The following are excerpts from a Friday Sermon by Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi on Qatar TV:
Al-Qaradhawi: People must ask themselves why this earthquake occurred in this area and not in others. Why did it occur at this time and not another? Why? Whoever examines these areas discovers that they are tourism areas. Tourism areas are areas where the forbidden acts are widespread, as well as alcohol consumption, drug use, and acts of abomination. Whoever knows about tourism in our age knows this. These areas were notorious because of this type of modern tourism, which has become known as "sex tourism". This is a type of trade forbidden by international law. It is the third type of trade that is forbidden in the world. After the trafficking in drugs and trafficking in weapons, comes "sex tourism", in which prostitution and sexual perversion are traded. They even traffic in children. They bring poor children to be used in sexual perversions. In these areas there are about 40 children who are used, and their pictures have been posted on the Internet. Young children that are used for sexual perversions. Don't they deserve punishment from Allah?!