Da'wa Telegram Channel Calls On Women To Remove Their Photos From Facebook, Instagram: 'For Every Glance At Your Photos... You Get Sin Even Whilst You Are In The Grave Till Judgement Day'

March 8, 2019

On March 5, 2019, an English-language Telegram channel practicing da'wa ("invitation, preaching") shared a graphic that called on Muslim women to remove their photos from social media: "Dear sisters, when malak al mawt [the Angel of Death] comes to take your soul what will you say? Give me just one minute to remove my photos from Facebook and Instagram. Remove them now before it's too late! Because for every glance at your photos by non mehram men [i.e., men other than a woman's brother, son, husband, or father] you get sin even whilst you are in the grave till judgement day." A March 7 post on the same channel read: "A warning to all Muslim women: Sisters don't let your beauty, pride, and arrogance be what leads you to Hell... stop displaying yourselves for non mahram men to see you, and stop being a source of fitnah [strife] for our brothers who are struggling to lower their gaze... in shaa allah [Allah willing] keep your beauty for your husband only, as he is the only one who has God given rights to see you."

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