October 21, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11626

Sheikha Moza, Mother Of Qatari Emir: Sinwar 'Will Live On'; Al-Jazeera Journalists, Qatari Influencers: Yahya Sinwar Is A Role Model And A Legendary Hero

October 21, 2024
Qatar, Palestinians | Special Dispatch No. 11626

Israel's October 17, 2024 elimination of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, architect of the Hamas-led October 7, 2023 invasion and massacres in southern Israel, sparked much praise of Sinwar from influential figures in Qatar, including from Qatar Foundation chairperson Sheikha Moza Bint Nasser, who is the mother of current Qatari Emir Tamim Bin Hamad Aal Thani and the wife of former Emir Hamad Bin Khalifa Aal Thani, as well as from Al-Jazeera reporters, other Qatari journalists, and members of the Qatar-backed International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS). Sheikh Moza wrote that Yahya Sinwar "will live on and they will be gone," hinting at Israel. The others described Sinwar as a role model, a leader to be proud of and the legendary hero behind Israel's greatest military defeat and historic losses. Many also extolled Sinwar for attaining the martyrdom he had sought throughout his life, describing death for the sake of Allah as a the loftiest of aspirations.

It should be noted that, after Sinwar was appointed chief of Hamas's Political Bureau following the July 2024 assassination of his predecessor Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, journalists in Qatar similarly praised him, calling him as "the hero of October 7" and the "Saladin of the century."[1]

Sheikha Moza, Mother Of Qatar's Emir: Yahya Sinwar Will Live On And They Will Be Gone

Qatar Foundation chairperson Sheikha Moza Bint Nasser, who is the mother of current Qatari Emir Tamim Bin Hamad Aal Thani and the wife of former Emir Hamad Bin Khalifa Aal Thani, wrote on her X account about Yahya Sinwar's death, in English: "The name Yahya means the one who lives. They thought him dead, but he lives on. Like his namesake, Yahya Bin Zakariya, he will live on and they will be gone."

The post was accompanied by an audio recording of the Quranic verse: "Never think of those martyred in the cause of Allah as dead. In fact, they are alive by their Lord, well provided for [3:169]."[2]

Sheikha Moza's post on X

Former Al-Jazeera CEO: It Is Our Right To Take Pride In A Heroic Leader Like Sinwar

Former Al-Jazeera Network CEO Yaser Abuhilalah shared on his X account a photo of Sinwar's body, with a combat vest on, lying in a ruined building in Gaza, and commented: "A picture is worth a thousand words: A fighter who draws his weapon and fills his vest with bullets. This is the first leader of the Palestinian people who has been killed in combat… This is a man's death… It is the right of the Palestinian people, and of all of us, to take pride in the fact that our history includes a heroic leader like Sinwar."[3]

Al-Jazeera Anchor: Sinwar Is A Role Model And A Peerless Leader

Al-Jazeera anchor Ayman Azzam wrote: "Sinwar the hero, the role model, the bold, the brave, the peerless leader – this is how his people knew him, and this is how we knew him. How much trouble his rule and the bullets of his heroic soldiers brought upon the enemy…"[4]

Al-Sharq Columnist: Sinwar Is A Legendary Hero, He Was Much More Than We Deserve

Kuwaiti journalist Saadiah Mufarreh, who has a column in the Qatari daily Al-Sharq, shared on her X account a photo of Sinwar, and commented: "Are we, the Arabs of this era, worthy of a legendary hero such as Sinwar? By Allah, he was much more than we deserve."[5]

In another post, Mufarreh wrote: "Yahya Sinwar is our hero, the hero of our nation, a symbol of our struggle, and a symbol of the resistance in Palestine. Nobody can erase this truth, no matter what."[6]

Saadiah Mufarreh's post

Qatari Journalist: After Yahya Sinwar, There Will Be A Million More Yahya Sinwars

Qatari journalist Ebtesam Aal Saad shared on her X account a photo of Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, who was assassinated by Israel in 2004, and wrote: "[Sheikh Yassin] was disabled, yet he caused an entire nation to awaken; Israel feared him and assassinated him. Did this cause the resistance to surrender and Hamas to crumble?! After Yassin, there were another hundred Yassins; after Haniyeh, there were another thousand Haniyehs; and after Yahya Sinwar, there will be another million Sinwars, and the resistance will continue to be the Israelis' nightmare until they are eliminated and expelled from the occupied Palestinian territories along with every traitor who sold Palestinian blood for cheap."[7]

Ebtesam Aal Saad's post on X, with photos of slain Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmad Yassin.

Al-Jazeera Anchor: Sinwar Dealt Israel Its Greatest Military Defeat

Al-Jazeera producer and anchor Ahmad Mansour wrote: "The history books show that Yahya Sinwar dealt Israel its greatest military defeat in its history, and he continued to bear arms for over a year, fighting among his soldiers and defending his religion, his land, and the honor of his nation, until he met his maker as a martyr on the battlefield, as attested by his enemies. [He lived] a life full of endurance, jihad, and bravery, and he died a hero's death on the battlefield of Palestine."[8]

IUMS Member: Sinwar Inflicted Losses On The Enemy That History Will Never Forget

Muhammad Al-Mukhtar Al-Shinqiti, a member of the Doha-based International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) and a lecturer at Qatar University, wrote on his X account: "Yahya Sinwar lived in struggle and as a mujahid, and he died as a martyr while attacking the enemy… He inflicted on the brutal enemy losses that history will never forget. He died as a martyr only after he built a steadfast resistance, awakened an apathetic nation, revived a holy cause that was almost forgotten, and flying the bright flag of those who walk the path of heroism."[9], October 17, 2024.

