Following are excerpts from an address by Egyptian cleric Sheik Masoud Anwar which aired on Al-Rahma TV on January 9, 2009.
Sheik Masoud Anwar: The worst enemies of the Muslims – after Satan – are the Jews. Who said this? Allah did.
When our religious scholars wrote a prescription for a medicine that would cure our nation of the disease known as the Jews, they said that one of the elements of victory is knowing the enemy. One element of victory is knowing our enemy.
The [Jews] are a nation of people who curse Allah day and night. The Jews describe Allah in the most abominable terms. They describe Him as miserly, powerless, and poor. In their view, God is someone who cries and slaps Himself in despair. He has regrets and is sorry. He plays games, and He is beaten. This is what the Jews said about God.
They are prophet slayers. They killed 40 prophets. They accused the prophets of heresy and killed them. As for the books that were sent down by God, the Jews do not believe in either the New Testament or the Koran. As for the Torah – they distorted it.
What are the characteristics of the Jewish personality? You should pay attention to this, and maybe even take notes. The first characteristic: One of the most prominent traits of the Jews is the rigidity of their hearts. Their hearts are rigid, and they bow their heads only to a strike by the hammer. The hardest hearts of all are the hearts of the Jews.
The hardest hearts of all are the hearts of the Jews. Their hearts are solid, icy, and devoid of any goodness. They know no mercy or compassion. The Koran bears witness to this, history bears witness to this, and the reality of our life bears witness to this.
What did the Jews do? They entered the village [of Deir Yassin], and killed 52 people, including 25 pregnant women. They killed 25 pregnant women. They slashed open the bellies of the pregnant women, and then cut the fetuses, laughing all the while. They would take a pregnant woman, slash open her belly, and then they would take the fetus out and cut it, laughing.
Then they took some Muslim women, stripped them of their clothes, and paraded them in convertible cars around the Jewish neighborhood. Allah is with you, oh the people of Palestine.
The second characteristic is their clinging to their lives. You Jews... A Jew clings to his life, even if it means living the life of a worm, a rodent, or a cockroach.
Cowardice is a deep-rooted characteristic of every single Jew. Cowardice... Clinging to life... The third characteristic of the Jews is their treacherous nature. The Jews are violators of covenants. Whoever believes that the Jews can honor an agreement is deluding himself. Whoever claims that the Jews honor their commitments is gullible. Whoever makes fun of us, saying the Jews are divided into doves and hawks, is a liar. There are neither hawks nor doves among them. You cannot even dream of a peaceful solution with the Jews. Forget about your dreams. They are either vultures or wolves – not doves. There are no doves or hawks among them. They are all wolves. They are all wolves. The Jew holds an olive branch in one hand, and a dagger in the other.
The dog-eaters in Korea... The people who eat dogs in North Korea produced nuclear bombs. The people who worship cows in India produced a nuclear weapon and sent satellites into space. What have we produced?
Another characteristic of the Jewish personality is the love of corruption. The Jews are behind any form of corruption in the world.
Who spread atheism in the world? Karl Marx, who was a Jew. Karl Marx, who spread atheism in the world, was a Jew! Who spread sex and prostitution in the world? Freud the Jew, who tells you that in everything that humans do, they are driven by their sexual urges. This criminal even said that a breast-feeding baby is driven by his urges. What can I say about these people? They are filthy. Who spread promiscuity in the world? Sartre, the Jewish philosopher. Who spread the treacherous Bahai faith? The Jews. Who established Freemasonry, Communism, and nationalism? The Jews.
What destroyed the world? Usury – invented by the Jews. Who is behind the alcohol trade in the world? 60% of the world's alcohol distillation industry is held by the Jews. They are human traffickers. Who invented the cinema and the theater? The Jews. The Jews are behind every form of corruption in the world.
The sixth Jewish characteristic is stinginess, miserliness, and the worship of the dirham and the dinar. The most miserly of Allah's creations are the Jews.
My brothers, God has made the Jews an example of miserliness. In Egypt, when we encounter someone stingy, we say to him: What's wrong with you, brother? You're such a Jew!