June 1, 2016 Special Dispatch No. 6454

Tehran Presents The Winners Of Iran's 2016 Holocaust International Cartoon Contest

June 1, 2016
Iran | Special Dispatch No. 6454

As the third Holocaust International Cartoon Contest concluded in Tehran, at the end of May 2016, the website published the winners' names. First prize went to the French cartoonist Zeon.

Contest secretary Masoud Shojaei Tabtabaei said that Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei had phoned him to congratulate him on his "excellent work" with the contest.[1] It should be mentioned that Tabtabaei had rejected Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif's statements in the U.S. that neither the Iranian government nor the Iranian regime were connected to the contest, and had underlined that his organization "cooperates with the Ministry of Culture" and that everyone in the regime "knows that this exhibition is highly respected."[2] also published photos from the contest's awards and closing ceremony, and of Basij commander Mohammad Reza Naqdi visiting the exhibition.


Following are some of the winning cartoons:

First prize: "The Holocaust Business" by Zeon (France)

Third prize: Removal of tongues before entering the "Holocaust Museum." Mahmoud Nazari (Iran)


Special mention: Misha (Russia)


Special mention: Saeid Farhangian (Iran)


Special mention: "Holocaust" "Selfie" by Jalal Hajir (Morocco)


Special mention: Luc Descheemaeker (Belgium)

Below are additional cartoons from the contest published by

Thomas Lussfeld (France)


Raul Fernando (Colombia)


Ebrahim Kan'ei (Iran)


Behram Jalali Noknadeh (Iran)


Top: "Everything is revised"; Elie Wiesel holds sign saying "I am [Holocaust denier Robert] Faurisson." Thomas Lussfeld (France)


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