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Nov 25, 2014
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Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei: America and Europe Failed to Bring Iran to Its Knees on the Nuclear Issue

#4636 | 01:47
Source: Channel 1 (Iran)

In a recent speech delivered in Qom, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said: "America and the other colonialist European countries banded together, and did everything in their power to bring Iran down to its knees on the nuclear issue. They have not managed to bring Iran to its knees, and they never will." Khamenei's speech, delivered at an international congress on extremist and takfiri movements on November 25, 2014, was broadcast on Iranian TV's Channel 1.

Following are excerpts:

Ali Khamenei: Praise God, Iran is not bound by religious differences. Just as we helped the Shiite Hizbullah in Lebanon, we helped the [Sunni] Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and we will continue to do so in the future. We are not shackled by religious boundaries. We have never drawn a distinction between Shiites and Sunnis, between Hanafis and Hanbalis, or between Shafi'is and Zaidis.

We had our eyes set on the main goal only, and we helped… We succeeded in strengthening the fists of our Palestinian brothers in Gaza and other areas. God willing, we will continue to do so. As I have said in the past – and this is bound to happen: The West Bank must be armed, just like Gaza, and must be ready to defend itself.


In the confrontation with Iran on the nuclear issue, America and the other colonialist European countries banded together, and did everything in their power to bring Iran down to its knees on the nuclear issue. They have not managed to bring Iran to its knees, and they never will.


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