The following are excerpts from a Friday sermon on Qatar TV by Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi:
Al-Qaradhawi: In the last few months, a war was launched against yours truly. It is a ruthless media war, spanning most of the world in the East and the West. In this war, weapons of all kinds were used. This war was waged by global Zionism and its strategic partner, the USA. They recruited the soldiers and used mercenary writers and the reprehensible TV channels to attack me. They unleashed rabid dogs here and there to bite me with their fangs and bark at me with their voices. I can say that America has proven its ability to mobilize the media… The media, the press, the radio, and the television and to recruit whoever it wants to condemn someone or another, cast aspersions and attack someone or another. I am not surprised at the recruiting of Western media in America and Europe against me. But what really astonishes me and saddens me is the recruiting of the Arab media. The Arab media has begun to attack me at every opportunity. The newspapers have opened their doors – as well as the radio and television - to every mercenary writer that wants to attack me or to every ignoramus who does not even know me. They have opened the doors for them so they could accuse me of every possible crime. I have become the number one inciter for terrorism in the world; I have become the one who calls for the abduction and execution of hostages; I have become a preacher of violence; I have become… peculiar accusations… It is one of this world's misfortunes and the peculiarities of these days that a man must defend himself against such false allegations.
Who said that I preach terrorism and killing?! This is astonishing! Astonishing that a man faces false accusations while he is still alive and people know him and can serve as witnesses. But there are people who lie, and lie, and lie, until they believe themselves and try to make others believe them.
I don't claim things that are not in Islam and I don't invent an Islam of my own, but people invent lies about me, as if I were living in a secluded convent or in some subterranean cellar. Absolutely not! I don't believe in secret activities or organizations. I operate in full view of the public eye. People read my books and hear my sermons on the TV channels, my lectures are published for everyone to read, on my Internet website, and on the Islam Online website. People can familiarize themselves with my positions. I have nothing to hide from people, but they want to try me in an international trial. Let them try me. I do not fear these trials. I only fear Allah.