July 28, 2011 Special Dispatch No. 4031

Website Publishes Alleged Letters By Virginia-Based Jihadi Activist Zachary Adam Chesser

July 28, 2011
Special Dispatch No. 4031

On June 31, 2011, a website dedicated to supporting prisoners held on charges of terrorism, posted what it claimed to be several letters by Virginia-based jihadi activist Zachary Adam Chesser (aka Abu Talha Al-Amriki) who is serving a 25-year prison sentence. In the letters, Chesser refuses to comment on the charges brought against him (i.e. supporting the Somali Al-Qaeda-affiliate group Al-Shabab Al-Mujahideen, threatening the creators of the South Park television show for insulting the Prophet Muhammad, and soliciting people to leave packages in public places in order to tie up law enforcement and bomb squads). He writes that his case is yet to be fully resolved even though he pled guilty to the charges. ...

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