In an interview published on the liberal website, Qatari reformist writer 'Abd Al-Hamid Al-Ansari, former dean of the Faculty of Islamic Law at Qatar University, analyzes the roots of violence and extremism in Arab society, and extols the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., calling upon the minorities in the Middle East to emulate him and adopt his peaceful methods of struggle.
Following are excerpts:[1]
The Main Root of Violence Is Religious Extremism, Inculcated by Preachers Who Spread the Culture of Hate
"In Arab society, violence is part of a social heritage that goes back to the pre-Islamic age, when one tribe would attack another as a way of solving conflicts over grazing land and holy places, and in order to loot [its property]. Today, the reasons for violence are many, [but] the most significant of them are the following: Religious extremism, manifest in the absence of moderation and tolerance, which is spread by religious preachers that incite against the other and inculcate a culture of hate... [Another reason is the] distortion of religious concepts, which results from a false interpretation of terms such as 'jihad', 'commanding what is good and banning what it forbidden', 'wala wal-bara' [loyalty among the believers and total rejection of infidels], and 'not emulating the infidels.' [Yet another reason is] the delusional dreams of reestablishing the Islamic Caliphate that dominate the minds of all Islamist preachers and movements, based on the false belief that the Muslims' past was splendid and glorious compared to their present. [Because of this belief], these Islamist movements are hostile towards their own societies and governments and regard it permissible to perpetrate violence, which they consider 'jihad for the sake of Allah'..."
True Jihad Means Fighting Aggression and Injustice, while Today's Terrorists Specialize in Killing the Innocent
"Jihad in the Holy Koran, and as the Prophet PBUH defined it, is aimed at repelling aggression, eliminating injustice, and coming to the aid of peoples oppressed by tyrannical rulers. Allah says in the Koran: 'Fight for the sake of Allah those who fight against you, but do not initiate hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors. [Koran 2:190].' In other words, it is obligatory to fight aggressors – not against those who are peaceful. The terrorist groups in the Islamic world and outside it, [on the other hand,] perpetrate blatant terrorism and specialize in killing the largest possible number of innocent civilians of all religions – [acts which] resemble the massacres perpetrated by the Nazis and flout the teachings of Islam... The culture of hate continues to be deeply rooted in the Arab world thanks to inciting religious preachers, educational facilities, curricula, books, films, and media, which for over half a century have been persistently inculcating the culture of fanaticism towards the other… There are many pathological delusions which dominate the collective consciousness and render the masses more receptive to fanatical thinking than to tolerant thinking. Furthermore, the preachers of fanaticism characterize the preachers of non-violence as promoters of weakness and capitulation, and thus distort their image in the eyes of the masses."
"Minorities in the Arab and Islamic World Should Learn from the Methods of [Martin Luther King Jr.], Who Cleaved to the Principle of Peaceful Struggle"
"However, non-violence does not mean surrender and the acceptance of injustice. It means avoiding violence as a solution to conflict, and instead pursuing dialogue and mutual understanding. I believe that non-violence is a basic component in the teachings of Islam, for there are many Koranic texts calling for peace, forgiveness, tolerance, forbearance and kindness towards the other, such as: "Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith… from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just [Koran 60:8]"; "speak kindly to mankind [Koran 2:83]"; "Repel evil with that which is better [Koran 23:96]"; " So bear with them [i.e., with the infidels] and say, Peace [Koran 43:89]." However, the success of non-violence as a strategy depends on changing the culture of society…
"Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. was a great leader of the peaceful struggle for civil rights. He is renowned throughout the world, among all peoples and all civil organizations concerned with human rights. His peaceful efforts achieved their goals. This is a concrete example confirming the effectiveness of peaceful civil struggle as an alternative to violent struggle. I believe that religious and ethnic minorities in the Arab and Islamic world should learn from the methods of this great pioneer, who cleaved to the principle of peaceful struggle and did not despair of attaining [his] goals of justice and equality. Therefore, I urge these minorities to cleave to their homelands and not to immigrate, no matter how severe the terrorist threats against them. Had Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. failed to withstand threats and pressures, he would have never achieved his goals."
[1], January 14, 2011.