May 7, 2015 Special Dispatch No. 6043

Urdu Article On Yemen Conflict: 'What Could Be Better For The Jews, Hindus, And Christians Than Having These Two Islamic Nuclear Powers [Pakistan And Iran] Fighting Each Other?'

May 7, 2015
Special Dispatch No. 6043

A screen shot of Roznama Jasarat column

A recent column in the leading Urdu-language newspaper Roznama Jasarat, which is published by Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan, accused the U.S. of aiming to draw Pakistan into the Saudi-led military alliance fighting the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Columnist Tariq Masood Beg wrote, under the headline "The Yemen Fighting And The American War Trench," that the American intention is for the first Islamic nuclear power - Pakistan - and the impending second Islamic nuclear power - Iran - fight each other so that the Islamic world will be weakened.

The following is the column:

"The Question Is: Which [World] Power Wants To Draw Pakistan Into The [Saudi-Led] Alliance Formed To End The Rebellion Underway In Yemen And Form A Government There?"

"Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, falling into the Yemen fighting and American war trench, should understand that their sincere friend Pakistan wants to save them from war and wants them to get out of the trench. The resolution passed by the Pakistani parliament in its joint session regarding Yemen is not only for Pakistan but is also in the best interest of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Despite all these efforts for reconciliation and attempts for mediation, it seems that some power wants to forcibly draw Pakistan into this war and throw it into the trench.

"The question is: Which [world] power wants to draw Pakistan into the [Saudi-led] alliance formed to end the rebellion underway in Yemen and form a government there? Is it because of Pakistan's experienced military power or its geographical importance? What objectives does that [world] power want to achieve by including Pakistan in the Yemen war?  

"The Yemen fighting is, in reality, the American war trench, which is filled with sectarian and doctrinal differences, and whose depth reaches to Iran and Pakistan. Since Pakistan and Iran's borders are connected geographically, the insistence on Pakistan's inclusion in the Yemen war is for this reason [i.e. to draw Pakistan into a major war between Muslim countries]. By igniting a spark in Yemen, America wants to cause a fire in Pakistan and Iran - a fire whose flames could engulf all Muslim countries."

"By Making Pakistan A Saudi Ally In This Sectarian War, [America] Wants A War At The Borders Of Pakistan And Iran; For Iran, It Wants To Create A New Iraq In The Form Of Pakistan So That Iran Can Be Controlled"

"America and Israel fear Iran's nuclear program. But America is forced to [sign] a nuclear deal [with Iran], as American President Barack Obama has said himself that America has no energy to fight a new war. Therefore, by inciting Houthis to rebel and by showing that Saudi Arabia concocted evidence of Iranian involvement in Yemen, America wants to create a war of sects among Muslim countries. By making Pakistan a Saudi ally in this war of sects, [America] wants a war at the borders of Pakistan and Iran. For Iran, it wants to create a new Iraq in the shape of Pakistan so that Iran can be controlled."

"What Could Be Better For The Jews, Hindus, And Christians Than Having These Two Islamic Nuclear Powers Fighting Each Other And The Whole Muslim World Being Weakened?"

"Another important reason for this is that Pakistan is the only Islamic nuclear power, and Iran is going to be the second Islamic nuclear power. Therefore, what could be better for the Jews, Hindus, and Christians than having these two Islamic nuclear powers fighting each other and the whole Muslim world being weakened? But it seems that the Islamic world's big Arab friends - stung by Israel in the past, encircled by American conspiracies, indulging in luxuries - are not bothered by the Islamic world's strength or weakness.  

"Why were our Arab friends, who are siding with the Yemeni government against Houthi rebels, supporting [Egyptian President Al-]Sisi's rebellion against the [Muslim Brotherhood] Mursi government in Egypt? Why were our Arab friends, who are raising a cry for those killed by the hands of Houthis in Yemen, silent at the martyrdom of thousands of ikhwanians [Islamic Brotherhood members in Egypt]? The Arabs need to understand that today there is a need for the Muslim ummah to unite and emerge from the war of sects and cults; this is good for the entire Muslim ummah and also for Arabs themselves."

Source: Roznama Jasarat (Pakistan), April 19, 2015.

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