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Apr 10, 2009
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Egyptian MP Mustafa Bakri: Hillary Clinton Might Vent Her Rancor and Venom against Arabs and Muslims

#2105 | 01:39
Source: Decision Makers TV (UAE)

Following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian MP Mustafa Bakri, which aired on Decision Makers TV on April 10, 2009:

Interviewer: What do you think of George W. Bush?

Mustafa Bakri: It was only natural that he would have a shoe thrown at him. His mother once said about him: "Woe to the world – my most stupid son was elected president of the United States."

Interviewer: What's your opinion of Hillary Clinton, who represents the new U.S. foreign policy?

Mustafa Bakri: This is a woman who was hurt by her husband, and I hope that she does not vent her rancor and venom, and her feelings of vengeance against her husband, through her foreign policy vis-à-vis the Arab and Islamic world.

Interviewer: In your own opinion, can she act on her own accord, against the will of Obama?

Mustafa Bakri: I think she is meant to counter-balance Obama's foreign policy view. But I think that ultimately, Obama will be held captive by her, because he needs her in order to be reelected for another term.


She is a violent and racist woman who hates the Arabs and the Muslims.

Interviewer: So you're not optimistic?

Mustafa Bakri: No, I'm not.


In order to counter the Israeli nuclear bomb, there must be an Iranian nuclear bomb, a Gulf nuclear bomb, an Egyptian nuclear bomb, and so on. When Israel is ready to give up on its WMDs, everybody will give up on their WMDs. As long as Israel has nuclear deterrence, there must be nuclear deterrence to counter it.

Interviewer: What will be the outcome of all this?

Mustafa Bakri: The outcome will be that no one will be able to use nuclear weapons, as long as everybody has nuclear weapons.

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