past Sunday, several dozen residents and community leaders organized a protest outside the private Bel Air home of Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani (HBJ), the former prime minister of Qatar, to highlight the Qatari royal’s close ties to Hamas, the terrorist group behind the October 7, 2023 attacks on Israel. The Chalon Road property sits on an eight-acre hilltop right above the ultra-exclusive Bel Air Country Club and is listed on Zillow as a single-family home spanning over 50,000 square feet, boasting 24 bedrooms and 30 bathrooms. According to Los Angeles real estate news site, The Real Deal, the mega mansion was purchased in 2010 for $35 million. While Qatar has positioned itself as a key figure on the international stage throughout the ceasefire and hostage negotiations, it has also proven to be deeply complicit in terrorism and responsible for the promotion of Islamic fundamentalism, as well as violent unrest both in the Middle East and across the West, according to the activists leading the protest. Foreign donations from Qatar have played a crucial role in fomenting growing levels of antisemitic and anti-American propaganda at U.S. universities, which exploded on college campuses in the aftermath of the Oct. 7 attacks. “Qatar pretends to be the mediators, the ‘honest brokers,’ they call themselves, of the Middle East,” said Rabbi Pini Dunner, the senior rabbi at Beverly Hills Synagogue, at the protest. “But you know what they are? They are funders and supporters of terrorism. All they are interested in is to create havoc and chaos in the world and then pretend to resolve it.” Organizers can be seen walking with signs that read, “A man who funds terrorism lives here,” and “HBJ: Go back to Qatar.” The protest, which was captured both on Instagram and X, where one video already has thousands of views, was just the latest example of recent public criticism against HBJ and other Qatari royals over their controversial business dealings and large U.S. investment portfolio.

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