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Terms found: gaza (documents: 7935, hits: 27448); gaza (documents: 2859).

Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 60 - Palestinian Reactions to Tenet's 'Work Plan' - 06/19/01

... the Palestinian territories, the external closure, the opening of the Gaza airport and seaport, the crossing points, the internal roads, and ...

Special Dispatch No. 228 - Friday Sermon on PA TV: Calling for Suicide Bombings - 06/13/01

... , the PA television broadcasts a live sermon from one of the Gaza mosques. On June 8, 2001, a week after the Tel-Aviv suicide bombing ...

Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 56 - Escalation Games: Syria's Deterrence Policy - Part I: Brinksmanship - 05/25/01

... model of American pressure on Sharon to withdraw from the Gaza Strip, a few hours after the Israeli army entered it. Washington ...

Special Dispatch No. 217 - Continuing the Intifada: Palestinian Concerns and Considerations - 05/17/01

... as it was presented to him in a telephone call from Gaza apparently by the head of the "Preventive Security" apparatus, Muhammad ... participated in the meeting of the Supreme Military Council in Gaza by telephone from Ramallah "did not demand that these committees ...

Special Dispatch No. 213 - Palestinian Criticism of the Use of Weapons in the Intifada - 04/30/01

... overwhelming support of the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Still, I felt sorrow because by now homes were demolished ... disturbing a hundred settlers in a settlement on the border of the Gaza Strip by mortars which make only noise, when the price ...

Special Dispatch No. 204 - Shift in Israeli Attitudes Towards Peace - 04/17/01

... Israeli society separately: Meretz supporters and the West Bank and Gaza Strip settlers. How did they react?" "As expected, 62% of ...

Special Dispatch No. 203 - A Jordanian Analyst Calls For Flexibility And Compromise - 04/06/01

... , over most of the territory of the West Bank and Gaza Strip." "Unfortunately, however, Chairman Arafat did not condition the saving ...

Special Dispatch No. 200 - Conference on 'The Balance of National Strength and Security in Israel' - 04/01/01

... and its chief organizer, Dr. Uzi Arad, stresses that the Gaza Strip has the highest rate of natural population growth in ... really interested in their welfare do? Leaving them in the Gaza Strip means sentencing them to a life of misery. If you ...

Special Reports No. 5 - Palestinian Thoughts on the Right of Return - 03/30/01

... or, at least, to the West Bank and to Gaza. " 4 These statements have been interpreted as an indication ... unification of Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to form either one democratic and secular ... currently living in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Thus, this idea presents no solution to ... of the West Bank, and a third north of the Gaza Strip..." 28 Phase One: Return of the Lebanese ... today's persecutors." 41 Furthermore, in a symposium held in Gaza, Dr. Ali 'Odeh called on the PA to ...

Y. Feldner

Special Dispatch No. 194 - PA Minister: The Intifada Was Planned From the Day Arafat Returned From Camp David - 03/21/01

... for the PA affiliated daily Al-Ayyam reported then that at a Gaza symposium Al-Faluji said: "The PA had begun to prepare for ...
