May 11, 2011 Special Dispatch No. 3832

Taliban Statement Reaction to Killing of Osama Bin Laden: 'The Martyrdom of Sheikh Osama [Bin Laden] Will Not Benefit America'

May 11, 2011
Special Dispatch No. 3832

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (the Taliban's shadow government in the country) today issued a warning that the Afghans will not forget the sacrifices and struggle of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

The statement, titled "The Martyrdom of Sheikh Osama [bin Laden] Will Not Benefit America," noted: "The Afghans will not forget the sacrifices and struggle of Sheikh Osama, this great patron of Islam, who fought shoulder to shoulder with the Afghans against the former Soviet Union, as well as his services in terms of equipping mujahideen and sponsoring families of the martyrs." ...

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