Algerian Hacker DZ27 Reportedly Hacks Dozens Of Sites Run By French Religious Affairs Ministry

February 20, 2013
On February 19, 2013, reported that over 50 French websites, including some religious sites run by the French Ministry of Religious Affairs, had been hacked by an Algerian hacker going by the handle DZ27.[1] DZ27 attacked the websites in question, which included sites belonging to churches, hospitals, and church radio channels, as well as Christian dating websites, by replacing their homepages with a page displaying a message providing his email address and links to two hacking-related websites.[2] DZ27 also extended his greetings to a number of other Algerian hackers, including OverDz, H4cker-Dz, HTC 28 DZ, Sa-Dz, and Evil-DZ. The "DZ" tag, it should be noted, refers to Algeria's top-level Internet domain. DZ27 also greeted one Soly, who belongs to a group of Egyptian hackers that includes Red Virus and I-hmx, among others. To request a full copy of this MEMRI Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor report, send us an email with the report title, number, and date in the subject line, and include your name, title, organization, and official contact info in the body of the email.

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