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Dec 18, 2010
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Hizbullah MP Ismail Sukariyya Accuses Israel of Sending Egypt "Agricultural Carcinogenic Medicine" and "AIDS Girls"

#2750 | 01:29
Source: Syrian TV

The following are excerpts from an interview with Hizbullah MP Ismail Sukariyya, which aired on Syrian TV on December 19, 2010.

Ismail Sukariyya: Egypt is always flooded with Israeli food products and fruits, 60%-70% of which are drowning in chemicals. This is very clear. There are 200,000 cases of kidney failure in Upper Egypt. 200,000 people receive dialysis treatment. This is because of the Israeli agricultural carcinogenic medicine, which has been imported for the past 7-8 years by the greedy “Knights of Normalization,” whose only allegiance is to their pockets.

This caused 200,000 cases [of kidney failure], and they are the statistics of last year. This year, the number is definitely higher. Let’s not even mention the AIDS girls that they are sending there, or the [Egyptair) plane coming from the US, which they downed, sending 90 Egyptian generals to the sharks. This Israel, this Zionism, kills more in times of peace than in wartime.


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