The following are excerpts from a lecture by Egyptian cleric Sheik Mahmoud Al-Masri, aired by Al-Majd TV on May 4, 2005.
Sheik Al-Masri: Allah has subjugated the Islamic nation to the most debased nation of all, to the sons of apes and pigs (i.e. Jews), because we have drifted away from obeying Allah, and from the path of Prophet Muhammad. It seems to me that every child in Palestine and Iraq is saying: "Not so long ago, I had a homeland and a family, and I lived in my mother's bosom. The Jews have shattered the walls of my home, and the Muslims have not taken my cause seriously. Not so long ago, I had a homeland and a family, and I lived in my mother's bosom. The Jews have shattered the walls of my home, and the Muslims have not taken my cause seriously."
The Prophet said, as reported in the book of Al-Muslim: "Judgment day will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Muslims kill the Jews, and then the Jews will hide behind stones and trees, and Allah will make the stones and trees speak, saying: 'Oh Muslim, the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him', except for the Gharqad tree, which is the tree of the Jews." Since the Jews believe the Prophet Muhammad, they have planted Gharqad trees throughout Palestine.