The following are excerpts from a speech by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The speech aired on IRINN, the Iranian News Channel, on January 28, 2009.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: If the Iranian people was not bound by political and geographical constraints, it would have been ready to defend glory, honor, and human dignity alongside the people of Gaza. When [the U.S.] says that it is going to make a change, change can take one of two forms: One would be a fundamental, influential, course-altering change. The other would be a tactical change, which would involve changing their modus operandi and their rhetoric, as well as the way they use political tools. Clearly, if they mean this second type of change, this will soon be revealed, and the peoples of the world will oppose this.
When they say their policies are about to change, this means they must end their military presence worldwide. They must gather these forces, and deploy them along their borders to serve their people.
An incident known as 9/11 occurred. It is not yet clear who carried it out, who collaborated with them, and who paved the way for them. The event took place, and – like in the case of the Holocaust – they sealed it off, refusing to allow objective research groups to find out the truth. They invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, using 9/11 as a pretext.
If you talk about changing your policies, you must permit research into the reasons for 9/11, and its culprits.
Mr. Bush allowed himself to interfere in the affairs of all peoples: "Mr. Sudan, why do you live like this?" "Mr. Pakistan, why do you walk like this?" "Mr. Saudi Arabia, why do you pray like this?" "Mr. Iran, why are you interested in scientific progress?" If they wish to change their policies, it means that the U.S. will not be allowed to interfere in the affairs of other peoples.
If you wish to change your policies, you must alleviate the pressure on the American people, and grant them the freedom to be involved in political affairs, and determine their fate by themselves.
For over 60 years, the consecutive U.S. administrations have been harassing Iran.
They took our oil, they took our wealth, and they destroyed our culture.
To those who are saying that they plan to make changes—change means asking forgiveness from the Iranian people, and trying to make amends for their black past, and for the crimes they have committed against the Iranian people.
If anyone wants to talk to the Iranian people in the language of Mr. Bush, the style of Mr. Bush, the mentality of Mr. Bush, and the warmongering of Mr. Bush – even if he uses new words – the Iranian people will give him the same response that is has given Mr. Bush and his lackeys for many years…