Following are excerpts from statements by released Lebanese terrorist Samir Al-Quntar, which aired on Al-Jazeera TV and Al-Jadid/New TV on July 26, 2008:
Al-Jazeera TV
Samir Al-Quntar: To be honest, our operation had both civilian and military targets. Today, tomorrow, and the next day – our targets are always... There are no civilian targets – it’s “civilian” in quotation marks. The Zionists themselves define the Israeli as a soldier who is on leave for 11 months every year.
Interviewer: How did you and your fellow prisoners view the Sadat assassination?
Samir Al-Quntar: That was a most wonderful operation – to the point that all the prisoners cheered together when Sadat was assassinated. This man symbolized treason and apostasy. Ever since Camp David... Look at the history – Camp David, the 1982 invasion, and then the strike against Iraq... All the catastrophes that befell the Arab world began with Camp David. It was a wonderful historical moment, which I hope will recur in similar cases.
Al-Jadid TV
A country that has sacrificed such a long convoy of martyrs cannot stop at the gates of the Shab’a Farms, and say: The conflict is over.
This country will never be a playing ground for that ugly woman, the U.S. ambassador. One day, it will be written on the gates of this country: “No entry for stray dogs and the people of the American administration.”