September 24, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11580

Syrian Opposition Members Celebrate Killing Of Top Hizbullah Commander In Lebanon: He Starved Syrians And Buried Them Alive

September 24, 2024
Lebanon, Syria | Special Dispatch No. 11580

Numerous activists affiliated with the Syrian opposition published social media posts expressing joy at Israel's extensive wave of attacks targeting top Lebanese Hizbullah officials between September 17 and 20, 2024, and especially celebrating the killing of Hizbullah commander Hussein Ali Ghandour in a September 20 Israeli airstrike in Beirut's southern Dahiyeh district, a known Hizbullah stronghold.

Ghandour was notorious in Syria, primarily due to his role in the siege imposed by the Syrian regime and Hizbullah on the town of Madaya in Rif Dimashq Governorate between July 2015 and April 2017. According to reports from the Syrian opposition during this period, Hizbullah and the Syrian regime laid mines at the entrances to the town to prevent food from being smuggled in to residents, and several cases of death by starvation were also reported.[1] Syrian activists identified Ghandour as leader of the siege, and said that he would throw wounded Syrians into pits and bury them alive.

The elimination of Ghandour, aka "The Butcher of Madaya," and his death in a building collapse, were perceived by opposition activists as divine retribution. Many Syrians asserted their right to celebrate his death, rejecting calls from Hizbullah supporters to demonstrate solidarity with the organization and refrain from gloating over the deaths of Hizbullah operatives.

Left: Children in Madaya in 2016, calling for an end to the siege on the town (Source:, October 29, 2016); right: fundraising campaign to save the residents of Madaya from starvation (Source:, January 12, 2016)

Notably, since October 7, 2023, and throughout the ongoing war between Israel and elements of the Iran-backed resistance axis, Syrian oppositionists have frequently celebrated the killing of top  officials of the Iranian regime, Hizbullah, and others.[2]

Hussein Ghandour (Source:, September 21, 2024)

This report reviews some of the Syrian responses on social media to Ghandour's killing:

Syrian Activists: May The Soul Of Ghandour, The Butcher Of Madaya, Be Damned

Many Syrian activists expressed their joy, and joy for the Syrian town of Madaya, at the death of Ghandour. Muhammad Al-Abid, an officer who defected from the Syrian Armed Forces, posted on his X account: "The Hizbullah militia has announced the death of commander Hussein Ali Ghandour, nicknamed 'The Butcher of Madaya,' who led the siege on the town of Madaya in Rif Damascus [Governorate] about eight years ago. May your soul damned."[3]

Syrian activist Ashakaki, who is affiliated with the opposition, posted on his X account: "No one should ask the residents of Madaya why they are rejoicing today. When one of the murderers is gone, the world becomes better."[4]

Roa Khalid, a Syrian opposition activist, posted on her X account: "Hussein Ali Ghandour, known as 'The Butcher of Madaya' kicked the bucket today, alongside [the Commander of Hizbullah's elite Radwan Force] Ibrahim Aqil and 20 Radwan Force commanders who participated in the siege of Aleppo... These are great days, by Allah. What a sweet day this is."[5]

Radwan Ali Basha, a Syrian national currently living in Turkey, posted on his Facebook account: "Congratulations to you, Madaya, whenever the soldiers of the exploitation that developed and caused injustice in our country die. He who spilled your blood disappeared today under the rubble, and was made to reap what he sowed... We congratulate our citizens in Madaya on the death of Hussein Ali Ghandour, called 'The Butcher of Madaya'. He was chiefly responsible for starving the freedom fighters in the area during the siege in 2015, and for killing and expelling residents. Only the lower half [of his body] was found under the rubble, and there is an ongoing search for his top half."[6]

Syrian Activist: Ghandour Buried Syrians Alive; His Death By Collapsing Building – Divine Justice

Some Syrian oppositionists claimed that Ghandour's death, which was reportedly caused by the collapse of the building he was in, constituted retribution from Allah for the Syrians whom Ghandour buried alive.

