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Jan 09, 2015
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Egyptian Minister: Paris Attacks Turned Muslims from Victims into Aggressors, Charlie Hebdo from Aggressor into Victim

#4711 | 01:11
Source: Channel 1 (Egypt)

In a Friday sermon on January 9, 2015, aired on on Egyptian TV's Channel 1, Egyptian Minister of Religious Endowments Muhammad Mukhtar Guma said: "I would like to tell you that these reckless terrorist acts have turned the Muslims from victims into aggressors and have turned the magazine from an aggressor into a victim."

Following is an excerpt:

Muhammad Mukhtar Guma: Al-Azhar, the Ministry of Religious Endowments, the fatwa authority, and the Foreign Ministry, and Egypt in its entirety have denounced the terrorist incident against the French magazine. I would like to tell you that these reckless terrorist acts have turned the Muslims from victims into aggressors, and have turned the magazine from an aggressor into a victim. When the magazine published cartoons offensive to our beloved Prophet, we, indeed, had to rise against it – but it should have been by means of reason and wisdom, and by demonstrating the civilization of Islam.


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