Al-Jazeera Anchor: The Image Of Sinwar's Body Is The Very Essence Of Honor And Courage

Al-Jazeera anchor Hayat Al-Yamani shared on her X account a picture of Sinwar lying dead among the ruins, and wrote: "Oh Abu Ibrahim, you make a laughingstock of them [i.e., of the Israelis even] as a martyr? Where are the tunnels? Where are the fear and terror they ascribed to you when you were alive? This picture [sums up] the lexicons of honor and courage in every language on earth and in heaven. The son of the homeland was martyred while fighting in it, with it, and for it."[10] 

Al-Jazeera Anchors: Jihad Will Continue Until The Day Of Judgement

Al-Jazeera anchor Ayman Azzam wrote before Sinwar's death was officially confirmed: "Even if Sinwar is dead, jihad will continue until Judgement Day, and that is the destiny of the believers… Sinwar is nothing more than a mujahid, whose loftiest aspiration was martyrdom."[11]

Al-Jazeera presenter and producer Ahmad Mansour wrote: "Yahya Sinwar was killed bearing arms and fighting to defend his religion, his land, and his honor. This is the death of an honorable martyr, which he long yearned to attain. It does not mean that the resistance is defeated, for the occupation army has already been defeated. True, many Hamas leaders have been martyred, but the path of jihad is not at an end, for it is a matter of faith, not men."[12]

Journalists In Qatari Media: Congratulations To Sinwar On His Martyrdom

Other journalist and influencers in Qatar likewise congratulated Sinwar for attaining his wish of martyrdom.

Before Sinwar's death was officially announced, Qatari journalist Abdullah Al-Amadi, a columnist for the daily Al-Sharq, posted on his X account an old video in which Sinwar said he did not want to die a natural death but wanted to die for Islam, Palestine, and Islam's holy places. Al-Amadi commented: "Whether the report about Sinwar's death is true or not, the man has been preparing for this honor since the day he joined the brigades of [Allah] the Compassionate, the Al-Qassam Brigades [Hamas's military wing]. Not everyone [is granted] the virtue of martyrdom, [only] the believers who are 'true to what they promised Allah [Quran 33:23].' [Sinwar] was preceded on this path by the prophets, the messengers, and the honorable companions of the Prophet Muhammad. If the report is correct, [I] congratulate him on his martyrdom. May Allah preserve him as an arrow in the breast of the oppressors, the conspirators, and the enemies of Islam, for he is alive and well among his fellow mujahideen and murabitoun [fighters stationed on the front lines]."[13]

The editor of the English-language Qatari daily The Peninsula, Khaled Bin Mubarak Aal Shafi, shared on his X account a picture of Sinwar, and wrote: "He lived as a mujahid and died a martyr [bound for] Paradise, Allah willing."[14]

Qatar-based Algerian journalist Hafid Derradji, who has a column in the Qatari daily Al-Raya and is a commentator on the Qatari sports channel BeIN, shared pictures of Sinwar with slain Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, commenting: "He yearned for martyrdom and attained it, thanks be to Allah, like other men in an age [dominated by] the wicked. I congratulate Yahya Sinwar, who died a martyr with a gun in his hand, defending his religion, his homeland, and his honor, and I pity every dishonorable coward, neglecter, and pro-Zionist who rejoices at the death of a Muslim at the hands of an infidel… 'Among the believers are men true to what they promised Allah. Among them is he who has fulfilled his vow [to the death], and among them is he who awaits [his chance]. And they did not alter [the terms of their commitment] by any alteration' [Quran 33:23]."[15], October 17, 2024.

IUMS Member: Death For The Sake Of Allah Is Our Loftiest Aspiration

IUMS member Muhammad Al-Saghir similarly wrote: "Oh Abu Ibrahim, [you go straight] to Paradise. As far as we are concerned, you are among those of whom Allah said [in Quran 33:23]: 'Among the believers are men true to what they promised Allah.' You promised and you delivered. You put your faith in Allah and He trusted you, and you attained your wish, for death for the sake of Allah is our loftiest aspiration. This was not a mere slogan [for Sinwar]. It is the ideology of the heroic freedom-lovers: either victory, or martyrdom for the sake of Islam."[16]


[2], October 18, 2024.

[3], October 17, 2024.

[4], October 19, 2024.

[5], October 20, 2024.

[6], October 20, 2024.

[7], October 17, 2024.

[8], October 17, 2024.

[9], October 17, 2024.

[10], October 17, 2024.

[11], October 17, 2024.

[12], October 17, 2024.

[13], October 17, 2024.

[14], October 17, 2024.

[15], October 17, 2024.

[16], October 18, 2024.

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