On February 28, 2015, a group of Gaza-based media activists called "Al-Nusra Al-Maqdisiya" posted a message threatening Twitter cofounder Jack Dorsey and his employees. The post, titled "Twitter in the Crosshairs of the Caliphate", comes in response to Twitter's clampdown on pro-ISIS accounts. It promises that ISIS soldiers and supporters will punish Twitter for preventing ISIS from spreading "the Caliphate's sacred message".
Image of Twitter founder Jack Dorsey in crosshairs
The following are excerpts from the message, posted on the group's own Twitter account which has since been shut down:[1]
"You are the ones who started this losing war. We told you from the beginning that it is not your war, but you didn't understand. [When] our accounts were closed down we soon returned, but when our lone lions stop you from breathing you will not return.
"O Jack [Dorsey], how will you protect your miserable employees when their necks will officially become a target for the soldiers of the Caliphate and its supporters, who are spread out among you? What will you say to their families and sons after you have involved them in this losing war?
"Go forth, oh lone mujahid, and target Twitter interests everywhere... and do not spare any sinner or infidel. [Do this by] slaughtering, smashing, choking, burning. Take initiative and do something, [and remember that] an infidel and the one who kills him will not meet in Hell.
"[Hypercacher shooter] Amedy Coulibaly, [Copenhagen shooter] Omar Hussein, [Charlie Hebdo shooters] the Kouachi brothers and others attacked you in the heart of your own countries and snatched the souls of your comrades, and no one stopped them from doing this. Who will stop their comrades from [doing the same] to you and your employees, Jack? Answer us...
"Can America with its cavalry and arrogance stop one lone Muslim in its streets [from] lying in wait for Jack's employees, male or female, young or old? Imagine that scenario, and expect it to occur at any moment, and at the soonest opportunity!...
"Jack, do not take this personally. [This] is a Caliphate which has been restored to us after a long wait, without which there would be seas of blood and body parts. You have seen a little of its [capabilities], and you should expect more."
"O foolish Jack, you had a bright future ahead of you, but it seems that you damaged your company at an early stage. You ruined everything you built by entering into a media war with the Caliphate. All kinds of losses await you, so be prepared. The Caliphate has soldiers that have sworn to support it at any price. Finally, let us share a dangerous secret with you. The Caliphate will not let anyone, no matter who, prevent it from bringing its sacred message to the world. Do you understand our message, Twitter?..."
[1] Twitter.com/vbccvcb.