On October 29, 2022, a London-based pro-Islamic State (ISIS) preacher published a post on his Telegram channel promoting his new Twitter account and asking supporters to follow him. The jihadi preacher wrote that he is launching a Twitter account in light of the platform's change in leadership.
"You can now catch me on Twitter again (following the supposed promise of Elon Musk to support free speech)," said the post on his Telegram channel.
"Promoting Implementation Of Shari'a Worldwide"
The newly-created Twitter account shows that the preacher joined the platform in October, has 491 followers so far, and has posted 31 tweets.
In his account bio, he wrote: "I believe that Islam is superior and will never be surpassed. Islam is what you believe in (Tawheed), live by (Shari'ah) and struggle for (Daw'ah and Jihad)."
The preacher tweeted for the first time on October 29, arguing that he wants to use the platform to promote shari'a (Islamic law) worldwide, raise awareness about Islam, and expose the enemies of Muslims.
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