On December 7, 2017, the pro-Islamic State (ISIS) hacking entity Electronic Ghosts Group of the Caliphate released a video stating the goals of its cyberattack campaign against American targets, which is set to begin on December 8. The group's initial announcement was circulated on Telegram in a post on December 5. The narrator speaks in Arabic and uses voice distortion in the video, which has English subtitles. The following report will include the video's main points, as well as the video embedded below.
"We are the hackers of the Islamic State. The electronic ghosts group of the Caliphate. We are a group of hackers that will penetrate the global sites of governments, military ministries, companies and sensitive global sites.
"We declare the electronic war on all the piles [sic] of infidelity and apostasy that are fighting the Islamic State.
"We will face you with a massive cyber war.
"We pledge our allegiance to our Prince, the Caliph of the believers Ibrahim Awad Al-Badri Al-Qurashi, may Allah protect him and his family.
"And the next [sic] is the most terrible and bitter. Our first goals are the cursed United States. You are the first in line. You are the head of the snake, you pig worshippers..."
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