April 2, 2019 Special Dispatch No. 7979

Released Palestinian Terrorist Ahlam Tamimi, Who Is On FBI Most Wanted List: Being In Jordan Gives Me Strength Because No Extradition Agreement With U.S.

April 2, 2019
Palestinians | Special Dispatch No. 7979

Ahlam Tamimi, a Hamas terrorist sentenced to 16 life sentences for her involvement in the 2001 Sbarro pizzeria suicide bombing in Jerusalem, was interviewed by Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar) on March 28, 2019. Tamimi explained that her 2011 release from Israeli prison with her husband as part of the Shalit prisoner exchange was the beginning of a new life, but that her life is a bit shaken by the fact that she is still wanted by American authorities. Tamimi said that being in Jordan gives her strength because Jordan does not have an extradition agreement with the U.S. and has refused to extradite her. Tamimi said: "Why are we considered to be terrorists?... I am part of a resistance movement that strives for liberation."

The interview was posted to Al-Jazeera's website but did not air on its TV channel. Tamimi is currently wanted by the U.S. government for conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction against U.S. nationals abroad, and the FBI, which considers her to be armed and dangerous, has placed Tamimi on its list of most wanted terrorists and offers a reward of up to $5 million for information leading to her arrest or conviction. For more about Ahlam Tamimi, see MEMRI TV clips no. 3539 Released Hamas Terrorist Ahlam Tamimi On Palestinian Public's Delight At Suicide Bombings, July 12, 2012; no. 3157 Released Terrorist Ahlam Tamimi, Sentenced To 16 Life Terms In Prison, Takes Pride In The Number Of Casualties She Caused And Proclaims: I Would Do It Again Today, October 19, 2011; and no. 5951 Released Hamas Terrorist Ahlam Tamimi Recounts Her Role In Terror Attacks In Jerusalem In The Early 2000s (Archival), June 27-28, 2012.

To view the clip of Ahlam Tamimi on MEMRI TV, click here or below.

"The American Authorities Are Demanding That I Be Arrested Again"

Ahlam Tamimi: "[My husband and I] were released in the October 2011 prisoner swap deal. Our release brought us great joy and was the beginning of a new life, after the Zionist entity had sentenced us for life in prison.


"Now, after seven years, the American authorities are demanding that I be arrested again. This issue has shaken our lives to some extent."


"Jordan Does Not Have An Extradition Agreement With The United States"

"Being in Jordan has given me strength because Jordan does not have an extradition agreement with the United States. This led to the issuing of a legal decision refusing my extradition, and Jordan's position on that matter is very clear.


"Why are we considered to be terrorists? Why am I, Ahlam, considered to be a terrorist, when I am part of a movement for freedom and national liberation? I am part of a resistance movement that strives for liberation."

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