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Terms found: gaza (documents: 7935, hits: 27448); gaza (documents: 2859).

Special Dispatch No. 461 - Saudi Columnist Welcomes Joseph Lieberman's Candidacy - 01/24/03

... 21st century—the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza." "Is there any good for the Middle East from candidates ...

Special Dispatch No. 459 - Palestinian Christian Leader in Praise of Martyrdom Operations and the Formation of a Muslim and Christian Human Shield to Defend Iraq - 01/23/03

... of the land of our precious homeland. Just as Ramallah, Gaza, Nablus, and Jenin are Palestinian cities, so are Haifa, Nazareth ...

Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 115 - Arab Media Reactions to The U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative Part I: Opponents' Views - 01/01/03

... to Israel so that Israel will complete the occupation of Gaza and the West Bank, and while it allocates $300 billion ...

Special Dispatch No. 453 - The Ginnosar File - Investigative Report in Israeli Media on Corruption Affair Involving High Ranking Israeli (and Palestinian) Officials - 12/27/02

... speculators amassed millions as hunger intensified in the streets of Gaza, and they went on cutting their deals even after the ... to him. A Magnificent Wedding Meanwhile, Muhammad Rasheed had gone to Gaza to obtain Arafat's permission to sign the letter, and had ... and the set of regulations to Rasheed. Rasheed went to Gaza, got Arafat to sign everything and returned with the signed ...

Special Dispatch No. 449 - Abu Mazen in Gaza: Stop the Armed Operations; Our Way Failed; Israeli Arabs Can Help Us by Bringing Down and Setting Up Israeli Governments, Not by Participating in the Intifada - 12/15/02

... to the heads of the "Popular Councils" of the Gaza Strip refugee camps. In his speech, he criticized the ... peace process… The completion of the goal began with 'Gaza and Jericho First'; it extended to the West ... Most unfortunately, we are not of one opinion in Gaza. Let us hold a dialogue and arrive at an ... were reoccupied by force. Only the land of the Gaza Strip remains ours, and we hope to save ... lives and property... The pots and pans demonstration in Gaza - why did the people go out into the ...

Special Alerts No. 5 - Al-Qa'ida-Affiliated Web Site Warns of Attack During Id Al-Fitr, December 5-6, and Announces Palestinian Branch of Al-Qa'ida - 12/03/02

... call to the mujahideen in the Al-Nusseirat camp in the Gaza Strip to immediately stop the fighting between Hamas and the ...

Special Reports No. 11 - Based on Koranic Verses, Interpretations, and Traditions, Muslim Clerics State: The Jews Are the Descendants of Apes, Pigs, And Other Animals - 10/31/02

... , Palestinian Authority official and imam of the Sheikh Ijlin mosque, Gaza City's main mosque , called on the Palestinian people to forget ...

Aluma Dankowitz

Special Dispatch No. 430 - Interview with Palestinian Security Chief Dahlan: Warns Hamas and Raises Allegations of an American-Palestinian Deal Regarding Arafat's Responsibility for the 'Karin A' - 10/18/02

... as the head of the Preventive Security Apparatus in the Gaza Strip, sharply criticized the Hamas movement, as well as Arafat's ... According to Hamidi, in a meeting of the Businessmen Association in Gaza on Sunday evening, Dahlan spoke to a group of journalists who ... leads to armed confrontation with Hamas in all of the Gaza Strip." "The senior PA official, apparently Dahlan ... said: 'this is ...

Special Dispatch No. 424 - Professor Edward Said Compares the Holocaust and the Palestinian Disaster: 'Every Human Calamity is Different'; 'But... There is Value in Seeing Analogies and Perhaps Hidden Similarities' - 10/01/02

... totally defenseless civilian population of the occupied West Bank and Gaza strip…" 'Criticism of Israeli Policy is Equated by the Zionists ...

No. 34 - GDP in Arab Countries Records Decline in 2001 - 09/19/02

... a report issued by Terje Larsen, the U.N. Special Representative in West Bank/Gaza, the rate of unemployment among Palestinians reached 50% in 2002 ... line at 64% in the West Bank and 80% in Gaza. 31 *Dr. Nimrod Raphaeli is Senior Analyst of MEMRI's Middle ...

Dr. Nimrod Raphaeli
