In the past few days, a Gaza-based Salafi jihadi group that supports the Islamic State (ISIS) kicked off its annual fundraising campaign across social media platforms, including Twitter, YouTube, Telegram and Facebook, urging Muslims to donate money to help it buy weapons and ammunition and make explosive devices. The campaign, titled "Equip Us," which is also an active hashtag on Twitter, has been endorsed by the Ibn Taymiyyah Media Center, a prominent pro-ISIS media group which produces jihadi materials.
To help spread the word about the campaign, the organizers have opened a number of dedicated Twitter accounts that are tweeting actively; they have created colorful banners highlighting the importance of donating and of providing financial support for jihadi groups during the month of Ramadan; and they have released articles and videos written and produced specifically for the campaign. Although they are frequently shut down, these accounts are persistently and immediately reappearing. Online jihadis on Twitter, including ISIS supporters, have been using the hashtag, promoting the campaign and encouraging people to donate by citing verses from the Quran in praise of those who contribute financially to the cause of jihad.
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