Following are excerpts from a Friday sermon delivered by Ahmad Bahr, deputy speaker of the Hamas parliament, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on September 23, 2011:
Ahmad Bahr: Allah said: "Your Lord said that he would send against them, till the Day of Judgment, those who would afflict them with cruel torment. The Lord is quick in retribution, but he is also Most Forgiving and Most Merciful." Allah Akbar!
The commentators said with regard to this blessed verse that Allah would impose the nation of Muhammad upon the Jews until the Day of Judgment, when they would be defeated and Allah would transform them, just as He transformed them [into apes and pigs] when they disobeyed Him. That is why Allah imposed the nation of Muhammad, and the Jihad-waging Palestinian people, upon those siblings of apes and pigs, until we sweep them out of our land and our holy places.