On December 16, 2017, the pro-Islamic State (ISIS) hacker group Caliphate Cyber Ghosts (CCG) posted a 10-minute video on Telegram titled "And Sit in Wait for Them at Every Place of Ambush." The video delivers a threatening message to the U.S. and all other members of the anti-ISIS coalition as well as to Russia, and gives details about CCG hacking activity with promises to continue and to increase the scope of the activity. It also stated that CCG had hacked into "U.S. Army, the Interior Ministry, the State Department, and other government sites." The group has recently shared information on Telegram showing the results of its activities, which include the defacing of websites (to view the video, click below).
The full text of this report is available to MEMRI Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor subscribers. Subscription information is available at this link. JTTM subscribers can visit this page to view the report.
December 18, 2017