An article in the latest issue of "Voice of Khurasan," an English-language monthly magazine published by a media outlet linked to the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP), which defines itself as a supporting entity for the Islamic State (ISIS), advances the idea that mujahideen promoting jihadi ideology are spokesmen of Islam and Muslims. Citing hadiths from early Islam and from the life of Prophet Muhammad, the article explained that Muhammad himself permitted some of his companions to speak on his behalf from public platforms.
The article claimed: "The battle between kufr [unbelief] and Islam is going on different fronts and fields, and one of those battlefields is the fortress of... media. At every stage of history, the children of Islam have kept the battlefield of ... media war warm.... apart from the battle of swords.
"Indeed! This intellectual warfare is becoming more complicated day by day, and the infidels have been trying to destroy the minds of the children of the Islamic Ummah with a lot of suspicions and deceptions, to pollute their mind with the kufr and heresy."
It continued: "As part of the propaganda warfare, kuffar [unbelievers] maintain strict control on the media mechanisms, and numerous such media outlets are operational in Afghanistan and other lands of the Muslims for lobbying and propagandizing on behalf of the kuffar... "The prominent social media outlets (such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Telegram, etc.) are an effective tool of kuffar, and there is nothing to wonder about the fact that if statements, audios, videos, and other media releases of the [ISIS-led] Khilafah are publicly published on the social media pages and channels, they are immediately removed...
"But despite such severe restrictions in the media fields, with the help of almighty Allah, the knights of the Islamic State, in the media field, have been able to destroy the dreams of all the kuffar and their murtad [apostate] bootlickers. The enemies of the Allah thought that they have turned an infamous jihad claiming faction, named Taliban Emirate, into fully secularists and deceived the Islamic Ummah with many tricks and maneuvers, but the media lions of the Islamic State have proven them wrong by exposing their true color in front of the Ummah."
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