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Dec 18, 2013
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Jabhat Al-Nusra Commander Al-Joulani in First Ever Interview: Syria Will Be Governed According to the Shari'a

#4076 | 01:54
Source: Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)

Following are excerpts from an interview with Jabhat Al-Nusra Commander Abu Muhammad Al-Joulani. The interview – the first ever to be held with Al-Joulani – was conducted by Tayseer Allouni, the former Al-Jazeera bureau chief in Kabul, who had been detained in Spain for seven years over charges of collaboration with Al-Qaeda. He was released following a European court ruling on January 17, 2012. The interview with Al-Joulani was aired by Al-Jazeera on December 18, 2013.


Abu Muhammad Al-Joulani: In Jabhat Al-Nusra, we adhere to the shari'a, the Koran, and the Sunna. We strongly condemn whoever accuses the public of heresy. We believe that Muslim societies are indeed mostly Muslim. We believe that Syrian society is mostly Muslim. In Turkey, most of the society is Muslim, and the same goes for Egypt. This is the rule. We condemn whoever says that heresy is at the core of these societies. We punish whoever commits this [takfir] without knowledge and guidance from Allah.






Jabhat Al-Nusra will never claim to be the sole leader of this society, even if we reach that point. If we manage to liberate Syria, and Damascus falls, and let's assume that 80% of it has already been liberated, as they say...



Then, religious committees will convene. Religious authorities, scholars, thinkers, people who have made sacrifices, and even people from abroad... The religious scholars of the Levant, for example, will convene. There will be consultation meetings for the religious authorities.



Then a suitable plan for running this country will be formulated. Naturally, it will be in keeping with the Islamic shari'a. Syria will be governed by the shari'a of Allah, Islamic shura will be instated, and justice will prevail.





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