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Terms found: gaza (documents: 7935, hits: 27448); gaza (documents: 2859).

Special Dispatch No. 255 - A Palestinian Information Center: There Is Serious Thinking about Obtaining Biological Weapons - 08/17/01

... , published an article signed by "The Palestinian Center for Information Sources-Gaza", whichstated that "serious thinking has began a while ago about obtaining ... ), August 13, 2001. Note: The Palestinian Center for Information Sources – Gaza was directed by Jihad Al-Wazir, the son of Abu Jihad ...

Special Dispatch No. 254 - The Oslo Agreements: The Big Scam - 08/15/01

... Agreements in order to relocate from Tunis to Ramallah and Gaza, and to begin establishing a national Palestinian entity in the territories ...

Special Dispatch No. 253 - The PA Press Agency (WAFA) Calls to Use Stones Only and Refrain from Attacking Civilians Inside Israel - 08/12/01

... ", namely, settlers and soldiers: "The confrontation yesterday in Deir Al-Balakh Gaza , in which Israeli forces, including ten tanks, three armored cars ...

Special Dispatch No. 252 - Friday Sermon on PA TV: Blessings to Whoever Saved a Bullet to Stick It In a Jew’s Head - 08/08/01

... given by Sheik IbrahimMadhi at the Sheik 'Ijlin Mosque in Gaza: "...Oh lovers of Allah. After the leaders of the Jews ...

Special Dispatch No. 250 - Abu Mazen: Had Camp David Convened Again, We Would Take the Same Positions Part II - 08/06/01

... over. The five percent equals twice the size of the Gaza Strip. This means that they want to take land in ... West Bank, with no compensation, double the size of the Gaza Strip." Q: "It was said that one of the reasons for ...

Special Dispatch No. 249 - Abu Mazen: Had Camp David Convened Again, We Would Take the Same Positions Part I - 08/01/01

... the refugees will return to the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. And you must realize the following: seventy percent of ... Gaza's residents, and forty-five percent of those of the West Bank ... all the refugees will return to the West Bank and Gaza. This does not make any sense." 1 "Had Camp David Convened ...

Special Dispatch No. 247 - Yasser Abd Rabou in Gaza: The Struggle Cannot Be Separated From the Negotiations - 08/01/01

... in a conferenceheld by the Palestinian Council for Foreign Relations in Gaza on July 28, 2001. During the conference Rabou said that ...

Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 65 - Debating the Religious, Political, and Moral Legitimacy of Suicide Bombings: Part III - 07/27/01

... of their barbaric soldiers in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip?..." 7 Dr. Muhammad Hassan Abd Al-Khaleq, a Hebrew lecturer , added his ...

Special Dispatch No. 236 - Faysal Al-Husseini in his Last Interview: The Oslo Accords Were a Trojan Horse; The Strategic Goal is the Liberation of Palestine from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea' - 07/06/01

... factions three years following Arafat and the PLO's return to Gaza…the debate revolved around the same issues you are raising ... now only 22% of Palestine, meaning the West Bank and Gaza – our ultimate goal is still the liberation of all historical ...