Bilal, a Syrian activist affiliated with the opposition, wrote on his X account: "Terrorist Hussein Ghandour, that bastard, was responsible for the siege of Madaya. He carried out chilling acts of slaughter and buried his victims alive. He died in the same way when the building collapsed on him. This is Allah."[7]

Fares Beni Marwan, a Syrian opposition activist, wrote on his X account: "The bloody man of the city of Madaya, the terrorist Hussein Ali Ghandour would – driven by hatred of Muslims – bury the wounded while they were still alive. By Allah's justice, he remained buried under the rubble for twelve hours before they managed to extract his rotting corpse. This is Allah, the mighty avenger."[8]

Mohamad Khelo, who says that he is an expert on military matters in Syria, wrote:

"Praise be to Allah who demonstrates patience [toward the sinner] but does not neglect [to impose punishment] and who lets us see the death of the criminals within our lifetime. The war criminal Hussein Ghandour led the siege on the town of Madaya in [Rif] Damascus [Governorate] and was nicknamed the Butcher of Madaya, because he starved its residents and withheld food and medicine from them."[9]

Rejecting Calls From Hizbullah Supporters To Refrain From Gloating Over Ghandour's Death

Hizbullah supporters called to refrain from celebrating the death of the organization's senior officials due to its support for the Palestinians, and because Israel is behind the assassinations, but these calls were rejected by most members of the Syrian opposition. Syrian journalist Alia Mansour, who is affiliated with the opposition, posted on her X account: "The killing of [the man] responsible for the siege of Madaya and the murder of hundreds [of Syrians]; the killing of [the man] responsible for children dying of hunger; are you really asking Syrians to express solidarity? You could benefit from a bit of a conscience..."[10]

Wael Al-Hafez, a member of a Syrian opposition organization known as The Popular Movement for the Liberation of Syria,  posted on his X account: "That filthy and profane criminal, the butcher of Madaya, has gone to hell, to meet his bitter end. Congratulations on him going there. Arabs and non-Arabs must [now] maintain total silence [and not call to refrain from celebrating his death] because when this lowly, criminal man sank  along with the Zoroastrian gang, the Qarmatians [i.e. the Iranians and their proxies] and with the Russians – up to their necks in Syrian blood, they did not speak a word. To those who remain of Hizbullah: leave Syria, that would be better for you."[11]

Mahmoud Al-Kadah, a Syrian living in Jordan, wrote on his Facebook page: "This hypocrite became famous by killing our citizens in Madaya and laying siege to it. He killed people by starvation, turning them into skeletons, and became famous for burying the wounded alive, so much so that he became known by the nickname the ‘Butcher of Madaya.’ How can you want us to show humanity and mercy to this racist, hostile human monster?! Show as much support and humanity as you want to these human monsters. As for us, we wish them more [death] and rejoice to the clouds in the sky at their expense. We have not forgotten, and shall not forget."[12]

Abu Hamam, a Syrian opposition-affiliated activist who resides in Deir Al-Zour Governorate in the country's east, posted on his Facebook page: "How can we not rejoice when all the ones killed among those criminals engineered the murder of Syrians? This damned hypocrite relished burying Syrians alive and watched their breathing stop under the ground. Hussein Ali Ghandour, the Butcher of Madaya, we will rejoice and be glad until the first and last of them are gone."[13]

Jahed Ahmad, a Syrian opposition-affiliated activist, posted on his Facebook page: "The Butcher of Madaya. This is the man who would bury wounded Syrians while they were still alive. He died [and is now] on the journey to hell, where he will meet his bitter end. Syrians have the right to rejoice, to find solace, and to celebrate the deaths of the wicked... Allah, do not leave on earth any of the disbelievers as inhabitants [Quran 71:26]."[14]


[1] It should be noted that during this period the Syrian regime and Hizbullah adopted a policy of “sieges and starvation” in several areas in Syria with the aim of wearing down the civilian population so that it would pressure the armed Syrian rebels to surrender. See MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 1221, Local Ceasefire Agreements In Syria: Capitulation To Regime's Siege-And-Starvation Strategy Under UN Sponsorship, January 26, 2016; and MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 1226, Hizbullah Faces Criticism In Lebanon For Besieging Madaya: Its Starvation Of Syrians Recalls Past Crimes Of Mass Extermination In History, February 9, 2016.

[3], September 20, 2024.

[4], September 20, 2024.

[5], September 21, 2024.

[6], September 21, 2024.

[7], September 21, 2024.

[8], September 22, 2024.

[9], September 21, 2024.

[10], September 20, 2024.

[11], September 22, 2024.

[12], September 21, 2024.

[13], September 21, 2024.

[14], September 21, 2024.

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