In the aftermath of the Paris attacks, French-Tunisian Imam Sheikh Hassen Chalghoumi accused politicians of deserting the enlightened European Muslim youth, who "find themselves face to face with this small deviant group." "We hoped, following the [Toulouse 2012] Merah terrorist attack, to witness more resolve and to see many [imams] deported. We hoped for this, again, following the Charlie Hebdo attack," Chalghoumi said, adding: "I hope this will happen before it spreads and we, the vast majority, pay the price." Chalghoumi was speaking on Al-Arabiya TV on November 27, 2015.
Following are excerpts
Host: "Sheikh Chalghoumi, you have spoken about the victims of the (Paris) attacks. Is there a substantial number of Muslims among them?"
Hassan Chalghoumi: "The terrorists attacked at a stadium, so of course there are. They did not check whether the targets were Muslim or not. Some were Muslims, obviously. They shot arbitrarily at Muslims and non-Muslims alike. They went to places that symbolized French coexistence. They went to the 11th arrondissement of Paris, which is a mixed area, with people of diverse nationalities. They wanted to strike at model of coexistence, and said: 'No Muslim should live alongside a (non-)Muslim. You must pay the price for your coexistence and tolerance, and living with these infidels.'
"For years I've been calling (to deport inciting imams). Unfortunately, the wretched, enlightened European (Muslim) youths, who wish to quench their religious thirst, and to build a culture based on the teachings of their religion, find themselves face to face with this small deviant group. The Politicians have deserted them. We hoped, following the (Toulouse 2012) Merah terrorist attack, to witness more resolve and to see many (imams) deported. We hoped for this, again, following the Charlie Hebdo attack. The politicians are now saying that they will do what is necessary, and will not ignore what is going on. I hope this will happen before it spreads and we, the vast majority, pay the price."